
Ω-羟基酸(英語:Ω-Hydroxy acids 或 Omega hydroxy acid)是羧酸的末端碳原子上的氢被羟基取代的产物,通常碳链长度大于3,常见于植物角質[1][2]


  1. ^ Kolattukudy, P. E.; Walton, T. J. Structure and biosynthesis of the hydroxy fatty acids of cutin in Vicia faba leaves. Biochemistry. 1972, 11 (10): 1897–1907. PMID 5025632. doi:10.1021/bi00760a026. 
  2. ^ Soliday, C. L.; Kolattukudy, P. E. Biosynthesis of Cutin ω-hydroxylation of fatty acids by a microsomal preparation from germinating Vicia faba. Plant Physiology. 1977, 59 (6): 1116–1121. PMC 542517 . PMID 16660004. doi:10.1104/pp.59.6.1116.