彩畫 (朝鮮半島)


彩畫[1](因常見於建築物,故又稱建築彩畫[2]),在朝鮮半島称丹青韩语:단청丹靑 dancheong[a],是指朝鲜半岛传统木制建筑和工艺品上的彩色图案[4]。丹青的颜色选择[5][6]有著象征意義,建築上色時以五种基本颜色为基础,分別為蓝色(东)、白色(西)、红色(南)、黑色(北)、黄色(中)[7][8][9]。这五种颜色反應了阴阳五行哲学思想[10]




  1. ^ 此外还有丹碧韩语:단벽丹碧 danbyeok)、金碧韩语:금벽金碧 geumbyeok)、丹雘韩语:단확丹雘 danhwak)、丹绿韩语:단록丹綠 dannok)、丹漆韩语:단칠丹漆 danchil)、髹漆韩语:휴칠髹漆 hyuchil)、髹彤韩语:휴동髹彤 hyudong)等称呼。[3]


  1. ^ 大韓民國文化体育观光部. 韩国的昨天与今天: 韩国概况. 世宗. 2015年. 
  2. ^ 杨红; 金汉玉 董健菲. 明清时期中韩宫廷建筑彩画的保护工艺. 建筑与文化. 2016年, (8). 
  3. ^ Koo, Uk-Hee. 문헌에 기록된 조선시대 단청의 종류 관련 용어에 대한 고찰. 건축역사연구. 2018-12-31, 27 (6): 19–30. doi:10.7738/JAH.2018.27.6.019. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Song, Injung; Bang, Byungsun; Oh, Semin; Ha, Hyeyoung; Kwak, Youngshin. Dancheong colors used for Korean cultural heritage architecture restoration. Color Research & Application. 2018, 43 (4): 586–595. doi:10.1002/col.22220 (英语). 
  5. ^ Insight Guides. Insight Guides South Korea (Travel Guide with Free Ebook). 12. APA Publications Services (UK) Limited. 2019. ISBN 978-1-78919-138-7. OCLC 1129082125. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Kwon, Yoo Jin; Lee, Yhe-Young. Traditional Aesthetic Characteristics Traced in South Korean Contemporary Fashion Practice. Fashion Practice. 2015-07-03, 7 (2): 153–174. ISSN 1756-9370. doi:10.1080/17569370.2015.1045348. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Korean Culture and Information Service (South Korea). Guide to Korean Culture: Korea's cultural heritage. Seoul, Republic of Korea: 길잡이미디어. 2014: 257. ISBN 978-89-7375-571-4. OCLC 882879939. 
  8. ^ History of Science and Technology in Korea. 國立中央科學館. [2021-03-03]. (原始内容存档于2012-02-16). 
  9. ^ Chung Ah-young. Dancheong: Spiritual Colors of Korea. 韓國時報. 2007-05-22 [2021-03-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-18). 
  10. ^ FAQ | Cultural Heritage Administration. english.cha.go.kr. [2021-02-27]. 
  11. ^ Cho, K. Cultural Practice as a Methodology for a Fashion Designer's Self-Expression and a New Design Possibility. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal. 2009-06-01, 37 (4): 489–503 [2021-03-03]. ISSN 1077-727X. doi:10.1177/1077727X09333166. (原始内容存档于2023-07-06) (英语). 
  12. ^ Buddhist Studies: Korean Buddhist Paintings. www.buddhanet.net. [2021-02-27]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-17).