

公民人權委員會(英語:Citizens Commission on Human Rights,縮寫為:CCHR)由山達基教與精神病學榮譽教授湯瑪士 • 薩茲博士於1969年在美國成立,資助和經營 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12],總部坐落於美國洛杉磯,設立目的是消除整個医学精神科領域(CCHR方面說辭為消除精神病學的不人道行為及虐行),以山達基的方法取而代之[13]

  • 美國加州洛杉磯日落大道6616 W
    6616 W Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, California
坐標34°05′51″N 118°20′02″W / 34.0976°N 118.334°W / 34.0976; -118.334
3,248,871 美元 (2016年) 编辑维基数据
捐款3,197,251 美元 (2018年) 编辑维基数据


公民人權委員會對精神病學的看法,直接反映了山達基創始人L·羅恩·賀伯特的立場,其作品表達了非常強烈地反精神病學的觀點。根據賀伯特的認知, 所有精神科醫生都是罪犯[14]

雖然公民人權委員會陳述其創會宗旨是“調查和揭露精神科違反人權”,但在山達基自己內部的募款出版物上,其目標是完全消除「身心性疾病」這個詞彙,並請成員實現這一目標:「參加消除精神病的團隊」、「現在該是制止精神病學和它的犯罪行為的時候了」、「消除精神科醫生正是公民人權協會正在做的事!」。[15]此差異引起許多人批評 「公民人權委員會」其實是山達基教前線組織英语Front organization#Scientology[1]






  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Industry of Death exhibition on psychiatry walks a fine line. Canada.com. 8 August 2007 [23 September 2012]. (原始内容存档于2011年6月15日). “A major purpose of Scientology is to destroy psychiatry and replace it with its own pseudo-counselling techniques. And CCHR is one of Scientology’s front-group weapons attempting to achieve that goal,” says Stephen Kent, a University of Alberta sociologist specializing in new religions and cults. Scientology holds that psychiatrists are “cosmic demons,” he says. 
  2. ^ Kirsten Stewart. Scientology's political presence on the rise. The Salt Lake Tribune. 2 July 2005 [23 September 2012]. (原始内容存档于2014年7月14日). The church [of Scientology] kept a low profile, paying professional lobbyists to press its cause or relying on CCHR, which skeptics call a front group designed to recruit Scientologists and replace psychiatry with Dianetics. 
  3. ^ [ Fence Post ]. Chicago Daily Herald (Letters to the Editor). 4 January 2001. Dangerous program / In a letter to Fence Post (Dec. 12), Susan Stozewski of the Chicago Church of Scientology attempts to promote a drug rehab program called Narconon. I wish to warn readers that Narconon is a front group for the Church of Scientology. I found from personal experience that Narconon is a sham and is, in fact, a slick device to lure unsuspecting people into Scientology. An acquaintance of mine recently discovered that she had serious liver damage from Narconon's bogus "purification" program and she now cannot get health insurance coverage. Another Scientology front group to beware of is the CCHR or Citizens Commission on Human Rights. The CCHR is using tax-exempt funds in a covert campaign to discredit psychiatric-psychology treatment. The CCHR has an extensive network of agents that are distributing distortions about psychiatric treatment and medications such as Prozac and Ritalin. This is a very dangerous thing and people should be aware that it is going on. / Jim Beebe / Northbrook 
  4. ^ U.S. Food and Drug Administration rejects Scientologists' petition. Business Wire (reprinting Eli Lilly press release). 1 August 1991. The petition sought the removal of Prozac (fluoxetine hydrochloride, Dista) from the market and was filed in October 1990 by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a Scientology front group. The FDA is to be commended on its careful review of pertinent scientific data, which led to this most recent reaffirmation of the safety and effectiveness of Prozac. From the start, the campaign against Prozac, of which the CCHR petition was a part, has been a dangerous deception. Scientology's disinformation is a menace to the public health as it attempts to frighten patients away from appropriate medical care and safe and effective medicines. 
  5. ^ 'Church' that yearns for respectability; Business of religion; Scientology. The Times. 23 June 2007. Hubbard's empire ... Citizens' Commission on Human Rights: assets £4,000; turnover £43,000 
  6. ^ The Scientology Church of Hollywood. The Globe and Mail. 11 September 1993. Scientology's physical presence in Los Angeles and Hollywood is massive. It owns at least seven large buildings, staffed by 2,500 members, and is associated with a wide array of local organizations - "front groups" to their detractors. Some are directly affiliated, like the Citizens' Commission on Human Rights, an anti-psychiatry group, and Author Services, which represents Mr. Hubbard's books and hires actors like Roddy McDowall and Bruce Boxleitner to read the Scientology founder's books on tape. Others have Scientologists on staff and use church methods. 
  7. ^ Scientology's War Of Retribution On Deep-sleep Therapy. The Age. 22 April 1991. Internal documents from the Church of Scientology, the parent organisation of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, indicate that behind the church's public battle to expose abuses of psychiatric patients lies a hidden plan of retribution. 
  8. ^ Scientology organizations. Charleston Gazette. 10 July 2005. Scientology operates several drug rehab, education and anti-psychiatry organizations. / · Narconon: The church's drug-rehabilitation program was founded 35 years ago. It has 145 centers in 38 countries. Narconon is based partly on Scientology's belief that drugs accumulate in body fat. / · Crimonon: A prison program founded in 1972 that draws on Scientology principles to rehabilitate prisoners. The program rejects traditional mental-health care. Hubbard believed that Scientology could help rid the planet of crime. / · Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR): Established in 1969 as an anti-psychiatry organization, CCHR promotes Hubbard's teachings against modern psychiatry. It charges that psychiatry has no scientific foundation, that psychiatric drugs cause violent behavior and that chemical imbalances have never been proven. 
  9. ^ Scientology faces wave of cyber attacks. Cape Times. 4 March 2008 [23 September 2012]. (原始内容存档于2017-06-22). 
  10. ^ Fink, Max. Ethics in Electroconvulsive Therapy. Philadelphia: Brunner-Routledge. 2004: 12. ISBN 0-415-94659-X. 
  11. ^ Thompson, Marie. Mental Illness. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press. 2007: 96. ISBN 0-313-33565-6. 
  12. ^ Benjamin, Gedan. Bill Would Curtail Presecriptions for Mentally Ill. The Boston Globe. 
  13. ^ Frantz, Douglas. An Ultra-Aggressive Use of Investigators and the Courts. New York Times. 1997-03-09 [2008-10-21]. 
  14. ^ 賀伯特, L·羅恩. 犯罪和精神病. 1969 [2006-06-12]. (原始内容存档于2006-06-19) (英语). 
  15. ^ 傑夫雅各布森. 人權組織攻擊「敵人」. 2004 [2008-11-04]. (原始内容存档于2020-07-13) (英语). 
  16. ^ 安德魯岡貝爾, "科學神教與科學页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)," 洛杉磯市節奏, 06年1月12日
  17. ^ "娛樂今夜页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)," 有線電視新聞網, 12月20日2005年

