
山達基教會將自己歸類為宗教,並不懈地推動各國政府認定其為宗教機構[1],但諸多學者和其他觀察家將其視為企業,因為該組織的運作更像是營利性企業,而不是宗教機構[2]。一些從事宗教研究的社會學學者認為這是一場新宗教運動。總體而言,正如學者史蒂芬·A·肯特(Stephen A. Kent)所說,山達基可以被視為一個“多元化跨行業經營跨國公司,宗教只是其眾多組成部分之一”。其他組成部分包括政治願景、商業投資、文化製作、偽醫療實踐和反精神醫學主張,以及(海洋機構成員中的)另一種家庭結構[3]





山達基教對閲讀其經典文本也有著相應級別要求和嚴格的保密要求,例如核心的「茲努」神話則必須到達「運作中的希坦三級」才可以得知,而且不可告知其他低級別信徒。麥可‧舍默在《懷疑論者》雜誌上撰文,將這種做法與主流宗教進行了對比:「想像一下皈依猶太教,但必須付費才能聽亞伯拉罕和以撒、諾亞和大洪水、或摩西十誡的故事。或想像一下加入天主教會,但在達到「運作中的神學三級」之前不會被告知有關耶穌受難和復活的事情,而這只有在經過多年和花費數萬美元參加教會開設的課程後才能達到[11]。 」




宗教研究教授休·厄本(Hugh Urban)和記者珍妮特·雷特曼(Janet Reitman)等人指出,山達基教會的創始人L·罗恩·贺伯特出於實際原因決定將這種做法作為一種宗教進行行銷[14][15][16]。科幻小説家哈蘭·艾里森說,當第一次討論創建新宗教的想法時,他就在場:“萊斯特·德爾·雷(Lester del Rey,美國科幻小説家)然後半開玩笑地說,'你真正應該做的是創造一個宗教,因為它會免稅”,就在那時,房間裡的每個人都開始對這種新宗教提出想法,所以羅恩抓住了這個格式塔想法,並吸收了細節,然後他把它寫成了《戴尼提》並賣給了約翰·W·坎貝爾,讓他刊登在《驚奇超級科學故事》雜志上[11][17]。賀伯特自己則有一個不同的起源故事,他聲稱對戴尼提在1945-50年間進行了研究。它最初被視為一門科學,但宗教思想被添加到1951年出版的《生存科學》(Science of Survival)[18]。在戴尼提基金會商業上的失敗和學科方向爭議之後,賀伯特重新審視將他的思想歸類為宗教的可能性[14]。在1953年的一封信中,賀伯特寫道,「宗教角度」作為「實際業務問題」似乎是有意義的[14]

華盛頓特區的山達基教會創始教會(Founding Church of Scientology of Washington, D.C.)於1956年獲得免稅地位,聲稱它是「一家專門為宗教目的組織和運營的公司,其收入的任何部分都不歸任何個人所有」。這一地位於1958年被撤銷,理由是(美國司法部在隨後的訴訟中辯稱)該教會「最廣泛和最重要的活動都是為了賺取大量費用」,并且「L.羅恩·賀伯特仍保持完全控制權,並從納稅人和附屬公司網絡處獲得大量報酬和津貼」[19]。該案的事實調查結果包括,賀伯特個人在四年內從教會及其附屬機構收到了超過 108,000 美元(換算到2012年價值為60萬美元),超出了他從教會及相關組織的總收入的正常比例(通常為10%)。此外,教會還支付了賀伯特的汽車和個人住宅費用,瑪麗·蘇·賀伯特向教會出租房產賺取了超過一萬美元,而支付給賀伯特女兒凱的3,242 美元「通常被指定為薪水或工資」,儘管「該記錄沒有任何證據表明賀伯特小姐曾為[教會]提供服務」。索賠法院的結論是:“從這些事實得出的結論是,賀伯特家族有權隨時將企業收益用於個人目的”[20][21]。通過教會連年的訴訟,美國國稅局於1993年給予美國山達基教會宗教承認和全額免稅資格[22]



  1. ^ What is Scientology?. [2008-01-15]. 
  2. ^ Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin. Scientology: Religion or racket? (PDF). Marburg Journal of Religion. September 2003, 8 (1): 1–56 [16 January 2013]. 
  3. ^ Kent, Stephen A. Scientology – Is this a Religion? (PDF). Marburg Journal of Religion. July 1999, 4 (1): 1–23 [March 3, 2013]. 
  4. ^ Behar, Richard. The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power. Time. 1991-05-06. (原始内容存档于January 6, 2007). 
  5. ^ Auditing as a Career. American Saint Hill Organization, Church of Scientology. [2006-08-05]. (原始内容存档于2006-08-18). 
  6. ^ Sappell, Joel; Welkos, Robert W. The Man In Control. Los Angeles Times. 1990-06-24: A41:4 [2006-06-06]. 
  7. ^ Cooper, Paulette Scandal of Scientology, Chapter 19, Tower Publications, NYC, 1971
  8. ^ L. Ron Hubbard OEC Vol 4 page 411
  9. ^ Chilling Effects Clearinghouse Database. Chilling Effects Clearinghouse. [2007-09-01]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-03). 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Kennedy, Dominic. 'Church' that yearns for respectability - Scientology is trying to transform its image from that of a shadowy cult. The Times. 2007-06-23 [2007-07-31]. (原始内容存档于October 13, 2008). 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Shermer, Michael. Is Scientology a Cult?. Skeptic. 2011, 17 (1). 
  12. ^ Understanding the German View of Scientology. germany.info. German Embassy, Washington, D.C. [19 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于2006-08-13). 
  13. ^ Welcome to Charities Definition Inquiries website. [2013-04-25]. (原始内容存档于2014-01-24). 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 14.2 Reitman, Janet. Inside Scientology: The Story of America's Most Secretive Religion . Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2011. ISBN 9780618883028. OL 24881847M. 
  15. ^ Urban, Hugh B. The Church of Scientology: A History of a New Religion . Princeton University Press. 21 August 2011: 217 [16 January 2013]. ISBN 978-0-691-14608-9. 
  16. ^ Rich, Leigh E. Book Review. The Church of Scientology: A History of a New Religion. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. 2012. 
  17. ^ Shermer, Michael. The Real Science behind Scientology. Scientific American. Nov 2011, 305 (5): 94. Bibcode:2011SciAm.305d..94S. PMID 22125870. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican1111-94. So did its founder, writer L. Ron Hubbard, just make it all up--as legend has it--to create a religion that was more lucrative than producing science fiction? Instead of printing the legend as fact, I recently interviewed the acclaimed science-fiction author Harlan Ellison, who told me he was at the birth of Scientology. At a meeting in New York City of a sci-fi writers' group called the Hydra Club, Hubbard was complaining to L. Sprague de Camp and the others about writing for a penny a word. "Lester del Rey then said half-jokingly, 'What you really ought to do is create a religion because it will be tax-free,' and at that point everyone in the room started chiming in with ideas for this new religion. So the idea was a Gestalt that Ron caught on to and assimilated the details. He then wrote it up as 'Dianetics: A New Science of the Mind' and sold it to John W. Campbell, Jr., who published it in Astounding Science Fiction in 1950." 
  18. ^ "The Story of Dianetics and Scientology" lecture 18 October 1958 by L. Ron Hubbard: And by 1938, I thought I had a common denominator to all life....So when I got out of the war...I collected my treasury checks and that was what financed the first of the research from which we benefit now. It's very funny but that was what financed it. I went right down in the middle of Hollywood, I rented an office, got ahold of a nurse, wrapped a towel around my head and became a Swami. And I said – oddly enough, I gave nobody my name, I didn't say what I was doing, and by 1947, I had achieved clearing."
  19. ^ Foster, John. Enquiry into the Practice and Effects of Scientology. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London. December 1971.  UK National Archive piece reference MH 153/606 (html version)
  20. ^ Behar, Richard. The prophet and profits of Scientology. Forbes 400. 1986-10-27. Altogether, FORBES can total up at least $200 million gathered in Hubbard's name through 1982. There may well have been much more. 
  21. ^ Behar, Richard. The prophet and profits of Scientology. Forbes 400. 1986-10-27. Altogether, FORBES can total up at least $200 million gathered in Hubbard's name through 1982. There may well have been much more. 
  22. ^ Scientology Religion Bona Fides - Recognition by the Courts. www.whatisscientology.org. [19 April 2018]. 
  23. ^ Westbrook, Donald A. Among the Scientologists. Oxford Studies in Western Esotericism. Oxford University Press. 3 Dec 2018. ISBN 978-0190664978.