


2004 年,James Lam Associates [2]研究了上市公司陷入财务困境的主要原因。研究问题是:当一家公司面临市值大幅下降(相对下降 30%)时,主要原因是什么? [3]研究团队在分析了标普500指数公司1982年至2003年的市值数据后,发现76家标普500指数公司的市值曾經在一个月内出现了大幅下跌。 [3] JLA研究团队試圖通过新闻报道、监管文件和公司声明等尋找其市值下降的根本原因。 JLA發現,61%的市值下降是由战略风险引起的,30%是由作業風險引起的,9%是由财务风险引起的。[4]然而實際上许多企业在风险管理中都淡化或忽视了战略风险。


  1. ^ What is strategic risk? definition and meaning - BusinessDictionary.com. BusinessDictionary. WebFinance Inc. [December 9, 2018]. (原始内容存档于December 19, 2018). 
  2. ^ James Lam & Associates. jameslam.com. [2018-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2008-03-03). James Lam Associates (JLA) is an independent consulting firm founded in 2002 by James Lam. The firm is exclusively focused on risk management and works directly with chief risk officers (CROs), CEOs, CFOs, and other executives from global financial institutions, energy firms, multinational companies, and government service organizations The firm offers consulting services in all aspects of risk management and board and executive training services. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 James., Lam. Enterprise risk management : from incentives to controls Second. Hoboken, New Jersey. ISBN 9781118834367. OCLC 874147295. 
  4. ^ Strategic Risk Management: The next frontier for ERM (PDF). jameslam.com. [2018-12-10]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2020-01-10).