末扎库叙利亚语:Mār Zaku),又名阿库亚斯拉丁语:Akouas或Acuas),摩尼教创建者摩尼的弟子之一,早期教会的传道者,生年不详,卒于公元300年。[1]


末扎库受摩尼派遣,到萨珊帝国西部传播摩尼教信仰。[2]萨拉米斯的爱比法英语Epiphanius of Salamis记载,末扎库是罗马帝国的一名退伍军人。有学者认为,末扎库可能是一名罗马战俘,在他被强制停留在萨珊帝国期间发现并皈依了摩尼教。[3]






  1. ^ Iricinschi, Eduard & Holger M. Zellentin (eds.) Heresy and Identity in Late Antiquity: "the Nomen Manichaeorum and Its Uses in Late Antiquity." Page 149.
  2. ^ Anderson, Graham. Sage, Saint and Sophist: Holy Men and Their Associates in the Early Roman Empire. Routledge, 1994.
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Lieu, Samuel N.C. Manichaeism in the Later Roman Empire and Medieval China: a Historical Survey. Pages 68-69. Manchester University Press, 1985.
  4. ^ Chase, Frederic H. (ed.) Saint John of Damascus: Writings. Page 127. CUA Press, 2000.
  5. ^ 博伊斯《中古波斯语和帕提亚语摩尼教文献读本》,第140页
  6. ^ F. C. Andreas & W. B. Henning, Mitteliranische Manichiaica Chinesisch-Turkestan, III, Sb. PAW, 1934, e, 29 sq.; H.-J. Klimkeit, Gnosis on the Silk Road, New York, 1997, p.87; Y. Yoshida, “Manichaean Aramaic in the Chinese Hymnscroll ”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 46,2,1983:329.