
約翰·厄爾·沙利文(英語:John Earle Sullivan,化名包括:Jayden X[2]Activist John[3],1994年7月18日)是长期居住于犹他州鹽湖縣桑迪市的一名美國政治運動[4]。沙利文曾以競速滑冰选手的身份参加了2018年冬季奧林匹克運動會的选拔赛,但未能入选。[5]

John Earle Sullivan
居住地 美国犹他州鹽湖縣桑迪市

苏利文是自称反法西斯主义和抗议警察暴力的组织「美國叛乱」(Insurgence USA)的创始人,[6]这是一个在2020年夏天喬治·佛洛伊德之死事件后成立的政治活动组织。[7]许多媒体因此称他与antifa有关联,但联邦政府随后说他与antifa无关[8]



沙利文有一个同为领养的兄弟,詹姆斯·沙利文(James Sullivan)。詹姆斯·沙利文是一个名为“文明觉醒”(Civilized Awakening)的右翼组织的创始人[10][12],詹姆斯曾在一次访谈中称,约翰“直到最近”都是一个保守派。[3]


2020年6月29日,由机动车辆组成的“支持警察”(Back the Blue)示威活动在犹他州普若佛市警察局周围举行。苏利文等人组织了反抗议活动,封锁车辆。在抗议活动中,有人向一辆车开枪,一名司机受伤。一名叫杰西·塔格特(Jesse Taggart)的男子被控谋杀未遂。[13][14]苏利文因抗议被捕。[15]据警方证词,苏利文在抗议期间损坏了车辆,并与他创立的反对警察暴力的反法西斯活动组织「美國叛乱」合作,招募抗议者进行抗议。[7][15][16]

2020年7月22日,沙利文携带AR-15半自動步槍在犹他州议会大厦举行了单人武装抗议活动。他遭到犹他州公民警报组织(Utah Citizens' Alarm)的20名武装人员的反抗议。抗议活动持续了数小时。[17][18]

2021年1月6日,在2021年冲击美国国会大厦事件期间,苏利文进入了國會大廈并拍摄了大量视频,包括阿什利·巴比特(Ashli Babbit)的死亡视频。[19][20][21]苏利文后来向警方和FBI探员讲述了枪击事件。[22]他随后在媒体的采访中回应称:“我觉得她(阿什利·巴比特)不应该死。她没有武器。她什么都没有。”[23]


因为他在Facebook上使用过“#BLM”和“#Antifa”标签,沙利文成为了右翼阴谋论称為反法西斯主义运动是国会大厦骚乱的幕后黑手的对象。虽然他声称自己是以摄影记者的身份到场,但他拍摄到自己在进入大楼前曾大喊“让我们把这狗屎烧掉”(let's burn this shit down)。他说这是为了“混入”骚乱的人群中。[22]

雖然沙利文反對唐納德·川普,但他在2020年美國總統選舉結果的問題上認同了川普支持者的觀點,相信該結果是偽造的。1月26日,沙利文與信息大戰網站作戰室節目英语The War Room with Owen Shroyer主持人歐文·施羅耶(Owen Shroyer)共同討論「左派和右派如何統一起來,擊敗全球主義者的議程」。在節目中,沙利文認為喬·拜登2020年美國總統選舉中的獲勝是可疑的。他提到,「你看不到有人打著拜登2020的旗幟舉行拜登集會,但是你卻會看到很多川普集會和川普2020集會。這就說明了一切。」「我是否認為可能存在某種錯誤計數或操縱?是的,我認為這是存在的。」[27]


  1. ^ Utah Activist Inside U.S. Capitol Says Woman Killed Was First To Attempt Entrance In House Chamber. KSLTV.com. 2021-01-07 [2021-01-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). 
  2. ^ Dickinson, Tim. 'I Don't Think She Deserved to Die': Black Activist Who Filmed Ashli Babbitt Shooting Speaks Out. Rolling Stone. 2021-01-14 [2021-01-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-13). John Sullivan was arrested and charged on January 14th, according to the Department of Justice, with "one count of knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority, one count of violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds, and one count of interfering with law enforcement engaged in the lawful performance of their official duties incident to and during the commission of civil disorder." An FBI affidavit discounts Sullivan's claim to be a journalist ... John Sullivan, a.k.a. Jayden X, is a civil rights activist and crowdfunded video journalist ... Sullivan's profile is unique: The 26-year-old is a resident of Utah and a former competitive speed skater who participated in the 2018 Olympic trials. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Mackey, Robert. John Sullivan, Who Filmed Shooting of Ashli Babbitt in Capitol, Detained on Federal Charges. The Intercept. 2021-01-14 [2021-01-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-15) (英语). Sullivan, who began calling himself “Activist John” last summer 
  4. ^ Okoren, Nicolle. The birth of a militia: how an armed group polices Black Lives Matter protests. The Guardian. 2020-06-27 [2021-01-16]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-15) (英语). Sullivan, one of the few black men organizing for racial justice in Utah, is not from Provo but Sandy, a suburb of Salt Lake City. 
  5. ^ KSL Olympic News Coverage. KSL-TV. 2018-01-07 [2020-01-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-15) –通过Sullivan's YouTube channel. 
  6. ^ Donaldson, Amy. Utah activist inside U.S. Capitol says woman killed was first to try and enter House chamber. Deseret News. 2021-01-07 [2021-01-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-15) (英语). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Jeff Tavss. Utah activist claims he was just documenting US Capitol insurgence. fox13now. 2021-01-09 [2021-01-14]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-15). 
  8. ^ Curt Devine, Majlie de Puy Kamp and Scott Glover. Giuliani uses unfounded 'Antifa' argument to defend Trump. CNN. [2021-03-31]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-27). 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Marantz, Andrew. When Reporting Becomes a Defense for Rioting. The New Yorker. 2021-02-03 [2021-02-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-17). 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Gehrke, Robert. What we know about John Sullivan, charged with rioting at the U.S. Capitol. The Salt Lake Tribune. 2021-01-16 [2021-01-16]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-16) (英语). 
  11. ^ Meet John: An Aspiring Speed Skater. Uber Blog. 2016-08-04 [2021-01-16]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-08). 
  12. ^ This man turned in his own brother for his involvement in the Capitol insurrection. Wusa9.com. 2021-01-21 [2022-02-05]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-02). 
  13. ^ Knox, Annie. Utahn charged with shooting at driver during Provo protest ordered to pay higher bail or return to jail. Deseret News. 2020-08-04 [2021-01-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-09). 
  14. ^ Roberts, Alyssa. Police: Man arrested for shooting at Provo protest is known. KUTV. 2020-07-03. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10). Some, including an organizer with Insurgence USA, indicated they believe the driver who was shot was trying to drive into protesters who were blocking the road. "After seeing the violence ... and everything that transpired that day, it came to my realization that this place needed it the most, because nowhere in Salt Lake City have I seen that just blatant hatred, people trying to run people over. Just disrespectful," John Sullivan told 2News. 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 Reavy, Pat. Organizer of Provo protest arrested, accused of rioting, making threats. Deseret News. 2020-07-10. (原始内容存档于2021-01-15). 
  16. ^ Richardson, Ryan. Top Utah County stories (2): Provo protests inspire state legislation. Utah Daily Herald. (原始内容存档于2021-01-15). One of the organizers of the event, 25-year-old John Earle Sullivan of Sandy, was also taken into custody for his involvement in the unlawful assembly. The protest was considered unlawful because organizers had not received a permit for the event, according to arrest documents. Sullivan and his organization, Insurgence USA, reportedly promoted the event online and made social media postings that advocated for other protesters to join. Authorities alleged that Sullivan committed riotous acts as a protest organizer, and he was arrested under the suspicion of third-degree felony rioting, class A misdemeanor criminal mischief and class B misdemeanor threat of violence. 
  17. ^ Ewan Palmer. 20 men with guns confront solo armed black protester at Utah Capitol. Newsweek. 2020-07-23 [2021-01-15]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-30). 
  18. ^ Nicolle Okoren. The birth of a militia: how an armed group polices Black Lives Matter protests. The Guardian. 2020-07-27 [2021-01-15]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-30). 
  19. ^ Foulger, Matthew. AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF CRIMINAL COMPLAINT AND ARREST WARRANT. U.S. Department of Justice. [2021-01-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-14). 
  20. ^ Video shows fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt in the Capitol. Washington Post via Seattle Times. 2021-01-08 [2021-01-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-11). John Sullivan, a liberal activist who shoots video at a range of protests and who filmed the footage on Wednesday 
  21. ^ Ruiz, Michael. BLM activist inside Capitol claims he was 'documenting' riots. Fox News. [2021-01-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-15). Sullivan says he was standing near Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt when she was shot and killed in the Capitol, and video appears to show him on the scene. 
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 McCarthy, Bill. Facebook posts wrongly claim left-wing activist, antifa 'incited' US Capitol mob. PolitiFact. 2021-01-08 [2021-01-14]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-15). 
  23. ^ Dickinson, Tim. 'I Don't Think She Deserved to Die': Black Activist Who Filmed Ashli Babbitt Shooting Speaks Out. Rolling Stone. 2021-01-15 [2021-01-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-15) (美国英语). 
  24. ^ Reavy, Pat. Salt Lake Valley man charged federally for alleged role in U.S. Capitol riot. Deseret News. 2021-01-14 [2021-01-14]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-15) (英语). A Sandy man who participated in a pro-Trump rally at the U.S. Capitol that turned into a violent attack has been charged for his alleged involvement that day. John Earle Sullivan, 25, was charged federally on Wednesday with being on restricted property, civil disorder and “violent entry or disorderly conduct,” according to a complaint filed in U.S. District Court in the District of Columbia. 
  25. ^ Dickinson, Tim. John Sullivan, Who Filmed Ashli Babbitt Death at Capitol, Opens Up. Rolling Stone. 2021-01-14 [2021-01-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-15). John Sullivan was arrested and charged on January 14th, according to the Department of Justice, with “one count of knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority, one count of violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds, and one count of interfering with law enforcement engaged in the lawful performance of their official duties incident to and during the commission of civil disorder.” An FBI affidavit discounts Sullivan’s claim to be a journalist .. Sullivan’s profile is unique: The 26-year-old is a resident of Utah and a former competitive speed skater who participated in the 2018 Olympic trials. 
  26. ^ Foulger, Matthew B. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. JOHN EARLE SULLIVAN. 2021-01-13 [2021-01-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-15). He has admitted that he has no press credentials and the investigation has not revealed any connection between SULLIVAN and any journalistic organizations. 
  27. ^ 高芸 (编). 安提法頭目沙利文:拜登獲勝「有貓膩」. 看中國. 2021年1月30日 [2021年2月4日]. (原始内容存档于2021年2月9日). 
