

汉学家尤里·阿列克谢耶维奇·祖耶夫指出,“處月”这个译名可能是仿译为“月[神]居处”;“處密”则是“日[神]居处”,其中“密”对译中古伊朗语神名Mihr,是祆教主神,掌管盟约、誓言和光明,与太阳有模糊的联系。不过,祖耶夫引Gabain(1931、1934)指出,无论是突厥佛经还是突厥摩尼教文献,都没有在提到日月(突厥语kün ay)时给出宗谱的含义。[5]令人困惑的是,祖耶夫还将Chigil与波斯语čihil“40”联系起来。[6]

Kamoliddin (2006)提出,民族地名Chigil包含语素-il(突厥语“土地、国家”)。[7]Alyılmaz (2017)将Čigil释为部落名Çik(古突厥语 𐰲𐰃𐰚:𐰉𐰆𐰑𐰣 Çik bodun)加复数后缀-GIl的产物,[8]这个部落在《唐会要》中被记作“赤”[9][10],在毗伽可汗鄂尔浑碑铭中被称为黠戛斯的盟友、后突厥的敌人。[11]不过《唐会要》中“赤部”和沙陀部并举,[12] 不过Atwood (2010)根据埃·捷尼舍夫 (1965) & Saguchi (1986)的研究,对学术界普遍将炽俟部视同处月部(沙陀部的来源)[13]的看法表示怀疑,因为“处月”的名称与现代甘肃裕固族的一支“骨”(部落)——Chunghyl的发音很接近。[14]

至于*Čömül阿拉伯语 Jumul جمل),H. W. Bailey认为其来自伊朗语*čamṛta < čam-“像战士一样大步走”,取“挺进者”之义。[15]


Hamilton (1962)、Zuev (2002)首次将炽俟部与《隋书》中提到的铁勒職乙部联系起来。[16][17]不过,由于原文“薄落職乙咥”无标点,因此对这些人名、族名之断也各不相同,例如可能断作“[薄落職][乙咥]”两部。[18]


Zu-l-Karnein军到达摩尼教国家Argu的塔拉兹时,一场暴雨形成了厚厚的泥浆。道路变得无法通行,愤怒的Zu-l-Karnein用波斯语喊道:“In chi gil ast?!”–“这是什么泥?!我们出不去了!”于是下令在原地建造一座名为“Chigil”的建筑,这里的突厥人于是也被称为Chigils。从Djeyhun(阿姆河)到中国,穿Chigil样式的长服的游牧突厥人也被称为Chigil[20] ... 游牧Chigil(及Tukhsī]])居住在Barsghān以外的Quyās镇附近,两条Keykān河汇入伊犁河,为他们提供了水源i[21] ... 该部落的另一支居住在塔拉兹附近的Chigil镇,第三支分部在喀什噶尔附近的同名村庄。



祖耶夫据司马光资治通鉴》指出“沙陀本朱耶”[26],并进一步断言“朱邪”对译突厥语的jüz“百”。Chigil-沙陀人信仰摩尼教,“百”不仅见于军事词,也是宗教范畴,如yüz er“百僧”,古突厥碑铭一些摩尼教黠戛斯石碑上就有记载。[27] Chigil、样磨突骑施一支、鄂尔浑突厥后裔踏实力部(Tuhsi)[28][29]联合为葛逻禄,自9世纪以来基本上混同了。[30]《世界境域志》(982–3)将Chigil人描述为葛逻禄叶护国的成员,占据了七河地区,包括葛逻禄以北以东的伊塞克湖周围。据描述,他们拥有巨额财富,国王“是自己人”。另据报道,“他们中的一些崇拜太阳和星星”。[31]

Chigil是喀喇汗国的主体民族,是军队的主力。[32]9世纪时,Chigil与样磨两部形成了葛逻禄的核心,此外还有谋落/謀剌(Bulaq?)、踏實力(Tashlyk?)、娑匐[a][33](Sebeğ?)[34][35]与熾俟。Golden (1992)临时性地将“熾俟”与“處月”等同,同时Atwood (2010.1)将“熾俟”与《旧唐书》“朱斯”相联系;没有将“熾俟~朱斯”与“處月”相联系,而与沙陀部“朱邪”相联系。[36]这个葛逻禄语汗国分为东西两部分,有各自的可汗,以东为长,首都设在喀什八剌沙衮(邻近吉尔吉斯斯坦托克马克的Buran)。他来自Chigil部,头衔是Arslan Kara-Hakan;西可汗来自样磨,头衔是Bogra Kara-Kagan,首都在塔拉兹,后来移动到撒马尔罕[37]






摩尼教中,狮子是威武无情的兽中之王,是一个中心形象。这是一种外来的意识形态:狮子并不是中亚的原生动物,因此对中亚人来说原本并不具有象征意义。身着长袍的Chigil居民的礼拜堂没有经济活动痕迹,标志是狮子(突厥语Arslan, Bars)。[40]

塔拉兹、摩尼教和狮子之间的关系记录在突厥摩尼教《两根本圣书》(Iki Jïltïz Nom)中,勒柯克吐鲁番高昌国遗址(1907)发现了残片。这本书是献给Chigil-Arslan部落的统治者(Beg)的,名字分别是Il-Tirgüg、Ap-Burguchan、Alp-Tarhan [Henning, 1977, p. 552],完成于Argu-Tala城。手稿跋文提到了使用该书的Arslan Mengü。[41]塔拉兹有4个摩尼教修道院,分别位于Chigil-balyk、Kashu、Ordu-kent、Yigyan-kent。[42]

7世纪中叶,西突厥叶护阿史那贺鲁在起义中联合了处月、处密和葛逻禄人。祖耶夫将阿史那贺鲁的古突厥语名字构拟为*Aru,他认为这与突厥摩尼教的arïg(如arïg dïntar“纯洁的祭司”)是一个词。[43]


中世纪文献中记载的许多居民点名称都来自Chigil,例如新疆Chigil-kant、Chigil-balyk以及七河地区的Chigil:[44] 文献提及,伊塞克湖南岸曾有Yar城,是Djikil(即Chigil)部首领的居所,[45]至今的地名仍是Chil。该地名的各种形式均来自突厥族群名Chiyal(即Chigil)。[46]


  1. ^ 也作“婆匐”/“婆娑”;Ecsedy (1980)认为当作“娑”


  1. ^ Golden, P.B. (1992) An Introduction to the History of the Turkic Peoples in Turcologica (9). p. 199
  2. ^ Zuev, "Early Turks: Essays of history and ideology", Almaty, Daik-Press, 2002, p. 145, 250
  3. ^ Lee, J.Y. (2018) "Some remarks on the Turkicisation of the Mongols in post-Mongol Central Asia and the Qipchaq Steppe页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)" in Acta Orientalia 71(2). p. 129 of 121-144
  4. ^ Gumilyov L.N., "Ancient Türks", Moscow, 'Science', 1967, Ch. 20页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (In Russian)
  5. ^ Zuev, Yu.A. (2002) Early Turks: Essays on History and Ideology, Almaty Daik Press. p. 221, 249 (in Russian)
  6. ^ Yu. Zuev, "Early Türks: Essays of history and ideology", Almaty, Daik-Press, 2002, p. 249, 146 (in Russian)
  7. ^ Kamoliddin, Shamshid Ancient Türkic Toponyms of the Middle Asia, Tashkent, Shark, 2006, p. 74
  8. ^ Alyılmaz, Semra. "On Plurality Category and Teaching in Turkish"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) in Journal of Education and Training Studies, Vol. 5, No. 9; September 2017
  9. ^ 唐会要·軍雑録页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)》:“赤馬。與迴紇(契)苾餘沒渾同類。行。”
  10. ^ Zuev, Yu. Horses Tamgas from Vassal Princedoms (Translation of Chinese composition "Tanghuiyao" of 8-10th centuries), Kazakh SSR Academy of Sciences, Alma-Ata, 1960, p. 98, 113 of 93-139 (in Russian)
  11. ^ Ross, E. Denison "The Orkhon Inscriptions: Being a Translation of Professor Vilhelm Thomsen's Final Danish Rendering" in Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London, Vol. 5, No. 4 (1930). P. 873 of 861-876
  12. ^ 唐会要·軍雑録页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)》:“沙陁馬,印 阝”
  13. ^ 新唐书· 沙陀列传页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)》:沙陀,西突厥別部處月種也
  14. ^ Atwood, Christopher P. (2010). "The Notion of Tribe in Medieval China: Ouyang Xiu and the Shatup Dynastic Myth". Miscellanea Asiatica: p. 602, n. 27 of 593–621.
  15. ^ Golden, Peter B. Cumanica V: The Basmils and Qipčaqs. Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi 15. 2007: 15–16. 
  16. ^ Hamilton J. "Toquz-Oghuz et On-Uyghur." Journal Asiatique. No 250, 1962 p. 26
  17. ^ Zuev, Yu.A. (2002) Early Turks: Essays on History and Ideology, Almaty Daik Press. p. 220 (in Russian)
  18. ^ Cheng, Fanyi. "The Research on the Identification between the Tiele (鐵勒) and the Oğuric tribes" in Archivum Eurasiae Medii AeviARCHIVUM EURASIAE ed. Th. T. Allsen, P. B. Golden, R. K. Kovalev, A. P. Martinez. 19 (2012). Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden. p. 104-108
  19. ^ Volin, 1960, p. 81-82
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 Zuev, "Early Turks: Essays of history and ideology", Almaty, Daik-Press, 2002, p. 191, ISBN 9985-4-4152-9
  21. ^ ibid., iii, 132, v.i., p. 301, note 4. Quyash(突厥语“太阳”)据说位于伊犁河左岸;蒙古时代是察合台的宿营地
  22. ^ Kāshgharī, i, 330
  23. ^ Minorsky, V. Hudud al-'Ālam. "Regions of the world. A Persian Geography 372 A. H. – 982 A. D." London, 1937, pp. 298–299
  24. ^ Malyavkin, 1974, p. 100; Li Fan, Ch. 425, p. 3458-3459
  25. ^ Barenghi, Maddalena. Representations of Descent: Origin and Migration Stories of the Ninth- and Tenth-century Turkic Shatuo (PDF). Asia Major. 3d. 2019, 32 (1): 57–58 [2023-11-01]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2022-02-14). 
  26. ^ 资治通鉴·唐紀三十九(卷223)》:“沙陀姓朱耶,世居沙陀磧,因以為名。”
  27. ^ Zuev, "Early Turks: Essays of history and ideology", Almaty, Daik-Press, 2002, p. 146, ISBN 9985-4-4152-9
  28. ^ Gumilyov, L. Searches for an Imaginary Kingdom: The trefoil of the Bird's Eye View' Ch. 5: The Shattered Silence (961-1100)页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  29. ^ Pylypchuk, Ya. "Turks and Muslims: From Confrontation to Conversion to Islam (End of VII century - Beginning of XI Century)" in UDK 94 (4): 95 (4). In Ukrainian
  30. ^ S. G. Klyashtorny, T. I. Sultanov, "States And Peoples of the Eurasian Steppe", St. Petersburg, 2004, p.117, ISBN 5-85803-255-9
  31. ^ Minorsky, V. Hudud al-'Ālam. "Regions of the world. A Persian Geography 372 A. H. – 982 A. D." London, 1937, pp. 98–99
  32. ^ Barthold, Turkestan, 317.
  33. ^ Ecsedy, Ildikó "A Contribution to the History of Karluks in the T'ang Period" in Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Vol. 34, No. 1/3 (1980), p. 29-32
  34. ^ "Karluk Djabghu State (756-940)"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆Qazaqstan Tarihy
  35. ^ Golden, Peter B. (1992). An Introduction to the History of the Turkic People. Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden. p. 197
  36. ^ Atwood, Christopher P. The Notion of Tribe in Medieval China: Ouyang Xiu and the Shatuo Dynastic Myth. Miscellanea Asiatica. 2010 [2023-11-01]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-26). 
  37. ^ S. G. Klyashtorny, T. I. Sultanov, "States And Peoples of the Eurasian Steppe", St. Petersburg, 2004, p.118, ISBN 5-85803-255-9
  38. ^ 38.0 38.1 Faruk Sumer, "Oguzlar", Ankara, 1967, p. 27
  39. ^ Z. V. Togan, "Turkistan Tarihi", Istanbul, 1947, p. 60, note 80
  40. ^ Yu. Zuev, "Early Türks: Essays of history and ideology", Almaty, Daik-Press, 2002, p. 193, ISBN 9985-4-4152-9
  41. ^ Zuev, "Early Turks: Essays of history and ideology", Almaty, Daik-Press, 2002, p. 203, ISBN 9985-4-4152-9
  42. ^ Yu. Zuev, "Early Türks: Essays of history and ideology", Almaty, Daik-Press, 2002, p. 207, ISBN 9985-4-4152-9
  43. ^ Zuev, "Early Turks: Essays of history and ideology", Almaty, Daik-Press, 2002, p. 221, ISBN 9985-4-4152-9
  44. ^ Sh. Kamoliddin, "Ancient Türkic Toponyms of the Middle Asia", Tashkent, Shark, 2006, p. 42 (in Russian, no ISBN)
  45. ^ Sh. Kamoliddin, "Ancient Türkic Toponyms of the Middle Asia", Tashkent, Shark, 2006, p. 92
  46. ^ Sh. Kamoliddin, "Ancient Türkic Toponyms of the Middle Asia", Tashkent, Shark, 2006, p. 126
  • Prof. Yu. A. Zuev, Early Turks: Essays of history and ideology
  • Chavannes, Édouard (1900), Documents sur les Tou-kiue (Turcs) occidentaux. Paris, Librairie d’Amérique et d’Orient. Reprint: Taipei. Cheng Wen Publishing Co. 1969.
  • Findley, Carter Vaughn, The Turks in World History. Oxford University Press, (2005). ISBN 0-19-516770-8; 0-19-517726-6 (pbk.)
