
《2000年照顧標準法令》(英語:Care Standards Act 2000,縮寫CSA)是英國國會的一項法令,它規定了各種護理機構的管理,包括兒童之家、獨立醫院、護養院(nursing home)及安老院(residential care home)。

Care Standards Act 2000
詳題An Act to establish a National Care Standards Commission; to make provision for the registration and regulation of children’s homes, independent hospitals, independent clinics, care homes, residential family centres, independent medical agencies, domiciliary care agencies, fostering agencies, nurses agencies and voluntary adoption agencies; to make provision for the regulation and inspection of local authority fostering and adoption services; to establish a General Social Care Council and a Care Council for Wales and make provision for the registration, regulation and training of social care workers; to establish a Children’s Commissioner for Wales; to make provision for the registration, regulation and training of those providing child minding or day care; to make provision for the protection of children and vulnerable adults; to amend the law about children looked after in schools and colleges; to repeal the Nurses Agencies Act 1957; to amend Schedule 1 to the Local Authority Social Services Act 1970; and for connected purposes. This act was set up to ensure that all individuals who use health care services are receiving the care that they are entitled too.
地域範圍 英国英格蘭及威爾斯蘇格蘭北愛爾蘭
相關法例Nurses Agencies Act 1957, Local Authority Social Services Act 1970

該法令於2002年4月頒布,取代了《1984年註冊院舍法令》(Registered Homes Act 1984)及《1989年兒童法令英语Children Act 1989》(Children Act 1989)的部分內容,這些法令涉及兒童的照料或住宿。


