


台湾龙蜥 Diploderma swinhonis
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 爬行綱 Reptilia
目: 有鳞目 Squamata
亚目: 鬣蜥亞目 Iguania
科: 飛蜥科 Agamidae
亚科: 飛蜥亞科 Draconinae
属: 龍蜥屬 Diploderma
Hallowell, 1861
Diploderma polygonatum
Hallowell, 1861




1861年,愛德華·哈洛威爾發表了琉球龙蜥此一物種,並建立「Diploderma」此一新屬,但後來該屬被視為是龍蜥屬(Japalura)的異名,而長期被遺忘不用。 1999年,赵尔宓等《中国动物志: 爬行纲(第二卷)有鳞目. 蜥蜴亚目》将Japalura 的中文属名定为“龙蜥属”,并广泛使用[2]。 2018年,奧克拉荷馬大學王剀博士等人於《林奈學會動物學雜誌》(Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society)提出過去的龍蜥屬Japalura)並非單系群,其地理分布和親緣關係上都跟其他的樹棲鬣蜥混雜。為了解決物種混亂的問題,王剀等人將广义的龙蜥属(Japalura sensu lato)拆分為四個屬- JapaluraDiplodermaCristidorsaPseudocalotes。恢复了 Diploderma 的有效性,并将其中文属名改为“龙蜥属”,而之前称为“龙蜥属”的 Japalura 的中文属名则改为“攀蜥属”[1]

2020年后,部分中国学者建议将 Japalura 的中文名恢复为《中国动物志》中的“龍蜥屬”,而将 Diploderma 的中文属名改名为“攀蜥屬”[3][4][5]。然而王凯等反对这种不必要的中文名变更问题,建议维持物种中文名的稳定性[6]。在王凯等的《中国两栖、爬行动物分类变动汇总》中也未接收该建议,仍将 Diploderma 称为“龙蜥属”。[7]




根据爬行动物数据库(The Reptile Database)中的记录,截止2023年6月,本属包含以下46种:

  • 細紋龍蜥 Diploderma angustelinea Wang, Ren, Wu, Che & Siler, 2020
  • 敖閏龍蜥 Diploderma aorun Wang, Jiang, Zheng, Xie, Che & Siler, 2020
  • 巴塘龍蜥 Diploderma batangense (Li, Deng, Wu & Wang, 2001)
  • 博窝龙蜥 Diploderma bowoense Wang, Gao, Wu, Siler & Che, 2021
  • 短尾龍蜥 Diploderma brevicaudum (Manthey, Denzer, Hou & Wang, 2012)
  • 短肢龍蜥 Diploderma brevipes (Gressitt, 1936)
  • 沙壩龍蜥 Diploderma chapaense (Bourret, 1937)
  • 大渡攀蜥 Diploderma daduense Cai, Liu & Chang, 2024[8]
  • 丹巴龙蜥 Diploderma danbaense Liu, Hou, Ananjeva & Rao, 2023[9]
  • 稻城龙蜥 Diploderma daochengense Cai, Zhang, Li, Du, Xie, Hou, Zhou & Jiang, 2022[10]
  • 东朗龙蜥 Diploderma donglangense Liu, Hou, Ananjeva & Rao, 2023[9]
  • 侏龙蜥 Diploderma drukdaypo (Wang, Ren, Jiang, Zou, Wu, Che & Siler, 2019)
  • 裸耳龍蜥 Diploderma dymondi (Boulenger, 1906)
  • 條紋龍蜥 Diploderma fasciatum (Mertens, 1926)
  • 草綠龍蜥 Diploderma flaviceps (Barbour & Dunn, 1919)
  • 黃唇龍蜥 Diploderma flavilabre Wang, Che & Siler, 2020
  • 丽喉龙蜥 Diploderma formosgulae Wang, Gao, Wu, Dong, Shi, Qi, Siler & Che, 2021
  • 宜賓龍蜥 Diploderma grahami (Stejneger, 1924)
  • 緬甸龍蜥 Diploderma hamptoni Smith, 1935
  • 翡翠龍蜥 Diploderma iadinum Wang, Jiang, Siler & Che, 2016
  • 九龙龙蜥 Diploderma jiulongense jiulongense Liu, Hou, Ananjeva & Rao, 2023[9]
  • 康定龙蜥 Diploderma kangdingense Cai, Zhang, Li, Du, Xie, Hou, Zhou & Jiang, 2022[10]
  • 滑腹龍蜥 Diploderma laeviventre laeviventre Wang, Jiang, Siler & Che, 2016
  • 黎明龙蜥 Diploderma limingense limingense Liu, Hou, Rao & Ananjeva, 2022
  • 呂氏龍蜥 Diploderma luei Ota, Chen & Shang, 1998
  • 溪頭龍蜥 Diploderma makii Ota, 1989
  • 勐海龙蜥 Diploderma menghaiense Liu, Hou, Wang, Ananjeva & Rao, 2020
  • 米倉山龍蜥 Diploderma micangshanense Song, 1987
  • 玉靈龍蜥 Diploderma ngoclinense Ananjeva, Orlov & Nguyen, 2017
  • 蟠螭龍蜥 Diploderma panchi Wang, Zheng, Xie, Che & Siler, 2020
  • 蟠龍龍蜥 Diploderma panlong Wang, Che & Siler, 2020
  • 琉球龍蜥 Diploderma polygonatum Hallowell, 1861
  • 麒麟龍蜥 Diploderma qilin Wang, Ren, Che & Siler, 2020
  • 硕曲龙蜥 Diploderma shuoquense Liu, Hou, Rao & Ananjeva, 2022
  • 貢山龍蜥 Diploderma slowinskii Rao, Vindum, Ma, Fu & Wilkinson, 2017
  • 麗紋龍蜥 Diploderma splendidum Barbour & Dunn, 1919
  • 山地龙蜥 Diploderma swild Wang, Wu, Jiang, Chen, Miao, Siler & Che, 2019[11]
  • 臺灣龍蜥 Diploderma swinhonis Günther, 1864
  • 塔城龙蜥 Diploderma tachengense Liu, Hou, Ananjeva & Rao, 2023[9]
  • 昆明龍蜥 Diploderma varcoae Boulenger, 1918
  • 帆背龍蜥 Diploderma vela Wang, Jiang & Che, 2015
  • 新龙龙蜥 Diploderma xinlongense Cai, Zhang, Li, Du, Xie, Hou, Zhou & Jiang, 2022[10]
  • 察隅龙蜥 Diploderma yangi Wang, Zhang & Li, 2022
  • 永胜龙蜥 Diploderma yongshengense Liu, Hou, Rao & Ananjeva, 2022
  • 玉龍龍蜥 Diploderma yulongense Manthey, Denzer, Hou & Wang, 2012
  • 雲南龍蜥 Diploderma yunnanense Anderson, 1878
  • 汶川龍蜥 Diploderma zhaoermii Gao & Hou, 2002


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Wang, Kai; Che, Jing; Lin, Simin; Deepak, V.; Aniruddha, Datta-Roy; Jiang, Ke; Jin, Jieqiong; Chen, Hongman; Siler, Cameron D. Multilocus phylogeny and revised classification for mountain dragons of the genus Japalura s.l. (Reptilia: Agamidae: Draconinae) from Asia. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zly034 (英语). 
  2. ^ 赵尔宓, 赵肯堂, 周开亚等. 中国动物志: 爬行纲(第二卷)有鳞目. 蜥蜴亚目. 北京: 中国科学出版社. 1999. ISBN 9787030067500. 
  3. ^ Liu, Shuo; Hou, Mian; Wang, Jian; Ananjeva, Natalia Borisovna; Rao, Dingqi. A New Species of Diploderma (Squamata: Sauria: Agamidae) from Yunnan Province, China. Russian Journal of Herpetology. 2020-06-24, 27 (3): 127–148. doi:10.30906/1026-2296-2020-27-3-127-148. 
  4. ^ Bo CAI; Xiang JI,Yingyong WANG; et al. An Annotated List of Lizards (Sauria: Squamata) Recorded from the People’s Republic of China. Asian Herpetological Research. 2022, 13 (1): 64–74 [2022-06-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-06-20) (中文(中国大陆)). 
  5. ^ Gao, Zhiwei; Qian, Tianyu; Jiang, Jianping; Hou, Dejia; Deng, Xuejian; Yang, Daode. Species diversity and distribution of amphibians and reptiles in Hunan Province, China. Biodiversity Science. 2022-02-20, 30 (2): 21290. doi:10.17520/biods.2021290. 
  6. ^ Wang, Kai; Qi, Shuo; Wang, Jian; Köhler, Gunther; Lu, Chen-Qi; Lyu, Zhi-Tong; Wang, Jian; Wang, Ying-Yong; Che, Jing. Revision of the Diploderma fasciatum (Mertens, 1926) Complex (Reptilia: Agamidae: Draconinae). Ichthyology & Herpetology. 2022-09-13, 110 (3): 511–525 [2023-05-02]. doi:10.1643/h2021123. 
  7. ^ 王剀,张栋儒, 侯绍兵,吴云鹤. (2023). 2022年中国两栖、爬行动物分类变动汇总. "中国两栖类"信息系统. (https://www.amphibiachina.org/ckfinder/userfiles/files/2022%E5%B9%B4%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD%E4%B8%A4%E6%A0%96%E7%88%AC%E8%A1%8C%E5%8A%A8%E7%89%A9%E5%88%86%E7%B1%BB%E5%8F%98%E5%8A%A8%E6%B1%87%E6%80%BB-%20FV-20230106.pdf)
  8. ^ Cai, B.; Liu, F.; Liang, D.; Hou, M.; Zhou, H.; Zhong, J.; Li, J.; Chang, J. A New Species of Diploderma (Squamata, Agamidae) from the Valley of Dadu River in Sichuan Province, with a Redescription of Topotypes of D. splendidum from Hubei Province, China. Animals 2024, 14, 1344. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani14091344
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Shuo Liu, Mian Hou, Natalia B. Ananjeva and Dingqi Rao. 2023. Four New Species of the Genus Diploderma Hallowell, 1861 (Squamata, Agamidae) from China. ZooKeys. 1148: 167-207. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1148.97706
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Bo Cai, Meihua Zhang, Jing Li, Simeng Du, Feng Xie, Mian Hou, Huaming Zhou and Jianping Jiang. 2022. Three New Species of Diploderma Hallowell, 1861 (Reptilia: Squamata: Agamidae) from the Shaluli Mountains in Western Sichuan, China. Asian Herpetological Research. 13(4); 205-224. DOI: 10.16373/j.cnki.ahr.220040
  11. ^ 四川发现蜥蜴新物种——山地龙蜥,口腔颜色“稀奇”. NSII. [2023-02-16]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-16).