
文档图示 模块文档[创建]
local p = {}
local lib_var = {}
local lib_arg = {}
local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
local mError = require('Module:Error').error
local fullurl = require('Module:Fullurl')._fullurl

local function plainlink (url, text)
	return mw.html.create():tag('span'):addClass('plainlinks'):wikitext('[' .. url .. ' ' .. text .. ']')

function p.find_dyk_edit_by_DYKEntry(frame) 
	local pattern = "{{%s*DYKEntry%s*|.-timestamp%s*="
	if lib_var._arg_process == nil then lib_var = require('Module:Var') end
	local args, working_frame = lib_var._arg_process(frame)
    local title = args[1] or args['1']
    local offset = tonumber(args[2] or args['2'] or '0') or 0
    title = mw.title.new( args[1], '')
    if title then
    	local wikitext = title:getContent()
    	wikitext = mw.text.decode(wikitext)
    	local _,count = mw.ustring.gsub(wikitext, pattern, '')
    	local h_id = count + 1 + offset
    	return title:fullUrl( {action='edit',section=h_id}, 'relative' )
    return ''

function count_dyk_section(frame, title, offset) 
	local pattern = "\127'\"`UNIQ%-%-h%-(%d+)%-%-QINU`\"'\127" -- <h></h>或章節標題的strip marker是十進位 (截至2020年3月4日)
    offset = tonumber(offset or 0) or 0
    title = mw.title.new(title, '')
    if title then
    	local wikitext = title:getContent()
    	wikitext = mw.text.decode(wikitext)
    	wikitext = mw.ustring.gsub(wikitext, '[%<%[%{%}%]%>%|%a%d]', '*') --有人奇特簽名會出錯,因此轉義掉;另{}不轉義掉會模板循環。
    	wikitext = mw.ustring.gsub(wikitext, '%*+', '%%') --清理重複轉義字元以減少解析器負擔
    	local avoid_r = frame:newChild{ title = title.fullText, args = {} }
    	local checker = avoid_r:preprocess( "== ~ ==\n\n" .. wikitext ) --前方字串是基底,移除會導致運算出問題
    	local max_id, min_id = 0, -1
    	mw.ustring.gsub(checker, pattern, function(h_id)
    		local h_idx = tonumber(h_id) -- <h></h>或章節標題的strip marker是十進位 (截至2020年3月4日,如未來有更動請修改或新增第二參數)
    		if h_idx then
    			if h_idx > max_id then max_id = h_idx end
    			if min_id < 0 or h_idx < max_id then min_id = h_idx end
    	if (max_id + offset - min_id - 1) < 0 then
    		return max_id
		return max_id + offset - min_id - 1
    return ''

function p.find_dyk_edit_by_hN(frame) 
	local pattern = "\127'\"`UNIQ%-%-h%-(%d+)%-%-QINU`\"'\127" -- <h></h>或章節標題的strip marker是十進位 (截至2020年3月4日)
	if lib_var._arg_process == nil then lib_var = require('Module:Var') end
	local args, working_frame --這裡因技術問題需要客制化參數讀取,否則參數會遭外層覆蓋
    if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then
        -- We're being called via #invoke. The args are passed through to the module
        -- from the template page, so use the args that were passed into the template.
        if lib_arg.getArgs == nil then lib_arg = require('Module:Arguments') end
        args = lib_arg.getArgs(frame)
        working_frame = frame
        -- We're being called from another module or from the debug console, so assume
        -- the args are passed in directly.
        args = frame
        working_frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
        if type(args) ~= type({}) then args = {frame} end
    local title = args[1] or args['1']
    local offset = tonumber(args[2] or args['2'] or '0') or 0
    title = mw.title.new( args[1], '')
    if title then
    	local wikitext = title:getContent()
    	wikitext = mw.text.decode(wikitext)
    	wikitext = mw.ustring.gsub(wikitext, '[%<%[%{%}%]%>%|%a%d]', '*') --有人奇特簽名會出錯,因此轉義掉;另{}不轉義掉會模板循環。
    	wikitext = mw.ustring.gsub(wikitext, '%*+', '%%') --清理重複轉義字元以減少解析器負擔
    	local avoid_r = working_frame:newChild{ title = title.fullText, args = {} }
    	local checker = avoid_r:preprocess( "== ~ ==\n\n" .. wikitext ) --前方字串是基底,移除會導致運算出問題
    	local max_id, min_id = 0, -1
    	mw.ustring.gsub(checker, pattern, function(h_id)
    		local h_idx = tonumber(h_id) -- <h></h>或章節標題的strip marker是十進位 (截至2020年3月4日,如未來有更動請修改或新增第二參數)
    		if h_idx then
    			if h_idx > max_id then max_id = h_idx end
    			if min_id < 0 or h_idx < max_id then min_id = h_idx end
		return title:fullUrl( {action='edit',section=(max_id + offset - min_id - 1)}, 'relative' ) .. '&summary=提交新的新条目推荐评选提名'
    return ''

function p.getDYKCount(frame)
	if lib_var._arg_process == nil then lib_var = require('Module:Var') end
	local args, working_frame = lib_var._arg_process(frame)
    local input_n = mw.text.trim(args[1] or args['1'] or '')
	local src = working_frame:preprocess{ text = "{{msgnw:" .. input_n .. "}}" }
	local st,ed = mw.ustring.find(src, "&#123;&#123;%s-[Pp]roduceEncouragement%s-&#124;%s-count%s-&#61;%s-%d+%s-&#125;&#125;" );
	if st then
		local dyk_template = mw.ustring.sub(src, st,ed)
		st,ed = mw.ustring.find(dyk_template, "count%s-&#61;%s-%d+" )
		dyk_template = mw.text.decode(mw.ustring.sub(dyk_template, st,ed))
		st,ed = mw.ustring.find(dyk_template, "%d+" )
		local dyk_count = mw.ustring.sub(dyk_template, st,ed)
		return dyk_count;
		return 0;

local function button(frame, args)
	local text = args[1] or args['1'] or ''
	local section = args[2] or args['2'] or 0
	if text == '' then
		text = '提交新评选提名'
	local getlink = yesno(args['link'] or 0)
	local onlyurl = yesno(args['only'] or 0)
	local buttonclass = "mw-ui-button " .. (args['class'] or "mw-ui-progressive mw-ui-big")
	local url_arg = {
		title = 'Wikipedia:新条目推荐/候选',
		action = 'edit',
		section = count_dyk_section(frame, 'Wikipedia:新条目推荐/候选', section),
		summary = '提交新的新条目推荐评选提名',
		onlyurl = 1
	local url = fullurl(url_arg)
	local plainurl = plainlink( url , mw.text.tag('span',{ class = buttonclass } , text )  )
	local wt
	if getlink then
		return plainlink( url , text  )
	if onlyurl then
		wt = 'https:' .. url
		return wt
	wt = mw.text.tag('div',{ style = "text-align: center;"}, tostring(plainurl))
	return wt

function p.button (frame)
	if lib_var._arg_process == nil then lib_var = require('Module:Var') end
	local args, working_frame = lib_var._arg_process(frame)
	return button(frame, args)

return p