
{{Infobox museum|名称=新沃克博物馆|图像=New Walk Museum main entrance.jpg|established=1849年|location=英国,莱斯特|curator=马克·伊万斯|website=新沃克博物馆和艺术画廊}}{{expert|time=2018-03-05T23:37:30+00:00}}

{{OSM Location map | lat =52.6308 | lon =-1.131 | float=right | zoom =14 | width = 255 | height = 300 | minimap = file | mini-file=Leicestershire UK district map (blank).svg | mini-width=100 | mini-height=75 | minipog-x=52 | minipog-y=39 | scalemark =106 | mark-lat = 52.628954 | mark-lon =-1.127765 | label = New Walk Museum |label-pos=top | mark-title = New Walk Museum | mark-image = New Walk Museum Leicester 2.JPG | mark-description = New Walk Museum, Leicester, has been A public museum since 1849. The building was designed by Joseph Hansom. }} 新沃克博物馆和艺术画廊,是一所位于英国莱斯特市新沃克街的博物馆,离莱斯特市中心不远[1]。建于1849年,新沃克博物馆是英国最早成立的公共博物馆之一[2],其展品涵盖科学与人文艺术领域,富有国际色彩的同时兼具本地风情。博物馆原建筑由双轮双坐马车的设计者乔瑟夫·汉森所设计[3],曾经历过数次扩建,最近的一次是在2011年。




出土于索尔河畔巴罗村的蛇颈龙亚目骨架,昵称“巴罗腌鱼” 。








新沃克博物馆拥有全英国最为丰富的德国表现主义画作收藏。这些画作包括格奥尔格·巴泽利茨瓦西里·康定斯基以及保罗·克利的作品,均在二战之前由纳粹德国走私而来[14]。纳粹党谴责了这些画家的作品(详情请见1937年颓废艺术展览)。 德国犹太人实业家及艺术收藏家阿尔弗雷德·黑斯之子汉斯·黑斯曾担任新沃克博物馆的策展人助手。   







{{Commons category|New Walk Museum}}


Category:英國博物館 Category:萊斯特旅遊景點

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 {{Cite web|url= Walk Museum and Art Gallery|accessdate=2018-03-06||language=en}}
  2. ^ {{Cite web|url= Walk Museum Vision — University of Leicester|accessdate=2018-03-06|last=cj36||language=en}}
  3. ^ {{Cite book|title=The Architectural Achievement of Joseph Aloysius Hansom (1803–1882)|last=Harris|first=Penelope|publisher=The Edwin Mellen Press|year=2010|isbn=0-7734-3851-3|location=|pages=}}
  4. ^ Leicester City Council {{webarchive|url= May 2012}}
  5. ^ {{Cite journal|title=The Rutland Cetiosaurus: the anatomy and relationships of a Middle Jurassic British sauropod dinosaur|author=Upchurch P, Martin J|url=|journal=Palaeontology|issue=45|doi=10.1111/1475-4983.00275|others=|year=2002|volume=6|page=1049–1074|pmid=}}
  6. ^ {{Cite journal|title=A new genus of pliosaur (Reptilia: Sauropterygia) from the Lower Jurassic of Holzmaden, Germany|author=Adam S. Smith|url= Vincent|year=2010|volume=5|page=1049-1063|pmid=}}
  7. ^ "Sir David Attenborough launches Dinosaur Gallery at Leicester's New Walk Museum", Culture24, 7 September 2011.
  8. ^ Leicester City Council {{webarchive|url= May 2012}}
  9. ^ {{Cite journal|title=Precambrian fossils from Charnwood Forest|author=Ford, T. D.|url=|journal=Yorkshire Geological Society Proceedings|issue=31|doi=10.1144/pygs.31.3.211|others=|year=1958|volume=3|page=211-217|pmid=}}
  10. ^ {{Cite web|url=’s fossil celebrity: Charnia and the evolution of early life|accessdate=5 April 2016|author=|date=|publisher=University of Leicester}}
  11. ^ {{Cite web|url= discovery of Charnia masoni|accessdate=5 April 2016|author=|date=|last=Mason|first=Roger|publisher=University of Leicester}}
  12. ^ "In April 1957, I went rock-climbing in Charnwood Forest with two friends, Richard Allen and Richard Blachford (‘Blach’), fellow students at Wyggeston Grammar School, Leicester. I was already interested in geology and knew that the rocks of the Charnian Supergroup were Precambrian although I had not heard of the Australian fossils. Richard Allen and I agree that Blach (who died in the early 1960s) drew my attention to the leaf-like fossil holotype now on display in Leicester City Museum. I took a rubbing and showed it to my father, who was Minister of the Great Meeting Unitarian Chapel in East Bond Street, taught part-time at University College (soon to be Leicester University) and thus knew Trevor Ford. We took Trevor to visit the fossil site and convinced him that it was a genuine fossil. His publication of the discovery in the Journal of the Yorkshire Geological Society established the genus Charnia and aroused worldwide interest. ... I was able to report the discovery because of my father’s encouragement and the enquiring approach fostered by my science teachers. Tina Negus saw the frond before I did but no one took her seriously."
  13. ^ Leicester City Council {{webarchive|url= July 2014}}
  14. ^ {{Cite news|url= New Walk Museum exhibits German Expressionist art|author=|date=3 October 2014|work=BBC|accessdate=5 April 2016}}
  15. ^ Lewis, Caroline. "Attenborough donates Picasso ceramics collection to Leicester New Walk Museum", Culture24, 7 June 2007. Retrieved 7 December 2009.
  16. ^ "New art exhibition highlights the contrasts between war and peace", Leicester City Council, 23 March 2011.