

{{Infobox event | title = 2017 imprisonment of Hong Kong democracy activists | image = 20170820 March in support of jailed Hong Kong activists 2.jpg | image_size = | image_upright = | image_alt = | caption = Supporters of the jailed activists marching on 20 August 2017 |native_name = | native_name_lang = | english_name = | time = | duration = | date = {{start date|2017|08|17}} | venue = | location =香港 | coordinates = | also_known_as = | type = Imprisonment | theme = | cause = Their roles in a protest at the Civic Square | first_reporter = | budget = | patron = | organisers = | filmed_by = | participants = 黃之鋒羅冠聰周永康 | outcome = Applauded by the pro-Beijing camp but decried by pro-democracy figures in Hong Kong | casualties1 = | casualties2 = | casualties3 = | reported deaths = | reported injuries = | reported missing = | reported property damage = | burial = | inquiries = | inquest = | coroner = | arrests = | suspects = | accused = | convicted = 3 | charges = | trial = | verdict = | convictions = | sentence = 6 (Wong), 7 (Chow) and 8 (Law) months in prison | publication_bans = | litigation = | awards = | url = | blank_label = | blank1_label = | blank2_label = | website = | notes = }}

2017年8月1日,三名香港政治人物,黃之鋒羅冠聰周永康,被香港高等法院上訴法庭判以监禁。原因是 their roles in a protest at the {{tsl|en|Civic Square (Hong Kong)||Civic Square}} in front of the 香港特別行政區政府總部 (建築物) in 添馬, 金鐘, on 26 and 27 September 2014. The events at the Civic Square helped set off 雨傘革命, sometimes referred to as the 雨傘運動佔領區, which lasted until police cleared the last of the protest sites in December 2014.

The three had originally been convicted and given {{tsl|en|community service||community service}} orders or, in the case of Chow, a 缓刑. The government appealed their sentences and successfully pursued harsher punishments. The trio's imprisonment was applauded by the 建制派 but decried by pro-democracy figures in 香港 as well as international politicians and 人权 advocates, who have called the activists Hong Kong's first 良心犯, and alleged that the sentence is intended to intimidate other would-be activists.

The sentence also disqualifies the three from running for office for five years, quashing their political aspirations in the near future. Wong had previously sought election but was barred due to his age, while Law, democratically elected to the 香港立法會 in September 2016, was removed from office in July 2017 following a 香港立法會宣誓風波.








{{see also|2016年及2017年香港政治制度改革}} 香港特別行政區行政長官特区政府的行政首长及政府首脑。中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法第45条规定“香港特别行政区行政长官在当地通过选举或协商产生,由中央人民政府任命。行政长官的产生办法根据香港特别行政区的实际情况和循序渐进的原则而规定,最终达至由一个有广泛代表性的提名委员会按民主程序提名后普选产生的目标”[4][5]。 Following the transfer of Hong Kong to China in 1997, the pro-democratic camp pushed for the election of the chief executive in 2007 through universal suffrage. On 26 April 2004, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPCSC), a mainland Chinese legislative body, ruled out the possibility that universal suffrage would be allowed in 2007.[6] In 2007, the NPCSC ruled out the 2012 election of the legislature and chief executive through universal suffrage, but stated that the Legislative Council and the chief executive could be elected through universal suffrage in 2016 and 2017, respectively.[7] {{see also|831 decision}} However, democratic aspirations stalled on 31 August 2014, when the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in Beijing made {{tsl|en|831 decision||a decision}} that chief executive candidates in 2017 would be required to "love the country and love Hong Kong"; that all candidates would be screened by a nominating committee of a composition paralleling the existing Election Committee, which is dominated by pro-Beijing interests; and that any chief executive elected through these means would then have to be appointed by the Chinese government. The decision was intensely decried by the pan-democratic camp, who said the arrangement would not amount to genuine democracy.[8]

2014 Civic Square protests


导致判决的事件发生在香港特別行政區政府總部前院的东翼({{tsl|en|Civic Square (Hong Kong)||公民广场}}。新修的政府总部于2011年开放,由建筑师{{tsl|en|Rocco Design Architects||Rocco Yim}}设计,其理念为“门永远开放”,象征着香港人对“治理的开放和透明”的骄傲。[9][10] In keeping with this design concept, the Civic Square was originally open to the public when the new government headquarters was inaugurated in 2011.[9]

这个广场成为了政治示威活动的热门地点。2014年中旬,这里爆发力反对实行新界東北發展計劃的数次抗议活动。作为回应,2014年7月16日前后,work began on a permanent three-metre high metal fence, closing off the Civic Square from Tim Mei Avenue. The Hong Kong government stated that the barrier was a necessary security measure while others stated that the move ran contrary to Hong Kong people's right to freedom of assembly, which is codified in the Basic Law. The government responded that protests would be allowed in the square on public holidays if the director of the Administration Wing consented in advance. Other areas of the complex were fortified at the same time as the Civic Square.[9]

Concurrently with the fortification of the square, the government's controversial democratic reform proposals, coupled with the {{tsl|en|831 decision||831 decision}}, were triggering discontent and protests. On 22 September 2014, students launched a week-long class boycott campaign, coupled with demonstrations at the government complex. At around 22:30 on 26 September 2014, protesting students scaled the fence that had been erected in July in an attempt to "retake" the Civic Square. Police managed to regain control of the square, and {{tsl|en|Kettling||kettled}} dozens of protesters on the circular base of the flagpoles, where they were denied access to water and the toilet.[11] At the same time, a large number of protesters amassed outside the Civic Square. The square was cleared by police by the end of the following day, with more than 60 people arrested.[12] Wong, Chow, and Law were among those arrested.

The incident immediately helped kick off the 2014 Hong Kong protests, also known as the Umbrella Movement, which saw the motorway in front of the government complex, Harcourt Road, occupied by protesters until 11 December 2016.[13]


东区裁判法院, where the trio initially received noncustodial sentences in August 2016



2016年8月15日,三人被判刑[15]。黄之锋被判以80个小时{{tsl|en|community service order|社区服务令|社区服务令}},罗冠聪被判以120个小时的服务令[15]。周永康被判以三个星期的监禁,缓刑一年来让他按计划前往倫敦政治經濟學院学习[16]


The trio subsequently served these initial sentences.




2016年10月,{{tsl|en|Court of Appeal (Hong Kong)||上诉法院}}同意听取政府对原判的上诉[25]

Law, Wong, and Chow speaking to media and supporters before entering court on 17 August 2017




Pik Uk Correctional Institution, a maximum security youth prison where Wong is held

Wong was sent to Pik Uk Correctional Institution, a maximum security facility for male prisoners below the age of 21.[32][33]




是次判決在香港反应不一。泛民主派和民权活动界的政治人物對其批评較多,他们认为刑罚不成比例,不满于律政司司长提出上诉,而且坐席法官不考虑三位当事人的行为公民不服从(可造成缓刑)。而建制派则认为判决十分合理。The legal profession has also responded to allegations by the media that the Hong Kong judiciary had been influenced or controlled by the Communist Party of China through the Hong Kong Bar Association and the Law Society of Hong Kong, stating that there is no indication of such influence.[34]

判刑时,Joshua Wong wrote in a series of tweets that the sentence will not halt the activism for universal suffrage and democracy, or "赢得香港人的心".[35][36] 其他香港的泛民主派政治人物也批评了法院的裁决。Academic Benny Tai at The University of Hong Kong, who also faces prosecution for his role in the 2014 protests, stated that civil disobedience to "challenge the law or acts of injustice by the government" is a necessary part of a civilised society.[37]











美国民主党的领导人蘭希·佩洛西美国众议院表示该执政是不公正的 "shock the conscience of the world". She described the prison sentence as an "egregious decision", and that the resulting disqualification of Wong, Law and Chow to run for public office was unjust. She also regarded the sentence to be against "the basic notions of freedom and democracy".[54]

25位国际人士公布了一项联合声明,认为这一监禁是“非常不公正”的。署名者对雨伞运动给予了高度的评价,并认为判刑“是一个无耻的司法错误,是香港法治和基本人权的丧钟,严重打击了‘一国两制’的原则”。声明由知名政客、维权活动家和前政治犯签署,这包括了{{tsl|en|David Alton||David Alton}}、{{tsl|en|Paddy Ashdown||Paddy Ashdown}}、{{tsl|en|Sonja Biserko||Sonja Biserko}}、查爾斯·波、{{tsl|en|Fiona Bruce||Fiona Bruce}}、{{tsl|en|John Dayal||John Dayal}}、Andrew Khoo、大衛·喬高、{{tsl|en|John McCarthy (ambassador born 1947)||John McCarthy}}、穆罕默德·纳希德、{{tsl|en|Geoffrey Nice||Geoffrey Nice}}、{{tsl|en|Consiglio Di Nino||Consiglio Di Nino}}、{{tsl|en|Grover Rees III||Grover Rees III}}、馬爾科姆·里夫金德、{{tsl|en|Janelle Saffin||Janelle Saffin}}、查尔斯圣地亚哥克里斯·史密斯、{{tsl|en|Charles Tannock||Charles Tannock}}、阿利萨·瓦希德和Zarganar[36] The group also questioned whether punishing the activists twice (as Wong, Law, and Chow have already served their initial community service orders) contravenes provisions against {{tsl|en|double jeopardy||double jeopardy}} in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.[55]


香港大學法律學院讲师张达明质疑为什么上诉法院认为被告的行为是“严重暴力”,早些时候东区法官已经清除了这三人犯下的任何暴力行为。He stated that there did not seem to be any evidence presented that the three committed violence, and questioned whether the Court of Appeal had effected a "substantial and grave injustice". He said there were grounds for the three to appeal the ruling to the Court of Final Appeal, 香港最高法院[56]





Other jailings

本条目重点介绍了2017年最显眼的三名被监禁活动家。The high-profile imprisonment of Wong, Law, and Chow spurred some Hong Kong media outlets to compile lists of all individuals who have allegedly been imprisoned for political reasons. On 15 August 2017, 13 protesters who stormed the Legislative Council building in June 2014 (during a protest against the planned North East New Territories new towns) were handed prison sentences of eight to 13 months after a similar push by the Department of Justice for more severe sentences than the community service orders they originally received.[13][38][43]






Category:雨傘革命 Category:2017年香港 Category:香港罪案 Category:香港人權

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  8. ^ {{cite news|title=Hong Kong democracy protesters enter government complex|url= September 2014}}
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