
九圣(Wali Sanga或Wali Songo),又音译为瓦利松戈[1],是指在爪哇岛传播伊斯兰教的九个穆斯林,因其于伊斯兰教在印度尼西亚的传播中的影响力而被尊为圣人。



每位圣人通常会被冠以“苏南英语苏南 (印度尼西亚头衔)”的称号,在爪哇語中,苏南(sunan)一词可能来源于suhun,在此语境中意为“尊敬的”。[3]另外一种说法认为这个词来自福建方言,“su”来自于“suhu”或者“saihu”,意思是老师。而“nan”则是南方,表示这些哈纳斐追随者是从中国南方来的。[2]

圣人的墓地被视作谒陵英语谒陵 (伊斯兰教)或本地(爪哇岛)朝聖的去处。[4]


一些苏菲派穆斯林从印度古吉拉特邦出发,途径苏木都剌国(现属亞齊特區的一部分)来到爪哇岛。最早的圣人马利克·易卜拉欣英语Malik Ibrahim(源自撒馬爾罕)于公元1419年来到爪哇。

考证他们的血统困难重重,但大多数学者都认为他们有阿拉伯血统。[5] 虽然道统英语silsila被列于各种爪哇皇家编年史(如《万丹历史英语Sejarah Banten》)以表明祖先血统,但道统在蘇非主義中指老师的世系。其中一些精神世系被马丁·范·布鲁尼森英语Martin van Bruinessen引用在他的关于万丹苏丹国英语Banten Sultanate的著作中, 尤其是关于苏南·古农·查提英语Sunan Gunung Jati的。[6]

虽然信徒们时常将九圣视作在爪哇岛传播伊斯兰教的先驱,但一般认为是鄭和在第一次航行(公元1405 - 1407年)期间到达的爪哇的时候带来的伊斯兰教。

其中一部分圣人具有华人血统:苏南·安佩尔英语Sunan Ampel(中文名Bong Swi Ho)、苏南·博囊英语Sunan Bonang(安佩尔之子,Bong Ang)、苏南·卡利查加英语Sunan Kalijaga(Gan Si Cang)等。[7]亦有学者认为部分圣人为华人穆斯林的后代。[8]

来自占婆的穆斯林公主德维·詹德拉勿兰(Dewi Candrawulan)是拉登·拉赫迈特(Raden Rahmat,即苏南·安佩尔)的母亲,苏南·安佩尔是马利克·易卜拉欣的儿子,也是其他圣人的祖先或老师。[9][10]


九圣的人员构成因不同的文献来源而各不相同。下面的名单被广泛接受,但它的真实性很大程度上依赖于一些早期来源的重复引用,以及在学校教科书和其他现代科目中被强化为“事实”。该名单不同于《爪哇国土史英语Babad Tanah Jawi》手稿中所启示的。


起初,伊斯兰教在群岛的传播并不容易。根据历史记载,在约800年的时间跨度里,伊斯兰教也没有建立实质的影响。唐朝的历史文献表明,来自中东的商贾在公元674年到达了位于苏门答腊岛的三佛齐王国,[12][13][14]和位于爪哇岛诃陵王国,[15][16][17][18]也就是阿里·本·阿比·塔利卜到穆阿威叶的过渡时期。在十世纪,一群叫Lor部落的波斯人来到了爪哇岛,他们定居于Ngudung(古突士县英语Kudus Regency)的一片被称作Loram(源自意为北方的词语“Lor”)的区域内。他们也在锦石英语Gresik等地建立了社区,可追溯到公元10世纪的法蒂玛·宾蒂·迈蒙印度尼西亚语Fatimah binti Maimun陵墓的墓碑被认为是波斯部落移民的证据。[19][20]

马可·波罗的记录中他提到,在1292年从中国返回意大利时,他并未走陆上丝绸之路,而是走的朝波斯湾的水路。他在不剌(今亚齐波腊英语Perlak, Aceh)停留时,得知当地有3群人:全为穆斯林的华人、全为穆斯林的波斯人和崇拜树木、岩石和鬼神的内陆土著。[21][22]在他的证词中,他对八剌剌国(卑列拉苏丹国英语Peureulak Sultanate的《元史》译名[23],《大德南海志》中译作“不剌”[24]):你必须知道的是,经常光顾这个王国的撒拉森人商人已经将当地人转变为穆罕默德的信徒了——我的意思是只有镇民,因为爪哇山民像野兽一样生活在世界各地,吃人肉或其他无论干净与否的肉。[25][26]


公元15世纪初,Ali Murtadho和Ali Rahmat(马利克·易卜拉欣的儿子们)从占婆移居到爪哇岛,[30][31]即Sheikh Ibrahim Samarqandi(马利克·易卜拉欣)定居杜板某地(位于现今的帕朗镇Gesikharjo村)。马利克·易卜拉欣于1419年葬于此地。在葬礼过后,他的两个儿子前往满者伯夷的首都,因为他们的姑姑(Dwarawati公主)嫁给了满者伯夷国王格尔达布米。[32]随后,他们都成为了满者伯夷的官员。Ali Murtadho成为管理穆斯林的Raja Pandhita, 而 Ali Rahmat被委任为泗水地区的伊玛目。Ali Rahmat又被称为Raden Rahmat,即后来的苏南·安佩尔。[33]

In sum, multiple sources and conventional wisdom agree that the Wali Songo contributed to the propagation of Islam (but not its original introduction) in the area now known as Indonesia. However, it is difficult to prove the extent of their influence in quantitative terms such as an increase in the number of adherents or masjids in the areas of their work in contrast to localities where they were not active. [34][35][36][37][38]

Names of the Walisongo

Some of the family relationships described below are well-documented; others are less certain. Even today, it is common in Java for a family friend to be called "uncle" or "brother" despite the lack of 血親.

Additional Wali sanga

Sources of information

Information about Wali Sanga is usually available in three forms:

(a) cerita rakyat英语cerita rakyat: usually written as school texts for children to understand the lives and teaching of the holy men who propagated Islam in Java and Sumatra. Some have been made into TV series, segments of which are available on YouTube.
(b) Kraton (Indonesia)英语Kraton (Indonesia) (palace) manuscripts with 'sacred' connotations: in verse and subject to limited access.
(c) articles and books about the historical personages: by Indonesian and non-Indonesian writers who attempt to ascertain historical accuracy, sometimes by seeking corroboration from non-Indonesian accounts of history or religion.

See also


  1. ^ Jeffrie Geovanie. 具有印尼特色的农历新年. 印度尼西亚商报. 2014-01-29 [2017-10-16] (中文). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 哈比比:中国送给印尼最宝贵的礼物是伊斯兰教. 印度尼西亚商报. 2016-02-17 [2017-10-16] (中文). 
  3. ^ Ricklefs, M.C. A History of Modern Indonesia since c.1300, 2nd Edition. London: MacMillan. 1991: 9–10. ISBN 0-333-57689-6. 
  4. ^ Schoppert, P., Damais, S., Java Style, 1997, Didier Millet, Paris, pp. 50, ISBN 962-593-232-1
  5. ^ Freitag,Ulrike. Hadhrami Traders, Scholars and Statesmen in the Indian Ocean, 1750s to 1960s. Leiden: Brill. 1997: 32–34. 
  6. ^ Martin van Bruinessen. Shari`a court, tarekat and pesantren: religious institutions in the sultanate of Banten. Archipel. 1995, 50 (1): 165–200. doi:10.3406/arch.1995.3069. (原始内容存档于2009-10-26). 
  7. ^ Muljana, Prof. Dr. Slamet. Runtuhnya kerajaan hindu-jawa dan timbulnya negara-negara islam di nusantara. Yogyakarta: LKiS. 2005: 86–101. ISBN 979-8451-16-3. 
  8. ^ Muljana, Slamet. collapse of Hindu-Javanese kingdom and the emergence of the Islamic countries in the archipelago. LKIS. 2005: xxvi + 302 pp. ISBN 9798451163. 
  9. ^ Sejarah Indonesia: Wali Songo
  10. ^ Agus Sunyoto [1], Discussion of Atlas Walisongo with Habib Anis Sholeh Ba'asyin & KH. Mustofa Bisri.
  11. ^ Sejarah Indonesia: Wali Songo. [2013-03-08]. 
  12. ^ Azyumardi Azra. Islam in the Indonesian World: An Account of Institutional Formation. Indonesia: Mizan Pustaka. 2006: 14 [February 4, 2016]. 
  13. ^ Eric Tagliacozzo. Southeast Asia and the Middle East: Islam, Movement, and the Longue Durée. NUS Press. 2009: 86 [February 4, 2016]. 
  14. ^ T.W. Arnold. A History of the Propagation of the Muslim Faith: The spread of Islam Among The People of Malay Archipelago. 1896 [February 4, 2016]. 
  15. ^ Eko Sukoharsono. Accounting in A Historical Transition: A Shifting Dominant belief from Hindu to Islamic Administration in Indonesia (PDF): 4. [February 4, 2016]. 
  16. ^ The Preaching of Islam. Forgotten Books: 294 (313). [February 4, 2016]. 
  17. ^ James Clad; Sean M. McDonald & Bruce Vaughn. The Borderlands of Southeast Asia: Geopolitics, Terrorism, and Globalization. National Defense University Press. 2011: 44 [February 4, 2016]. 
  18. ^ Map of Routes of Islam spread in Indonesia. [February 4, 2016]. 
  19. ^ Agus Sunyoto. Mozaik Islam Nusantara: Eksistensi Islam Nusantara (The Existence of Islam Nusantara). Islam Nusantara: 307–324. [February 4, 2016]. 
  20. ^ Suprayitno. Evidence of the Beginning of Islam in Sumatera: Study on the Acehnese Tombstone (PDF). TAWARIKH: International Journal for Historical Studies 2011: 125–146. [February 4, 2016]. 
  21. ^ André Wink. Al-Hind: The Slavic Kings and the Islamic conquest, 11th-13th centuries. Brill Academic Press. 2002: 42 [February 4, 2016]. ISBN 90 04 10236 1. 
  22. ^ Eko Sukoharsono. Accounting in A Historical Transition: A Shifting Dominant belief from Hindu to Islamic Administration in Indonesia (PDF): 5. [February 4, 2016]. 
  23. ^ 陳佳榮. 中外交通史. 香港學津書店. 1987 (中文(香港)). 
  24. ^ 王颋. 元王朝与爪哇的战争和来往. 史林. 2006. 
  25. ^ The Travels of Marco Polo: Concerning the Island of Java the Less. The Kingdoms of Ferlec and Basma. The University of Adelaide. [February 4, 2016]. 
  26. ^ The Travels of Marco Polo: Concerning the Island of Java the Less. The Kingdoms of Ferlec and Basma. Wikisource. [February 4, 2016]. 
  27. ^ Yuanzhi Kong. Muslim Tionghoa Cheng Ho: misteri perjalanan muhibah di Nusantara. Yayasan Obor Indonesia. 2000: 236 [February 4, 2016]. 
  28. ^ 800 Tahun, Islam Tak Diterima Pribumi Secara Massal. Nahdlatul Ulama Online. [February 4, 2016]. 
  29. ^ Huan Ma; Chengjun Feng; John Vivian Gottlieb Mills. Ying-yai Sheng-lan: 'The Overall Survey of the Ocean's Shores' [1433]. CUP Archive. 2011: 45–47 [February 4, 2016]. 
  30. ^ Sunan Ampel. SEAsite - Northern Illinois University - Seasite Indonesia. [February 4, 2016]. 
  31. ^ Sunan Ampel (2). Majelis Ulama Indonesia Jakarta Timur. [February 4, 2016]. 
  32. ^ Musthofa Asrori. Geliat Islam Nusantara Periode Walisongo. Madinatul Iman. [February 4, 2016]. 
  33. ^ John Renard. Tales of God's Friends: Islamic Hagiography in Translation. University of California Press. 2009: 343–344 [February 4, 2016]. 
  34. ^ Musthofa Asrori. Geliat Islam Periode Walisongo. Nahdlatul Ulama Online. [February 7, 2016]. 
  35. ^ Barbara Watson Andaya; Leonard Y. Andaya. A History of Early Modern Southeast Asia, 1400-1830. Cambridge University Press. 2015: 155 [February 7, 2016]. 
  36. ^ Amelia Fauzia. Faith and the State: A History of Islamic Philanthropy in Indonesia. BRILL. 2013: 69 [February 7, 2016]. 
  37. ^ Gunn, Geoffrey C. History Without Borders: The Making of an Asian World Region, 1000-1800. Hong Kong University Press. 2011-08-01. ISBN 9789888083343 (英语). 
  38. ^ Lach, Donald F. Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume I: The Century of Discovery.. University of Chicago Press. 2008-07-15. ISBN 9780226467085 (英语). 
  39. ^ [2]
  40. ^ Sunan Ngudung. IndonesiaCultures.Com. 2011-09-01 [2013-03-08]. 
  • Sunyoto, Agus (2014). Atlas Wali Songo: Buku Pertama yang Mengungkap Wali Songo Sebagai Fakta Sejarah. 6th edition. Depok: Pustaka IIMaN. ISBN 978-602-8648-09-7

Category:Wali Sanga英语Category:Wali Sanga Category:History of Islam in Indonesia英语Category:History of Islam in Indonesia Category:Noble titles of Indonesia英语Category:Noble titles of Indonesia Category:Muslim missionaries英语Category:Muslim missionaries