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歡迎參與維基百科編輯。約西亞·威拉德·吉布斯是統計力學大師,關於他的傳記是很重要的條目,很高興您願意擔當翻譯這條目的責任。若有任何問題,請與我聯絡。祝編安!--老陳(留言) 2015年8月22日 (六) 21:54 (UTC)
不清楚哪些網頁需要存檔?是否需要使用沙盒?--老陳(留言) 2015年8月26日 (三) 03:36 (UTC)
在下認爲閣下最好給出各教科書的參考中文名字。-- M26パンーシン重戰車❀SCR-510❀シャナ俺の嫁 中華民國 104年 2015年8月25日 (二) 14:27 (UTC)
奥格·玻尔是位傑出的物理學者,曾經榮獲諾貝爾物理學獎,很值得我們關注與重視。謝謝您邀請審閱,我會仔細閱讀這條目,祝編安!--老陳(留言) 2015年9月4日 (五) 05:14 (UTC)
沒問題!--老陳(留言) 2015年9月4日 (五) 05:34 (UTC)
Aage Bohr, Physicist's Son Who Won Nobel, Dies at 87
Aage N. Bohr, a son of the Nobel Prize-winning nuclear physicist Niels Bohr who won a Nobel Prize in Physics of his own, died Tuesday. He was 87.
The Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen, which is named after his father, announced his death.
Niels Bohr was one of the giants of physics in the early 20th century, and he worked to untangle the confusing mysteries of quantum mechanics. Aage Bohr’s childhood was one in which a pantheon of pre-eminent physicists were friends visiting the family home.
“The remarkable generation of scientists who came to join my father in his work became for us children Uncle Kramers, Uncle Klein, Uncle Nishina, Uncle Heisenberg, Uncle Pauli, etc.,” Aage Bohr wrote in an autobiographical statement when he won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1975.
(The “uncles” were Hendrik Kramers of the Netherlands, Oskar Klein of Sweden, Yoshio Nishina of Japan, Werner Karl Heisenberg of Germany and Wolfgang Pauli of Austria.)
In research in the 1950s, the younger Dr. Bohr, in collaboration with Ben R. Mottelson, explained how the rotational motion of protons and neutrons inside the nucleus of an atom could distort the shape of the nucleus. It had been thought that nuclei were always perfectly spherical, although data from particle colliders were beginning to suggest otherwise.
Their findings proved important in the development of human-made nuclear fusion, which generates energy by combining hydrogen atoms.
Aage Niels Bohr was born in Copenhagen on June 19, 1922, a few months before his father won his Nobel Prize. He began his college studies at the University of Copenhagen in 1940, soon after Nazi Germany invaded and occupied Denmark.
Three years later, Hitler ordered the deportation of Danish Jews to concentration camps, but the Bohrs, along with most of the other Danish Jews, were able to escape to Sweden.
Later, Aage Bohr and his father went to England and traveled between London, Washington and Los Alamos in New Mexico, as Niels Bohr worked on the development of the atomic bomb.
After the end of World War II, Aage Bohr resumed his studies at the University of Copenhagen, obtaining a master’s degree in physics in 1946. In 1948, he joined the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., and then obtained a fellowship at Columbia in 1949 and 1950.
His first wife, Marietta Soffer, whom he married in 1950, died in 1978. They had three children: Vilhelm, Tomas and Margrethe. In 1981, Dr. Bohr married Bente Meyer.
He returned to Copenhagen and began collaborating with Dr. Mottelson on the work that led to the Nobel Prize. Only after doing his Nobel Prize-winning research did Mr. Bohr receive his doctorate from the University of Copenhagen, in 1956.
“The conformity between theory and experiment was so complete that there could be no doubt of the accuracy of the theory,” the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences wrote about the research in its statement announcing the prize in 1975.
“This gave stimulus to new theoretical studies, but above all to very many experiments to prove the theoretical predictions,” the statement continued. “This dynamic development very soon led to a deepened understanding of the structure of the atomic nucleus.”
Dr. Bohr and Dr. Mottelson shared the Nobel with James Rainwater, a Columbia University physicist, who in 1950 independently came up with similar basic ideas about atomic nuclei, which Dr. Bohr and Dr. Mottelson later developed in more detail.
Dr. Bohr became a professor at the University of Copenhagen and, after the death of his father in 1962, he became director of the Niels Bohr Institute, a position he held until 1970.
From 1975 to 1981, Dr. Bohr was director of the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Atomic Physics.
- 「拉比發現的氘的超精細結構引起了他的興趣」:這句話只在《Aage N. Bohr - Biographical》文章裡找到英文句子「On a visit during that period to Columbia University and through discussions with professor I.I. Rabi, I became interested in a newly discovered effect in the hyperfine structure in deuterium」,沒有說到拉比發現了氘的超精細結構。請詳細給出參考來源,謝謝!--老陳(留言) 2015年9月5日 (六) 04:55 (UTC)
- 謝謝添加參考來源,但這來源並沒有聲明他們發現了氘的超精細結構!另外,英文句子只提到他在哥倫比亞大學與拉比討論,並沒有說他在那裏結識拉比。--老陳(留言) 2015年9月5日 (六) 05:50 (UTC)
- 我覺得應該不具爭議,我得關電腦了,明天見。--老陳(留言) 2015年9月5日 (六) 06:45 (UTC)
- 參考來源位置相對於標點符號位置或前或後不一致。--老陳(留言) 2015年9月6日 (日) 14:07 (UTC)
"Modelling atomic behaviour under incident electromagnetic radiation using "virtual oscillators" at the absorption and emission frequencies, rather than the (different) apparent frequencies of the Bohr orbits, led Max Born, Werner Heisenberg and Kramers to explore different mathematical models.":引述Quantum Generations這本書的話,The 1924 BKS theory was based on the notion of virtual oscillators,我認為這不是海森堡的思路,英文版有錯誤。根據Quantum Generations這本書的內容,海森堡的思路簡略敘述在這裏。--老陳(留言) 2015年9月6日 (日) 05:03 (UTC)
謝謝告知關於Høffding翻譯的意見!我查了一下網路資料,的確如您所說,譯名應為「許夫定」。我會改回原譯。我覺得玻爾的學術生涯相當有意思,因此添加了一些內容,希望能夠使這條目更加生動詳實。現在,我想我在這條目的編輯應告一段落。我認為這條目的品質已超過優良條目的標準。不知您意見如何?--老陳(留言) 2015年10月1日 (四) 05:37 (UTC)
您是這基礎人物條目的主編,為了鄭重起見,最好還是由您親自提出申優,如果您認為這條目已達優良標準。祝順利!--老陳(留言) 2015年10月17日 (六) 05:25 (UTC)
這傳記條目應屬最重要的物理學條目之一,很值得提升至特色條目,但我能力與時間有限,所以一直沒有著手進行。很高興您願意共同努力提升此條目,將此條目的一些問題大力斧正!等我檢閱玻爾條目的工作告一段落,我會將愛因斯坦條目提交同行評審。另外,今年的物理學諾貝爾獎得主將於10月6日宣布,不知您可否參與即時編輯獲獎學者的傳記與相關論題?祝編安!--老陳(留言) 2015年9月19日 (六) 05:25 (UTC)
今年諾貝爾物理學獎已揭曉,請到這裏選擇您想要編寫的條目。如果您對合作方式有任何意見,請與我聯絡,謝謝!--老陳(留言) 2015年10月6日 (二) 14:04 (UTC)