站在火葬場的男孩(The boy standing by the crematory,又稱長崎的站立男孩)是於1945年9月拍攝的一張歷史性照片,時當長崎市原子彈爆炸之後不久。照片中是一名10歲左右的男孩,用包巾將死去的小弟弟背在背上,等著親人的火葬。
“ | 我看到個約十歲的男孩走過來,背上背着個幼兒……看得出那個幼兒已經死了。工作人員抓着遺體的四肢,將之放進火焰中。男孩直挺挺地站着,一動不動,直視火焰。他用力咬住下唇,咬出血來。火焰沉降如落日, 男孩轉身沉靜離開。 | ” |
——Joe O'Donnell[2] |
“ | I saw a boy about ten years old walking by. He was carrying a baby on his back... I saw that the baby was already dead. The men held the body by the hands and feet and placed it on the fire. The boy stood there straight without moving, watching the flames. He was biting his lower lip so hard that it shone with blood. The flame burned low like the sun going down. The boy turned around and walked silently away. | ” |
——喬·歐唐尼爾[2] |
歐唐尼爾把照片洗出自己的副本,收藏在箱子裏直到1989年,他當時打算辦巡迴展覽並出書。《日本1945年,壓箱底的圖像》(Japan 1945, Images From the Trunk)於1995年在日本出版,備受矚目。[3]
1979年,身歷原子彈爆炸而多年走不出其陰影的Yoshitoshi Fukahori開始以其餘生收集爆炸當時的照片。[4][5]他一見這張照片就開始努力尋找男孩的身分而無功,但村岡昌憲(Masanori Muraoka)也看到了同一張照片。
NHK於2020年8月8日播放自製的50分鐘紀錄片《尋找長崎的站立男孩》('焼き場に立つ少年'をさがして)。[6]片中描述上述的努力,並帶出一班「原子彈孤兒」的戰後生活體驗。2021年,紀錄片於美國公共電視播放。[7] NHK調查發現,長崎主線道之尾站附近的鐵路交叉口和照片中的地形基本一致。由男孩夾克的姓名標籤和其位置,可看出照片是左右翻轉。至於刻在男孩腳邊的界石,經指出所刻為當時的日本漢字:「縣」。此外,男孩的腳下地面上還有三條細電纜。
- O'Donnell, Joe. Japan 1945: A U.S. Marine's Photographs from Ground Zero. Vanderbilt University Press. 2018. ISBN 9780826516121.
- ^ 1.0 1.1 Yuki Imano. Nagasaki survivor donates notebook on his bid to identify boy in A-bomb photo. The Mainichi. August 28, 2019 [November 19, 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2023-09-03).
- ^ 2.0 2.1 A Japanese boy standing at attention after having brought his dead younger brother to a cremation pyre, 1945. Rare Historical Photos. [November 19, 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2023-08-05).
- ^ Tyge O'Donnell [interviewee]. Dad's Images of Death. Las Vegas Review-Journal. August 6, 2007 [November 19, 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2023-08-05).
- ^ Junichiro Nagasawa. At 86, trauma still plagues Nagasaki A-bomb survivor who couldn't save sister . Japan Times. August 23, 2015 [November 19, 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2023-05-20).
- ^ Hibakusha: Octogenarian determined to tell own story about A-bomb at memorial ceremony. The Mainichi. August 2, 2017 [November 19, 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2023-05-20).
- ^ Searching for the Standing Boy of Nagasaki. NHK World. NHK. [November 19, 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2023-05-22).
- ^ Searching for the Standing Boy of Nagasaki. Aptonline. APT (American Public Television). [November 19, 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2023-05-20).