
法式離場(French leave) 意指未徵得同意甚或未知會在場其他人士即逕自退場。[1]在宴會中悄無聲息地離去以避免主人留客即是一例。軍人擅離職守也算數。[2]


在法國,同義詞為英式離場(filer à l'anglaise)[3]似乎首見於19至20世紀。[4]


牛津英文字典釋義:客人(18世紀見用於法國,英國稍後沿用)離開婚宴而未向男女主人告辭。打趣用法為不告而別或先斬後奏。[5]該字典稱首次見用為:1771 SMOLLETT Humph. Cl. (1895) 238 他偷偷拐跑了個愛爾蘭人的新娘,隨即不辭而別。[6]

在美加,其用詞為愛爾蘭式再見(Irish goodbye / Irish exit)[7]


該詞亦有軍中混日子開小差之義[8],沿用自英法相爭時期。西班牙語中,此詞也以法國為對象(despedida a la francesa),可能始自拿破崙於伊比利半島從事半島戰爭時,法軍當時與西葡聯軍為敵。


  • 捷克語: zmizet po anglicku (英式離場)
  • 法語: filer à l'anglaise (英式離場)
  • 德語: sich (auf) französisch empfehlen,同義einen französischen Abschied nehmen (法式離場)或einen polnischen Abgang machen (波式離場)
  • 匈牙利語: angolosan távozni (英式離場)
  • 義大利語: andarsene all'inglese (英式離場)
  • 波蘭語: wyjść po angielsku (英式離場)
  • 羅馬尼亞語: a o sterge englezeste (英式離場)
  • 烏克蘭語: піти по-англійськи (pity po-anhliysʹky) (英式離場)
  • 葡萄牙語: saída à francesa (法式離場)
  • 俄語: уйти по-английски (ujti po-anglijski) (英式離場)
  • 西班牙語: despedida a la francesa (法式再見(goodbye in the French way), 法式告別(French farewell))
  • 瓦隆語: spiter a l'inglesse (英式離場)


  1. ^ Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (Millennium Edition; London: Cassell, 1999)
  2. ^ Parkinson, Judy. From Hue & Cry to Humble Pie. Michael O'Mara Books. 2000: 80. ISBN 9780760735817. 
  3. ^ Anu Garg's A.Word.A.Day, September 8, 2008. http://wordsmith.org/words/chinese_puzzle.html页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  4. ^ Filer à l'anglaise. Francparler. [September 7, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-08). 
  5. ^ "the custom (in the 18th century prevalent in France and sometimes imitated in England) of going away from a reception, etc. without taking leave of the host or hostess. Hence, jocularly, to take French leave is to go away, or do anything, without permission or notice."
  6. ^ "He stole away an Irishman's bride, and took a French leave of me and his master".
  7. ^ Seth Stevenson. Don't say goodbye. Slate.com. 3 July 2013 [2020-09-26]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-26). 
  8. ^ For the usage, see for example The war memoirs of Commandant Ludwig Krause 1899-1900, Cape Town 1996, p. 65.

7. Proust, “Time Regained,” pg. 205 translation by Stephen Hudson, “As taking French leave, she passed me, I bowed and she, taking my hand, fixed her round violet orbs upon me...”