

有问题?請到互助客栈询问,或在我的对话页提出。别忘記:討論後要簽名,方式之一是留下4個波浪紋「 ~~~~ 」。
If you have any questions about the Chinese Wikipedia, please leave a message here. Thank you for visiting!

-- Kegns留言2016年10月8日 (六) 07:03 (UTC)回复


  歡迎来到維基百科。我們歡迎每一位用戶對維基百科作出建設性編輯,惟閣下最近編輯中最少有一項(如閣下在岳东晓中的編輯)並不具建設性且已被回退或移除。請使用沙盒進行編輯測試,並參閱歡迎頁面以了解更多關於貢獻維基百科的事宜。祝編安。--Wolfch (簡易留言 - 留言) 協作計劃進行中 2016年10月8日 (六) 07:58 (UTC)回复

  您好,您可能还不了解,当您在所有讨论页或开头是“Wikipedia:”的页面中“参与讨论”时,例如Wikipedia:頁面存廢討論/記錄/2016/10/08,您应该在您的留言结尾加入四个波浪号标记(~~~~,可使用 按鈕)来签名,以使得系统自动将您的用户名或IP地址以及发表评论的时间加入到页面中。这些信息在参与讨论时对其他维基人尤为有用。谢谢合作。 --A2093064#Talk 2016年10月9日 (日) 03:24 (UTC)回复

 閣下的編輯可能讓維基百科的用戶認為您有尋求法律行動以抵制用戶維基百科的意願。請留意,維基百科的法律威脅以及文明政策嚴格禁止此威脅行為。製造此類威脅者可能會被封禁。倘若有對社群或用戶有真正的爭議,請尋求爭議解決。--Innocentius留言2016年10月9日 (日) 22:00 (UTC)回复


这是对閣下的惟一一次警告!如果再有任何破壞維基百科的行为,閣下將会被立即封禁--Innocentius留言2016年10月9日 (日) 23:23 (UTC)回复

@Innocentius Please provide contact information of Wikipedia, so legal communications can be directly delivered to the proper person. @Innocentius Let me say this, since Wikipedia has control of the content, and if Wikipedia insists on perpetuating the defamatory attacks against Dongxiao Yue, at 2777 Alvarado Street, San Leandro, Ca 94577, a lawsuit will be filed against you and the associated persons in the Northern District of California. You have been warned.

I appreciate your enthusiasm and sense of humor in this case. According to Wikipedia:No_legal_threats,"If your issue involves Wikipedia itself, you should contact the Wikimedia Foundation". The address of Wikimedia Foundation could be found here[1].

In case you have difficulty accessing or reading the language or font displayed in the page, the address was copied and displayed below.

Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

149 New Montgomery Street

Floor 6

San Francisco, CA 94105


Phone: +1-415-839-6885

Fax: +1-415-882-0495

Since law suits usually hurts, I would like to give some quote from English wikipedia for you to read.


  • "Editors involved in a legal dispute should not edit articles about parties to the dispute, given the potential conflict of interest."
  • "Wikipedia's policy on defamation is to delete libelous material as soon as it is identified."
  • "The Wikipedia community has a long-standing general principle that (almost) anyone is capable of reform. Accordingly, statements made in anger or misjudgment should not be held against people once genuinely and credibly withdrawn.

To prevent damage to the project, this policy removes editors who make legal threats on Wikipedia. The editor is not blocked just because "it's a legal threat", but because the block:

reduces scope for escalation of a bad situation,

reduces stress and administrative burden on the wiki,

reduces disruption to articles and the editorial environment,

prevents a situation in which someone is seeking to be a collaborative partner while setting themselves up as a legal adversary."

  • "While you may sue in a court of law, Wikipedia is not the place for legal disputes. Making legal threats on Wikipedia is uncivil and causes a number of serious problems:

It severely inhibits free editing of pages, a concept that is absolutely necessary to ensure that Wikipedia remains neutral. Without this freedom, we risk one side of a dispute intimidating the other, thus causing a systemic bias in our articles.

It creates bad feelings and a lack of trust within the community, damaging our ability to proceed quickly and efficiently with an assumption of mutual good faith.

We have had bad experiences with users who have made legal threats in the past. By making legal threats, you may damage your reputation on Wikipedia.

Attempting to resolve disputes using the dispute resolution procedures will often lead to a solution without resorting to the law. If the dispute resolution procedures do not resolve your problem, and you then choose to take legal action, you do so in the knowledge that you took all reasonable steps to resolve the situation amicably."

  • "We assume good faith while containing disruption, but the assumption of good faith is not a suicide pact; persistent or vexatious complaints may indeed lead to the user being banned and prevented from editing their talk page, but this is a last resort."

Wikimedia Foundation Terms of Use

  • "13. Disputes and Jurisdiction

We hope that no serious disagreements arise involving you, but, in the event there is a dispute, we encourage you to seek resolution through the dispute resolution procedures or mechanisms provided by the Projects or Project editions and the Wikimedia Foundation. If you seek to file a legal claim against us, you agree to file and resolve it exclusively in a state or federal court located in San Francisco County, California. You also agree that the laws of the State of California and, to the extent applicable, the laws of the United States of America will govern these Terms of Use, as well as any legal claim that might arise between you and us (without reference to conflict of laws principles). You agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of, and agree that venue is proper in, the courts located in San Francisco County, California, in any legal action or proceeding relating to us or these Terms of Use.

To ensure that disputes are dealt with soon after they arise, you agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action you might have arising out of or related to use of our services or these Terms of Use must be filed within the applicable statute of limitations or, if earlier, one (1) year after the pertinent facts underlying such claim or cause of action could have been discovered with reasonable diligence (or be forever barred)."

Please recognize this as some help for achieving your lawsuit and polite reference and quotation towards Wikimedia Term of Use and other Wikipedia pages. This is not a warning.

Best Luck. --Innocentius留言2016年10月10日 (一) 00:38 (UTC)回复

@Innocentius Very good.

  您好,您可能还不了解,当您在所有讨论页或开头是“Wikipedia:”的页面中“参与讨论”时,例如Talk:方舟子,您应该在您的留言结尾加入四个波浪号标记(~~~~,可使用 按鈕)来签名,以使得系统自动将您的用户名或IP地址以及发表评论的时间加入到页面中。这些信息在参与讨论时对其他维基人尤为有用。谢谢合作。 --A2093064#Talk 2016年10月10日 (一) 02:06 (UTC)回复


發表新話題請置於頁面最底端,否則根據習慣,很可能不會被注意到。--A2093064#Talk 2016年10月10日 (一) 02:08 (UTC)回复


不好意思,請問您是岳东晓嗎?--Wolfch (簡易留言 - 留言) 協作計劃進行中 2016年10月10日 (一) 09:54 (UTC)回复

问这个问题是需要我们进行实名联络? 如果是,你可以建议一个联系方式。 LoserKiller留言2016年10月10日 (一) 20:53 (UTC)回复

沒有要進行实名联络,不好意思。只是在Wikipedia:利益衝突中提到:「編者應該建議迴避以下事項:1.編者本人,編者所屬組織或所屬組織的競爭者之相關條目,以及這些組織的產品或計畫之相關條目。」,您目前對岳东晓條目有許多編輯,若您是岳东晓本人,建議在您的用戶頁說明,以符合Wikipedia:利益衝突中提到的「宣告利益」,若您不是,當然也就不存在這些問題了--Wolfch (簡易留言 - 留言) 協作計劃進行中 2016年10月11日 (二) 02:30 (UTC)回复

WolfchWolfch, 看来你也认为相关编辑涉及词条对应实名人士的利益了。明显攻击性的东西,维基百科的匿名编辑们应该谢绝参与。相关词条在9月份进行了大量的编辑,攻击性、贬损目的明显。我做出的编辑限于针对歪曲、诽谤性内容提供真实数据,维护真相这是任何人都可以做的,也是知道真相者的社会义务。