
卡汉主义希伯来语כהניזם‎ ) 是宗教锡安主义中的一种观点,卡汉主义由以色列犹太保卫同盟凯煦创始人梅尔·卡汉的观点发展而来。

梅尔·卡汉认为,阿拉伯裔以色列人是犹太人和以色列的敌人,他认为应该建立一个非犹太人没有投票权的犹太教神权国家英语Halachic state[1] 梅尔·卡汉提议以色列国应该执行迈蒙尼德版的哈拉卡,根据梅尔·卡汉的提议,希望继续在以色列定居的非犹太人将被视为“外来居民”,他们的政治权利将被剥夺。那些不愿接受这种身份的人将被驱逐出以色列。 [2]

以卡汉主义作为意识形态凯煦已被以色列政府取缔。 [3][4]

一些不支持卡汉主义的人认为卡汉主义其实是一种新法西斯主义国土报+972杂志[5][6][7]等报纸都明确表示卡汉主义就是法西斯主义联合国人权事务高级专员办事处认为卡汉主义“总体上诋毁阿拉伯人,尤其是巴勒斯坦人”。 [8]反对卡汉主义的人士认为卡哈尼主义者主张暴力扩张、极端种族主义极端民族主义[9]梅尔·卡汉关于“敌人就在内部”的主张根本就和典型的法西斯主义分子差不多。 [10]

梅尔·卡汉终其一生都否认这些指控,反而称他的反对者为“左派”和“法西斯分子”。 [11]他把自己为争取以色列民族纯粹性而进行的斗争比作犹太人在纳粹大屠杀期间为反抗法西斯势力进行的斗争。


  1. ^ God's Law: an Interview with Rabbi Meir Kahane. [2012-12-18]. (原始内容存档于February 19, 2009). : "Any non-Jew, including the Arabs, can have the status of a foreign resident in Israel if he accepts the law of the Halacha. I don’t differentiate between Arabs and non-Arabs. The only difference I make is between Jews and non-Jews. If a non-Jew wants to live here, he must agree to be a foreign resident, be he Arab or not. He does not have and cannot have national rights in Israel. He can have civil rights, social rights, but he cannot be a citizen; he won’t have the right to vote. Again, whether he’s Arab or not."
  2. ^ Kahane, Meir. Uncomfortable Questions for Comfortable Jews. L. Stuart. 1987: 250. ISBN 978-0-8184-0438-2. All Arabs who are prepared to accept the State of Israel as the exclusive state of the Jewish people and of no one else, will be allowed to remain in the land with the status of 'resident stranger,' as per Jewish laws. They will be granted personal rights but no national ones. They will have general economic, social, cultural, and 宗教自由 but will not be citizens of the Jewish State and will have nothing to say in its future in any way. Accepting this status, they are welcome to remain and are entitled to all the respect and decency that 犹太教 demands we grant to all humans who are resident strangers in our land and who bow to its laws and concepts. 
  3. ^ U.S. Dept. of State, Country Reports on Terrorism 2004. April 2005 (PDF). 
  4. ^ Country Reports on Terrorism 2004 (PDF). State.gov. 
  5. ^ Roth-Rowland, Natasha. Israel's fascist sideshow takes center stage. +972 Magazine. 2019-02-24 [2023-11-13] (美国英语). 
  6. ^ IMEU. Fact Sheet: Meir Kahane & The Extremist Kahanist Movement | IMEU. imeu.org. [2023-11-13] (英语). 
  7. ^ It's Official Now: Fascism Is Us. Haaretz. [2023-11-13] (英语). 
  8. ^ UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the use of the Internet for purposes of incitement to racial hatred, racist propaganda and xenophobia, and on ways of promoting international cooperation in this area (报告): 5. 27 April 2001. 
  9. ^ Sprinzak, Ehud. Kach and Meir Kahane: The Emergence of Jewish Quasi-Fascism I: Origins and Development. Patterns of Prejudice. July 1985, 19 (3): 15–21. doi:10.1080/0031322X.1985.9969820. 
  10. ^ Heschel, Susannah. Meir Kahane and Race as Incarnational Theology. Journal of Religious Ethics. June 2022, 50 (2): 293–302. S2CID 251513046. doi:10.1111/jore.12398. 
  11. ^ Hall, Carla. The Message of Meir Kahane. Washington Post. 11 September 1984.