
考那斯反犹骚乱(Kaunas pogrom)为1941年6月25日至6月29日在立陶宛考那斯发生的犹太人屠杀事件。1941年6月底纳粹德国向苏联宣战后,立陶宛的右翼民兵组织立陶宛行动前线英语Lithuanian Activist Front控制了考那斯与周围地区[1],开始进行反犹宣传并攻击犹太人。纳粹亲卫队旅队领袖法兰兹·华特·史塔列克英语Franz Walter Stahlecker于6月25日抵达考那斯,并公开发表反犹演说[2],他指挥立陶宛民兵首领阿尔吉尔达斯·克利马蒂斯对犹太人发动攻击[3]

1941年6月25日或27日,68名犹太人在里埃图基奥停车场(Lietūkio garažų)被公开处决
别名Kaunas pogrom
地点德占立陶宛英语German occupation of Lithuania during World War II考那斯
54°53′36″N 23°55′23″E / 54.89333°N 23.92306°E / 54.89333; 23.92306

当日考那斯郊区斯洛柏德卡(Slobodka,今维里亚姆波莱英语Vilijampolė,为有“叶史瓦之母”之称的奈瑟斯以色列叶史瓦英语Yeshivas Knesses Yisrael所在地)的犹太平民便遭到屠杀,据大屠杀的幸存者以夫兰·奥什里英语Ephraim Oshry拉比回忆当时德国人出现在村庄,但下手袭击的是其指挥的立陶宛志愿者,当地的拉比拉夫·札尔曼·欧索夫斯基(Rav Zalman Osovsky)的手脚被反绑在一张椅子上,随后他的头被靠在一本《革马拉》上锯断,并放在一栋房屋的窗外,附上“我们将如此对待所有犹太人”的标语公开展示,其妻儿也被处决[4]

据史塔列克回忆,截至6月28日考那斯已有3800名犹太人被杀,周围城镇另有1200人遇害[1],不过有学者认为此数字为夸大[5][6]。6月以后剩余的犹太人在考那斯要塞(以第七堡垒英语Seventh Fort第九堡垒英语Ninth Fort为主)被大规模处决[7]



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 MacQueen, Michael. Nazi Policy towards the Jews in the Reichskommissariat Ostland, June–December 1941: From White Terror to Holocaust in Lithuania. Gitelman, Zvi (编). Bitter Legacy: Confronting the Holocaust in the USSR. Indiana University Press. 1998: 97 [2021-07-30]. ISBN 0-253-33359-8. (原始内容存档于2021-05-15). 
  2. ^ Extracts from a Report by Einsatzgruppe a in the Baltic Countries. Jewish Virtual Library. 1941-10-15 [2008-08-06]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-29). 
  3. ^ Bubnys, Arūnas. Lietuvių saugumo policija ir holokaustas (1941–1944). Genocidas ir rezistencija. 2003, 13 [2021-07-30]. ISSN 1392-3463. (原始内容存档于2012-05-12) (立陶宛语).  English translation of excerpts from Stahlecker's report available here: The Einsatzgruppen: Report by Einsatzgruppe A in the Baltic Countries (October 15, 1941). Jewish Virtual Library. American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. [2015-03-29]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-29). 
  4. ^ Oshry, Ephraim. Annihilation of Lithuanian Jewry. New York: Judaica Press, Inc. 1995: 3. ISBN 1-880582-18-X. 
  5. ^ Budreckis, Algirdas M. The Lithuanian National Revolt of 1941. Boston: Lithuanian Encyclopedia Press. 1968: 62–63. OCLC 47283. Again for some unknown reason, Stahlecker exaggerates his statistics. The account by L. Shauss to the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission stated that in "the first pogrom on June 25–26, in the Kaunas suburb of Slobodka (Vilijampolė), 600 Jews were killed on Arbarski, Paverski, Vilyuski, Irogalski streets." 
  6. ^ Sužiedėlis, Saulius. The Burden of 1941. Lituanus. Winter 2001, 4 (47) [2021-07-30]. ISSN 0024-5089. (原始内容存档于2012-09-15). On the other hand, notwithstanding a number of such incidents, the available evidence does not support the image of huge mobs of locals hunting down Jews by the thousands even before the arrival of the Germans as some have claimed. 
  7. ^ Arvydas Anušauskas; et al (编). Lietuva, 1940–1990. Vilnius: Lietuvos gyventojų genocido ir rezistencijos tyrimo centras英语Lietuvos gyventojų genocido ir rezistencijos tyrimo centras. 2005: 203. ISBN 9986-757-65-7 (立陶宛语).