

英语术语中的“Council”在英国加拿大联邦政府指枢密院Privy Council),在其他英联邦王国和自治州、省(包括加拿大各省)及属土指相应的行政局或行政会议(Executive Council)。此术语的直接含义是君主以并按照他(她)的枢密院或行政局的建议及准许行使权力。


英国君主直接或间接任命总督、省/州督等代表君主行使行政权的王国及属土,则“国王会同枢密院”或“行政局”改为“总督(省/州督)会同枢密院”或“总督(省/州督)会同行政局”(Governor-General-in-Council / Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council / Governor-in-Council等)。在大多数地方,“某地政府”可以作为当地“君主/总督会同枢密院/行政局”的代名词使用(但“某地政府”在不同地方也有其他涵义)。






  1. ^ The Queen on the Application of Louis Olivier Bancoult v. The Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, CO/4093/2004 The source of the power to make the Order in Council was the Royal prerogative. Neither Her Majesty nor the members of the Privy Council present that day (which, coincidentally, included me) considered the merits of the Order. The Queen in Council acts upon the advice of a Minister, in the present case, the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth affairs. In reality the order was that of the Secretary of State although, of course, the Queen formally assented to it., s.5 (England and Wales High Court 11 May 2006).
  2. ^ Constituent Assembly of India debates (IV:12)页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Parliament of India
  3. ^ Subhash C. Kashyap. "The President's Powers"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). The Hindu. 25 July 2002
  4. ^ Adaption of Laws (Interpretive Provisions) Ordinance 1998 (Hong Kong)
  5. ^ corporateName=Commonwealth Parliament; address=Parliament House, Canberra. Juliet Edeson "Powers of Presidents in Republics*". www.aph.gov.au. [2020-09-01]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-25) (澳大利亚英语).