

何伟略[2][3]Rob Howard,1954/1955年),加拿大政治人物,2009年-13年间以卑诗自由党党员身份担任卑诗省议会列治文中选区议员,在此之前则于2001年-08年间任职列治文市议会议员。

Rob Howard
配偶Trudy Howard


何伟略于卑诗省列治文土生土长[4],1975年至1994年间供职列治文储畜信用社英语Coast Capital Savings,期间曾任该社房地产投资部门主管[5][6]。他其后创办NCL房地产管理公司,主攻物业发展和管理[7]。他曾任列治文旅游局总裁、卑诗房地产学会温哥华分会共同主席和列治文总商会会员,并曾参与列治文少年冰球协会义工活动达12年[4]。他与妻子特鲁迪(Trudy)育有一子[4]


他于2001年10月代表列治文无党派协会(Richmond Non-Partisan Association)参与列治文市议会补选,竞逐三个悬空市议会议席之一并告当选[8]。翌年他则转投列治文优先党(Richmond First[9][10],并于2002年市选中连任[11]。他在市议会表决中支持在列治文开设赌场,河石娱乐场英语River Rock Casino Resort遂告设立[12][13][14]。他是唯一一名支持加拿大线(当时名为列治文-机场-温哥华线)在列治文市内高架运行的市议员;其他市议员则支持该线在列市内地面运行或不在市内兴建架空列车[15]。他曾支持从市内农地储备英语Agricultural Land Reserve中拨出55英亩土地兴建会议中心[16][17],但没有成事[18]。他亦支持在市内兴建2010年冬季奥运会速度滑冰场馆[19],并到访挪威利勒哈默尔考察1994年冬季奥运会设施[20]







何伟略卸任省议员后创立非牟利机构“OpenSkies4Canada”,争取加拿大与别国签定开放天空协议,以让更多国际航空公司开办航线来往加国[45]。2014年他参与创立市级政团列治文社区联盟(Richmond Community Coalition[46],并出任其主席。


  1. ^ Candidate Profiles: Richmond Centre. The Review [Richmond, B.C] 11 May 2009: 1.
  2. ^ 晤中文傳媒談政綱 馮宜幹尋華社支持. 《明报》加西版(卑诗大学亚洲图书馆转载). 2010-12-04 [2024-06-28]. 
  3. ^ 列治文紀念國殤日 華裔踴躍參加活動 製作罌粟花 與老兵對話. 《明报》加西版(卑诗大学亚洲图书馆转载). 2010-11-08 [2024-06-28]. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 39th Parliament Members at dissolution on April 16, 2013: MLA: Rob Howard. 卑诗省议会. [2024-06-26]. 
  5. ^ Richmond Savings Credit Union. 《温哥华太阳报》. March 7, 1992: E3. 
  6. ^ Our Team. New Coast Lifestyles. [2024-06-26]. 
  7. ^ Councillor pledges to see major projects through. The Review (Richmond, British Columbia). October 29, 2005: 18. 
  8. ^ Zacharias, Yvonne. Mayor-elect Malcolm Brodie the victor in Richmond's byelection dust-up. 《温哥华太阳报》. October 15, 2001: B1. 
  9. ^ Beutel, Trudi. New civic slate officially launched. Richmond News (Richmond, British Columbia). May 26, 2002: 7. 
  10. ^ Luba, Frank. Why your vote counts in Richmond's election. The Province (Vancouver). October 15, 2002: A6. 
  11. ^ Local Election Results 2002. The Province (Vancouver). November 17, 2002: A6. 
  12. ^ Beutel, Trudi. Council makes move to allow slots. Richmond News (Richmond, British Columbia). April 10, 2002: 3. 
  13. ^ Beutel, Trudi. Let the gaming begin: Great Canadian bets $9 million on becoming only full-service casino. Richmond News (Richmond, British Columbia). October 12, 2002: 1. 
  14. ^ Hansen, Darah. Casino finally beats the odds. Richmond News (Richmond, British Columbia). March 19, 2003: 4. 
  15. ^ Beutel, Trudi. Minority wins with city. Richmond News (Richmond, British Columbia). March 13, 2004: 5. 
  16. ^ All I want for New Year's is a trade and convention centre. Richmond News (Richmond, British Columbia). December 31, 2002: 4. 
  17. ^ Trade centre backers look to investors Proposed Garden City lands exhibition facility would be as large as B.C. Place. The Review (Richmond, British Columbia). October 1, 2005: 16. 
  18. ^ Panel urged to reject bid for Garden City lands Councillor says commission staff are outside jurisdiction as decision looms. The Review (Richmond, British Columbia). August 19, 2006: 1. 
  19. ^ Hansen, Darah. Oval battle brews: Richmond's proposal for Olympic skating oval riles Mayor Derek Corrigan. Burnaby Now (Burnaby, British Columbia). July 17, 2004: 1. 
  20. ^ Hansen, Darah. Costs no concern in race for oval. Richmond News (Richmond, British Columbia). July 17, 2004: 1. 
  21. ^ Full election results. The Review (Richmond, British Columbia). November 20, 2005. 
  22. ^ First mate snubbed for GVRD Richmond First insiders point to a bumpy election campaign. The Review (Richmond, British Columbia). December 8, 2005: 1. 
  23. ^ Councillor breaks from Richmond First Divisive campaign partly to blame for Rob Howard's departure. The Review (Richmond, British Columbia). February 23, 2006: 8. 
  24. ^ Bennett, Nelson. Howard quits Richmond First to sit as independent. Richmond News (Richmond, British Columbia). February 24, 2006: 5. 
  25. ^ Bennett, Nelson. Howard throws hat into provincial ring. Richmond News (Richmond, British Columbia). January 8, 2008: 1. 
  26. ^ Bennett, Nelson. Liberal candidates acclaimed. Richmond News (Richmond, British Columbia). November 21, 2008: 7. 
  27. ^ Howard to be acclaimed as Liberal candidate. The Review (Richmond, British Columbia). November 5, 2008: 3. 
  28. ^ 28.0 28.1 Smith, Charlie. Rob Howard becomes Richmond Centre's third straight B.C. Liberal MLA to quit after one term. Georgia Straight. 2012-09-04 [2024-06-26] (英语). 
  29. ^ Fortems, Cam. Liberals push Ottawa on flight rules. Kamloops Daily News (Kamloops, British Columbia). September 8, 2010: 4. 
  30. ^ Bennett, Nelson. Chamber pushes for Open Sky agreements. Richmond News (Richmond, British Columbia). October 20, 2010: 3. 
  31. ^ Hendry, Aleisha. Lobbying for freedom of flight. Alaska Highway News (Fort St. John, British Columbia). November 1, 2010: 1. 
  32. ^ Bennett, Nelson. Anti-tax rally attracts 300. Richmond News (Richmond, British Columbia). August 19, 2009: 5. 
  33. ^ Howard, Rob; Linda Reid; John Yap. We've told the HST truth. Richmond News (Richmond, British Columbia). May 7, 2010: 10. 
  34. ^ MLAs praise personal income tax cut. The Richmond Review (Richmond, BC). October 29, 2010: 1. 
  35. ^ Shaw, Rob. Senior B.C. officials discussed the HST before the election, documents reveal. Times Colonist. 2010-09-02 [2010-11-29]. (原始内容存档于2010-11-21). 
  36. ^ Lyon, Christine. Richmond MLAs back Falcon for premier. The Review (Richmond, British Columbia). December 1, 2010: 1. 
  37. ^ Hoekstra, Gordon. MLA John Yap named head of multiculturalism during day of cabinet shakeups. Times-Colonist. March 25, 2012 [March 26, 2012]. 
  38. ^ 「族裔門」為卑詩自由黨蓋棺. 《号角月报》. 2013年4月 [2023-03-02]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-02). 
  39. ^ Shaw, Rob. B.C. Liberal caucus chief to probe ethnic plan; Hogg says investigation will run parallel to that of deputy minister. Times-Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia). March 7, 2013: A3. 
  40. ^ B.C. cabinet minister, 2 other MLAs to call it quits. CBC News. 2012-09-05 [2024-06-26]. 
  41. ^ Liberal MLA Rob Howard won't seek re-election. The Review (Richmond, British Columbia). September 4, 2012: 1. 
  42. ^ 冯瑞熊. 屈潔冰如何搭上參政列車. 《星岛日报》加西版. 2013-03-07 [2013-06-08]. (原始内容存档于2013-03-11). 
  43. ^ 43.0 43.1 van den Hemel, Martin. Teresa Wat eyes Richmond Centre. The Review (Richmond, British Columbia). January 23, 2013: 1. 
  44. ^ Wat to run for Richmond Centre Liberals. Richmond News. 2013-01-18 [2024-06-26]. 
  45. ^ Cassidy, Olivier. Ex-MLA pilots bid to ease restrictive air policies. The Province (Vancouver). October 25, 2013: A3. 
  46. ^ Wood, Graeme. Richmond Community Coalition aims to engage. Richmond News. 2014-01-16 [2024-06-26]. 
