
儿茶酚胺(英语:Catecholamine)是具有儿茶酚核的(苯乙)类化合物的统称,是由肾上腺产生的一类应激拟交感斗或逃”(Fight or Flight)激素。最重要的儿茶酚胺是肾上腺素(Epinephrine)、去甲肾上腺素正肾上腺素)和多巴胺(Dopamine),均是从苯丙氨酸酪氨酸合成。去甲肾上腺素在中枢神经系统内分布广泛,含量较多,而肾上腺素含量则较少。多巴胺主要集中在锥体外系部位,也是一种神经介质。它们是重要的典型的肾上腺素受体激动剂。不少精神兴奋剂也是儿茶酚胺的类似物。







  1. ^ Broadley KJ. The vascular effects of trace amines and amphetamines. Pharmacol. Ther. 2010-03, 125 (3): 363–375. PMID 19948186. doi:10.1016/j.pharmthera.2009.11.005. 
  2. ^ Lindemann L, Hoener MC. A renaissance in trace amines inspired by a novel GPCR family. Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 2005-05, 26 (5): 274–281. PMID 15860375. doi:10.1016/j.tips.2005.03.007. 
  3. ^ Wang X, Li J, Dong G, Yue J. The endogenous substrates of brain CYP2D. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 2014-02-05, 724: 211–218. PMID 24374199. doi:10.1016/j.ejphar.2013.12.025. The highest level of brain CYP2D activity was found in the substantia nigra ... The in vitro and in vivo studies have shown the contribution of the alternative CYP2D-mediated dopamine synthesis to the concentration of this neurotransmitter although the classic biosynthetic route to dopamine from tyrosine is active. ... Tyramine levels are especially high in the basal ganglia and limbic system, which are thought to be related to individual behavior and emotion (Yu et al., 2003c). ... Rat CYP2D isoforms (2D2/2D4/2D18) are less efficient than human CYP2D6 for the generation of dopamine from p-tyramine. The Km values of the CYP2D isoforms are as follows: CYP2D6 (87–121 μm) ≈ CYP2D2 ≈ CYP2D18 > CYP2D4 (256 μm) for m-tyramine and CYP2D4 (433 μm) > CYP2D2 ≈ CYP2D6 > CYP2D18 (688 μm) for p-tyramine 
