古罗马兵营(拉丁语:Castra,音译卡斯特拉,单数格式castrum)是古罗马人用作军事防御阵地而构建的建筑物或预留的地块。这个词在奥斯坎语和翁布里亚语都出现。在古典拉丁语中,根据雷纳特斯的解释,Castra的意思是“大的军团营地”,也包含了行军,临时和永久防御的意思,小词缀形式的castellum通常但有时并非如此用于表示较小的堡垒,被辅助部门占用,作为军团的物流基地。[1]在英语中,术语Roman fortress,Roman fort和Roman camp通常指Castra。然而学术界趋于使用camp,marching camp和fortress作为Castra的翻译。这些惯例通常被遵循并使用在学术著作中。[2]
- ^ 参见Vegetius, Epitoma rei militaris, 3.8.
- ^ See D. B. Campbell, Roman Auxiliary Forts 27 BC-AD 378, Oxford 2009, page 4, with a discussion about the typologies of Roman fortifications.
- ^ Ramsay's classic article, linked under External links, General, below, covers types of camps and camps in general. This Wikipedia article is heavily indebted but not exclusively to it.
- Josephus. Trans. William Whiston. The War of the Jews. 维基文库.
- Population of Vindolanda. (the Tablets) (shtml). Vindolanda Tablets Online: The Roman Army: Activities. Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents, Academic Computing Development Team at Oxford University. 100 AD [2014-06-30]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-16). * pseudo-Hyginus. De Munitionibus Castrorum. The Latin Library. Ad fontes Academy. [2014-06-30]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-14). (Latin text.)
- Polybius. The Histories (English translation) Book VI. The Loeb Classical Library, Volume III Section VI. [2014-06-30]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-29). Web publication on Bill Thayer's Polybius site.
- Roman government. (Military Diploma). Military Diploma of Discharge and Roman Citizenship 160 AD. Metz, George W. 160 AD [2014-06-30]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-21). Legion xxiv website.
- Unknown inscriber. (the Tombstone). Tombstone of Anicius Ingenuus, Museum of Antiquities Website. Newcastle University. 3rd century AD [2014-06-30]. (原始内容存档于2006-08-25).
- Vegetius. Flavius Vegetius Renatus Epitoma Rei Militaris Book I. Armamentarium. [2014-06-30]. (原始内容存档于2006-06-18). Selections, Latin and English juxtaposed by paragraph. Translator unknown.
- Vegetius Renatus, Flavius; Clarke, Lieutenant John (translator); unknown editor. The Military Institutions of the Romans (De Re Militari). Digital Attic 2.0. Brevik, Mads. 2001 [2014-06-30]. (原始内容存档于2007-08-25). Books I-III only. The unknown editor altered the translation "to conform to modern usage" and abbreviated the text. Access is by subtitle. Search only within subsection.
- Campbell, Duncan B. Roman Auxiliary Forts 27 BC-AD 378. Oxford: Osprey Publishing. 2009. ISBN 978-1-84603-380-3.
- Johnson, Anne. Roman Forts of the 1st and 2nd centuries AD in Britain and the German Provinces,. London: Adam & Charles Black. 1983. ISBN 0-7136-2223-7.
- Keppie, Lawrence. The Making of the Roman Army from Republic to Empire. New York: Barnes and Noble Books. 1994. ISBN 1-56619-359-1.
- Roby, Henry John. A Grammar of the Latin Language from Plautus to Suetonius: Second Edition. London: Macmillan. 1872: 453.