在接下来的几个月里,失望的奥斯曼在他的朋友中寻求慰藉。深陷爱情中的奥斯曼凭借对爱人的仰慕,使他滔滔不绝地描述著美丽的玛尔可敦,让聆听奥斯曼演说的听众们纷纷爱上了她。其中一名听众 - 埃斯基谢希尔的年轻首领被奥斯曼动人的演说打动,也前往玛尔可敦的家中求婚,不过艾德巴利同样拒绝了他的请求。然而,艾德巴利担心埃斯基谢希尔的首领会因为求婚遭拒而展开报复,因此决定将他的住所从埃斯基谢希尔附近搬到一处距离奥斯曼父亲埃尔图鲁尔居所不远的地点。
埃斯基谢希尔的首领为此开始讨厌奥斯曼并将他视为自己最大的竞争对手。有一天,当奥斯曼和他的兄弟冈达兹·阿尔普(Gündüz Alp)正在拜访他们的邻居伊内尼(Ineani)领主的城堡时,一支由埃斯基谢希尔首领和他的盟友科斯·米海尔(科斯·米海尔是一名希腊裔的领主,他统领一座位于弗里吉亚地区的坚固堡垒。)所领导的武装部队包围了城堡,他们要求伊内尼的领主交出鄂图曼,但是伊内尼的领主拒绝做出这种出卖宾客的行为。当敌人还在城堡周围犹豫是否要发动进攻的时候,奥斯曼和他的兄弟抓住了这个大好机会,率领队伍突袭并成功击败敌人,他们将埃斯基谢希尔的领袖赶离城堡,并俘虏了科斯·米海尔。不过奥斯曼后来与科斯·米海尔成为好友,日后,当奥斯曼成为独立的安纳托利亚侯国贝伊时,科斯·米海尔成为他最强大而忠实的支持者,并协助奥斯曼征服原属希腊人控制的领土。
- ^ Finkel, Caroline. Osman's Dream: The Story of the Ottoman Empire, 1300-1923. Basic Books. 2006: 2. ISBN 978-0-465-02396-7.
First communicated in this form in the later fifteenth century, a century and a half after Osman's death in about 1323, this dream became one of the most resilient founding myths of the empire.
- Kermeli, Eugenia. Osman I. Ágoston, Gábor; Bruce Masters (编). Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire. 2009: 445.
Apart from these chronicles, there are later sources that begin to establish Osman as a mythic figure. From the 16th century onward a number of dynastic myths are used by Ottoman and Western authors, endowing the founder of the dynasty with more exalted origins. Among these is recounted the famous “dream of Osman” which is supposed to have taken place while he was a guest in the house of a sheikh, Edebali. [...] This highly symbolic narrative should be understood, however, as an example of eschatological mythology required by the subsequent success of the Ottoman emirate to surround the founder of the dynasty with supernatural vision, providential success, and an illustrious genealogy.
- Kermeli, Eugenia. Osman I. Ágoston, Gábor; Bruce Masters (编). Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire. 2009: 445.
- ^ Edward Shepherd Creasy, Turkey, page 15
- ^ Edward Shepherd Creasy, Turkey, page14
- ^ Kermeli, Eugenia. Osman I. Ágoston, Gábor; Bruce Masters (编). Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire. 2009: 445.
Apart from these chronicles, there are later sources that begin to establish Osman as a mythic figure. From the 16th century onward a number of dynastic myths are used by Ottoman and Western authors, endowing the founder of the dynasty with more exalted origins. Among these is recounted the famous “dream of Osman” which is supposed to have taken place while he was a guest in the house of a sheikh, Edebali. [...] This highly symbolic narrative should be understood, however, as an example of eschatological mythology required by the subsequent success of the Ottoman emirate to surround the founder of the dynasty with supernatural vision, providential success, and an illustrious genealogy.
- Imber, Colin. The Ottoman Dynastic Myth. Turcica. 1987, 19: 7-27.
The attraction of Aşıkpasazade's story was not only that it furnished an episode proving that God had bestowed rulership on the Ottomans, but also that it provided, side by side with the physical descent from Oguz Khan, a spiritual descent. [...] Hence the physical union of Osman with a saint's daughter gave the dynasty a spiritual legitimacy and became, after the 1480s, an integral feature of dynastic mythology.
- Imber, Colin. The Ottoman Dynastic Myth. Turcica. 1987, 19: 7-27.
- ^ Kafadar, Cemal. Between Two Worlds: The Construction of the Ottoman State. 1995: 128.
- Finkel, Caroline. Osman's Dream: The Story of the Ottoman Empire, 1300-1923. Basic Books. 2005. ISBN 978-0-465-02396-7.
- Ágoston, Gábor; Bruce Masters (编). Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire. New York: Facts on File. 2009. ISBN 978-0-8160-6259-1.
- Imber, Colin. The Ottoman Dynastic Myth. Turcica. 1987, 19: 7–27.
- Kafadar, Cemal. Between Two Worlds: The Construction of the Ottoman State. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1995. ISBN 978-0-520-20600-7.