
普赛尔屋 (The Purcell Room) 是位于伦敦市中心的一个文化设施,也是南岸中心的一部分。设施名称取自于17世纪英格兰作曲家亨利·普赛尔,可以容纳370人。普赛尔屋和附近伊丽莎白女王大厅均开业于1967年,两者入口相通[1]。建筑外观风格简朴,是伦敦的主要演出场地之一。



  1. ^ Queen Elizabeth Hall, Purcell Rooms and Hayward Gallery. SHIMMER. [2012-05-29]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). 
  • ARUP JOURNAL: South Bank Arts Centre; Architects: H. Bennett, Greater London Council chief architect 1967 July, p. 20-31
  • ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW: South Bank Arts Centre, London borough of Lambeth; Architects: H. Bennett, architect to the Greater London Council vol. 144, no. 857, 1968 July, p. 14-30
  • OFFICIAL ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING: South Bank Cultural Centre, London borough of Lambeth; Architect: H. Bennett, chief architect of the Greater London Council 1969 Aug., p. 918-923