流亡童军(英语:Scouts-in-Exteris, Scouts-in-Exile)指的是因战乱或政权出现变化,而于原生国家外成立的童军或女童军团。此概念不同于部分童军总会的海外分部,这类海外分部是宗主国因军事或商业因素而在当地发起的童军团体,例如美国童军下的泛大西洋童军会。
在澳大利亚维多利亚州有流亡童军团体维多利亚民族童军与女童军总会(there is the Ethnic Scout and Guide Association of Victoria, ESGAV),结合了7个欧洲民族的成员,每年针对其冒险童军与罗浮童军举办营队活动[1]。在美国等诸多国家,流亡童军组成的童军团归属当地国家的童军组织管理。在美国,纽约的爱沙尼亚流亡童军团与加利福尼亚州的亚美尼亚流亡童军团都归属于美国童军下属的地方童军会管理。
在德国则有来自阿富汗的童军团体“阿富汗人童军总会”(De Afghanistan Zarandoi Tolana-Afghanische Pfadfinder Organisation),与国际童军与女童军联谊协会成员德国老童军与女童军团体(Verband Deutscher Altpfadfindergilden e.V.)结盟[2][3][4]。
- ^ Riga (102) Scout Group 互联网档案馆的存档,存档日期2008-08-30.
- ^ De Afghanistan Zarandoi Tolana- Afghanische Pfadfinder Organisation. [2007-12-15]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-05) (德语).
- ^ Afghanische Altpfadfindergilde. [2007-12-15]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-05) (德语).
- ^ Afghanischer Pfadfinderverein. Verband Deutscher Altpfadfindergilden e.V. [2010-03-10]. (原始内容存档于2010-12-30) (德语).
- Victor M. Alexieff. The Other Ones - Scouts in Exile. SOSSI Journal. September 1982, XXXVII (9) [2017-02-14]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-14).
- The Undaunted (English): Piet J. Kroonenberg book about Scouts in Central and Eastern Europe who kept the Scouting spirit alive despite oppression and persecution, over many decades, and revived the Scout Movement at the earliest opportunity. 200 emblems and badges, 420 pages.
- The Undaunted II (English): Piet J. Kroonenberg-the continuation of Kroonenberg's first work, dealing with Albania, Estonia, Lithuania and Vietnam, 94 pages.
- Kroonenberg, Piet J. The Undaunted - The Survival and Revival of Scouting in Central and Eastern Europe. Geneva: Oriole International Publications. 1998: 29–30, 41–48. ISBN 2-88052-003-7.