
量子计算暨量子信息》(英语:Quantum Computation and Quantum Information)是一本由迈克尔·尼尔森艾萨克·庄所编写的量子信息科学教科书,也被视为在量子计算信息学科方面的标准教科书。[1]本书被非正式地称为“迈克与艾克”(Mike and Ike),即是以二位著者的昵称称之。[2]本书假设读者在量子力学计算机科学方面的先前经验不多,而针对这两方面的相关特征进行独立的介绍。(洛夫·格罗弗英语Lov Grover回忆起一位博士后研究员贬低本书的评论,“这本书太初级了——它甚至假设读者是不了解量子力学的基本知识而开始论述。”[3]本书的内容不是要讨论量子计算机的实验成果,而是专注在论述较简要的量子信息理论。[4]

出版时间2000 (第一版)
2010 (第二版)

截至2020年1月,本书已在Google学术搜索中被引用超过39,000次。[5]在2019年,尼尔森为他的量子国家专案计划(Quantum Country project)改编了本书的部分内容。[6]

目录 (十周年纪念版)

  • Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview (介绍及概述)
  • Chapter 2: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (量子力学导论)
  • Chapter 3: Introduction to Computer Science (计算机科学导论)
  • Chapter 4: Quantum circuit (量子线路)
  • Chapter 5: The Quantum Fourier transform and its Applications (量子傅立叶变换)
  • Chapter 6: Grover's algorithm (格罗弗算法)
  • Chapter 7: Quantum Computers: Physical Realization (量子计算机:物理实现)
  • Chapter 8: Quantum Noise and Quantum Operations (量子杂音及量子操作)
  • Chapter 9: Distance Measures for Quantum Information (量子信息的距离测量)
  • Chapter 10: Quantum error correction (量子纠错更正)
  • Chapter 11: Entropy and Information (及信息)
  • Chapter 12: Quantum Information Theory (量子信息论)
  • Appendix 1: Notes on Basic Probability theory (基本概率论注记)
  • Appendix 2: Group theory (群论)
  • Appendix 3: The Solovay–Kitaev theorem (索洛维-基塔耶夫定理英语Solovay–Kitaev theorem)
  • Appendix 4: Number theory (数论)
  • Appendix 5: Public key cryptography and the RSA Cryptosystem (公开密钥加密RSA密码系统)
  • Appendix 6: Proof of Lieb's theorem (利布定理证明)
  • Bibliography (参考文献)
  • Index (索引)


彼得·萧尔称本书为“一本极佳的书籍”。洛夫·格罗弗英语Lov Grover亦称本书为“量子信息领域的圣经”。斯科特·亚伦森英语Scott Aaronson)谈到本书时说:“人们亲切地称这本书为《迈克与艾克》,它仍然是会被拿来与所有其他量子计算教材相比较的书。”[7]大卫·迪文森佐英语David DiVincenzo)说,“与之前的任何尝试相比,本书更清晰地确定量子信息理论的基本基础,甚至在少数的量子信息研究案例中,允许作者获得一些原始成果、并指向新的研究方向。”[8]于2001年11月版的物理学基础期刊英语Foundations of Physics的评论说,“在为数不多的关于这个新主题的书籍中,本书的论述是最完整和最全面的。”[9]


  1. Nielsen, Michael A.; Chuang, Isaac L. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information 1st. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2000. ISBN 978-0-521-63503-5. OCLC 634735192. 
  2. Nielsen, Michael A.; Chuang, Isaac L. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information 2nd. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2010. ISBN 978-1-107-00217-3. OCLC 844974180. 


  1. ^ Vogel, Manuel. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, by M.A. Nielsen and I.L. Chuang. Contemporary Physics. 2011-11-01, 52 (6): 604–605. Bibcode:2011ConPh..52..604V. ISSN 0010-7514. S2CID 118307371. doi:10.1080/00107514.2011.587535. 
    Gudder, Stanley P. Book Review: Quantum Computation and Quantum Information. By Michael A. Nielsen and Isaac L. Chuang. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2000, i–xxv+676 pp., $42.00 (hardcover). Foundations of Physics. 2001-11-01, 31 (11): 1665–1667. ISSN 0015-9018. S2CID 118557951. doi:10.1023/a:1012603118140 (英语). 
    DiVincenzo, David P. Book Review on Quantum Computation and Quantum Information. Quantum Information and Computation. 2001, 1: 95–96. [失效链接]
    Mermin, N. David. From Cbits to Qbits: Teaching computer scientists quantum mechanics. American Journal of Physics. 2003, 71 (1): 23–30. Bibcode:2003AmJPh..71...23M. ISSN 0002-9505. S2CID 13068252. arXiv:quant-ph/0207118 . doi:10.1119/1.1522741. 
  2. ^ Wilde, Mark M. Preface to the Second Edition. Quantum Information Theory. Cambridge University Press. 2017-02-28: xi–xii. Bibcode:2011arXiv1106.1445W. ISBN 9781316813300. arXiv:1106.1445 . doi:10.1017/9781316809976.001 (英语). 
    Strauch, Frederick W. Resource Letter QI-1: Quantum Information. American Journal of Physics. 2016-06-21, 84 (7): 495–507. Bibcode:2016AmJPh..84..495S. ISSN 0002-9505. doi:10.1119/1.4948608. 
  3. ^ Grover, Lov. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information. American Journal of Physics. 2002-04-12, 70 (5): 558–559 [2021-09-21]. Bibcode:2002AmJPh..70..558N. ISSN 0002-9505. doi:10.1119/1.1463744. (原始内容存档于2021-09-21). 
  4. ^ James, Daniel F. V. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information. Physics Today. 2001-11-01, 54 (11): 60–62. Bibcode:2001PhT....54k..60N. ISSN 0031-9228. doi:10.1063/1.1428442 . 
  5. ^ Michael Nielsen - Google Scholar Citations. scholar.google.com. [2017-11-10]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-16). 
  6. ^ Matuschak, Andy; Nielsen, Michael. Quantum computing for the very curious. 2019 [2021-09-21]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-24). 
  7. ^ Michael Nielsen, Isaac Chuang. Quantum Computing and Quantum Information. Cambridge University Press. 2000: reviews. 
  8. ^ DiVincenzo, David P. BOOK REVIEW on Quantum Computation and Quantum Information (PDF). Quantum Information and Computation. 2001, 1 (2): 95–96 [2021-09-21]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2022-01-21) –通过Rinton Press. 
  9. ^ Gudder, S. P. Book Review, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information.. Foundations of Physics. November 2001, 31 (11): 1665–1667. S2CID 118557951. doi:10.1023/A:1012603118140. 
