



  • 卡特琳娜·戈古,53岁,希腊诗人、作家和女演员,自杀。
  • 加里·戈登(Gary Gordon),33岁,美国陆军上士和荣誉勋章获得者,在行动中阵亡。[9]
  • 米哈伊·科罗姆(Mihály Korom),65岁,匈牙利政治家和法学家。
  • 派特里夏·莱克,74岁,美国女演员、广播喜剧演员和社交名媛。
  • 罗里·派克(Rory Peck),36岁,北爱尔兰自由战地摄影师,被枪杀。[10]
  • 兰迪·舒哈特(Randy Shughart),35岁,美国陆军三角洲部队士兵和荣誉勋章获得者,在行动中阵亡。[11]
  • Bernard J. Ganter,65岁,美国罗马天主教会主教。
  • Harry Jagielski,61岁,美国橄榄球运动员。[27]
  • 村濑幸子,88岁,日本女演员。[28]
  • Göta Pettersson,66岁,瑞典体操运动员和奥运选手。[29]
  • C. R. Rangachari,77岁,印度板球运动员。
  • Tekin Arıburun,88岁,土耳其士兵和政治家。
  • Espectro I,54岁,墨西哥 luchador,被称为“El Espectro I”(“幽灵”)。
  • 韦德·弗莱蒙斯,53岁,美国灵魂歌手,癌症。
  • Otmar Gutmann,56岁,德国电影制片人,癌症。[43]
  • 约翰·杰克逊(John G. Jackson),86岁,美国讲师、教师和作家。[44]
  • 格温·威尔斯,42岁,美国女演员,癌症。[45]
  • Clarence Lung,78岁,美国演员。[50]
  • Aydın Sayılı,80岁,土耳其科学史学家。
  • Dan Turèll,47岁,丹麦作家,食道癌。
  • 渡边慧,83岁,日本理论物理学家。[51]
  • Jimmie DeShong,83岁,美国棒球运动员。[52]
  • 弗洛拉·恩瓦帕(Flora Nwapa),62岁,奈及利亚作家,肺炎。[53]
  • 阿尼·奥利弗(Arnie Oliver),86岁,美国足球运动员。
  • 邦妮·坡,81岁,美国女演员和配音员。
  • René Sylviano,89岁,法国作曲家。[54]
  • Bernd Baselt,59岁,德国音乐学家。
  • 玛丽亚·罗莎·坎迪多(Maria Rosa Candido),26岁,义大利短道速滑运动员和奥运选手,交通事故。[58]
  • Lois Kibbee,71岁,美国女演员(《夜的边缘》、《Caddyshack》、《One Life to Live》),脑癌。[59]
  • 萨尔瓦多·洛佩兹(Salvador P. Lopez),82岁,菲律宾作家、记者、外交官和政治家。[60]
  • 吉德斯克·安德森(Gidske Anderson),71岁,挪威记者和作家。
  • Pola Illéry,83岁,罗马尼亚裔美国女演员和歌手。
  • 约翰·科尔,94岁,美国棒球运动员。[61]
  • Carsta Löck,90岁,德国电影女演员。[62]
  • 莫里斯·亨利·多曼(Maurice Henry Dorman),81岁,英国外交官和殖民地行政长官。
  • František Filipovský,86岁,捷克斯洛伐克演员。[84]
  • 阿尔伯特·希瑟勒,76岁,马尔他政治家和马尔他总统。
  • Oro,21岁,墨西哥职业摔跤手,摔跤事故。
  • 哈罗德·罗马(Harold Rome),85岁,美国作曲家、作词家和音乐作家。[85]
  • Mušan Topalović,36岁,波士尼亚黑帮和军阀
  • 阿尔伯特·祖格史密斯,83岁,美国电影制片人、电影导演和编剧。[86]
  • 利普曼·贝尔斯,79岁,拉脱维亚裔美国数学家。[94]
  • 罗伯特·迪尔沃思,78岁,美国数学家。
  • Herbert Lütkebohmert,45岁,德国足球运动员。[95]
  • 牧野雅弘,85岁,日本电影导演。[96]
  • 斯坦尼斯瓦夫·马鲁萨兹(Stanisław Marusarz),80岁,波兰北欧滑雪运动员和奥运选手。[97]
  • 伊迪·派克,71岁,美国作家,作家杰克·凯鲁亚克的第一任妻子。
  • Zdeněk Podskalský,70岁,捷克电影导演和编剧。
  • 乔治·波普,82岁,英国板球运动员。
  • 埃利奥特·斯科特(Elliot Scott),78岁,英国美术指导(《曾陷害过兔子罗杰》、《迷宫》、《印第安纳钟斯》和《最后的十字军东征》)。
  • František Tokár,68岁,捷克斯洛伐克乒乓球运动员。
  • 罗杰·特纳,92岁,美国花样滑冰运动员和奥运选手。[98]
  • 鲍勃·阿彻(Bob Atcher),79岁,美国乡村音乐家。[104]
  • 费德里柯·费里尼,73岁,义大利电影导演兼编剧(81/2,La Dolce Vita,La Strada),四次奥斯卡奖得主,心脏病发作。 [105]
  • 阿尔·梅洛(Al Mello),87岁,美国奥林匹克运动员和拳击手。
  • 拉霍斯·帕普,49岁,匈牙利射击运动员和奥运选手。[106]
  • River Phoenix,23岁,美国演员(Running on Empty、Stand by Me、Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade)和音乐家,吸毒过量。[107]
  • 吉尔曼·兰金(Gilman Rankin),82岁,美国演员(《午夜牛仔》(Midnight Cowboy)、《墓碑领地》(Tombstone Territory)、《突袭13区》(Assault on Precinct 13))。
  • 埃德温·沃克(Edwin Walker),83岁,美国陆军军官、反共主义者和白人至上主义者,肺癌。[108]


  1. ^ Janine Darcey. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [28 April 2022] (French). 
  2. ^ Vera Peters - Pioneer in Psychosocial Oncology. science.ca. [29 April 2022]. 
  3. ^ Hermann Otto Sleumer - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [28 April 2022]. 
  4. ^ Giuseppe Vari. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [28 April 2022] (French). 
  5. ^ Ahmed Abdul-Malik. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [28 April 2022] (法语). 
  6. ^ William Berger - filmportal.de. filmportal.de. [28 April 2022] (德语). 
  7. ^ Bruce Lambert. Henry Ringling North, 83, Dies; Owner Who Modernized Circus . The New York Times. 3 October 1993: 1 44 [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-17). 
  8. ^ Eric Pace. Sheik Amin Tarif, Arab Druse Leader In Israel, Dies at 95 . The New York Times. 5 October 1993: D 23 [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-26). 
  9. ^ Kneeland, Douglas E. Debts of Honor. The New York Times. 29 May 1995 [28 April 2022]. 
  10. ^ Corley, Felix. Obituary: Rory Peck. The Independent. 4 October 1993 [28 April 2022]. 
  11. ^ Sanchez, Tatiana. Snipers knew they would likely die, yet fought on. Chicago Tribune. 27 May 2016 [28 April 2022]. 
  12. ^ Jim Holton. worldfootball.net. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  13. ^ Dr. Lorie Tarshis, 82, Professor of Economics . The New York Times. 14 October 1993: B 10 [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  14. ^ Randy Kennedy. Willard A. Hanna, 82, an Author And an Expert on Southeast Asia . The New York Times. 8 October 1993: D 16 [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  15. ^ Karl Gordon Henize - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-20). 
  16. ^ Dumitru Stăniloae. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (法语). 
  17. ^ Albert Bigelow - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  18. ^ Stillman Drake. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (法语). 
  19. ^ Nejat Eczacıbaşı - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-28). 
  20. ^ Cyril Cusack - Broadway Cast & Staff - IBDB. ibdb.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  21. ^ Agnes de Mille. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (French). 
  22. ^ Kenneth Nelson - Broadway Cast & Staff - IBDB. ibdb.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  23. ^ Gu Cheng. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (French). 
  24. ^ Pete Cooper. where2golf.com. [29 April 2022]. 
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  26. ^ Alfred Toepfer. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (French). 
  27. ^ Harry Jagielski Stats - Pro-Football-Reference.com. pro-football-reference.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  28. ^ Sachiko Murase. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (French). 
  29. ^ Olympedia – Göta Pettersson. olympedia.org. OlyMADMen. [29 April 2022]. 
  30. ^ John Bindon. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-02) (法语). 
  31. ^ Frauendatenbank fembio.org. fembio.org. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-16) (德语). 
  32. ^ Olympedia – Jim Howden. olympedia.org. OlyMADMen. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  33. ^ Keith Murray, Baron Murray of Newhaven - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-28). 
  34. ^ Alexandra Hay. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27) (法语). 
  35. ^ Yvar Mikhashoff - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  36. ^ Jess Thomas. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (法语). 
  37. ^ Lee Walls Stats - Baseball-Reference.com. baseball-reference.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  38. ^ William Grimes. Leon Ames, Actor And Unionist, 91; Roles in 100 Films . The New York Times. 15 October 1993: B 10 [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  39. ^ Mircea David. worldfootball.net. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-02). 
  40. ^ Wolfgang Saxon. Lawrence R. Hafstad Dies at 89; Helped to Develop Nuclear Power . The New York Times. 22 October 1993: B 9 [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-09-10). 
  41. ^ Ruth Gilbert Dead; Actress, 71, Starred On Berle's TV Show . The New York Times. 15 October 1993: B 10 [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-10). 
  42. ^ Patrick Holt. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27) (法语). 
  43. ^ Otmar Gutmann - filmportal.de. filmportal.de. [29 April 2022] (German). 
  44. ^ John G. Jackson - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. 
  45. ^ Gwen Welles, 42, Dies; Actress in 'Nashville' . The New York Times. 16 October 1993: 1 11 [29 April 2022]. 
  46. ^ AMMERMAN, Joseph Scofield. bioguide.congress.gov. [29 April 2022]. 
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  49. ^ Obert C. Tanner - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. 
  50. ^ Biography of Clarence LUNG. notrecinema.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  51. ^ Satosi Watanabe - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. 
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  53. ^ Flora Nwapa. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (French). 
  54. ^ René Sylviano. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (French). 
  55. ^ Vijay Bhatt. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (French). 
  56. ^ Eric Pace. Helmut Gollwitzer Is Dead at 84; An Anti-Nazi German Theologian . The New York Times. 25 October 1993: B 8 [29 April 2022]. 
  57. ^ Bill Reigel Stats - Basketball-Reference.com. basketball-reference.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  58. ^ Olympedia – Maria Rosa Candido. olympedia.org. OlyMADMen. [29 April 2022]. 
  59. ^ Glenn Collins. Lois Kibbee Is Dead; Actress of Television And Stage Was 71 . The New York Times. 21 October 1993: D 24 [29 April 2022]. 
  60. ^ Salvador P. Lopez. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (French). 
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  66. ^ Yasushi Sugiyama - Library of Congress. id.loc.gov. [29 April 2022]. 
  67. ^ Wayne Belardi Stats - Baseball-Reference.com. baseball-reference.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  68. ^ William Grimes. James Leo Herlihy, 66, Novelist Who Wrote 'Midnight Cowboy' . The New York Times. 22 October 1993: B 9 [29 April 2022]. 
  69. ^ Melchior Ndadaye. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (French). 
  70. ^ Irv Torgoff Stats - Basketball-Reference.com. basketball-reference.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  71. ^ Glenn Collins. Sam Zolotow, a Theater Reporter For Many Decades, Is Dead at 94 . The New York Times. 23 October 1993: 1 10 [29 April 2022]. 
  72. ^ Jiří Hájek. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27) (法语). 
  73. ^ Hans Walter Wolff. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [5 February 2023] (法语). 
  74. ^ Ulf Björlin. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (法语). 
  75. ^ Wilhelm Feldberg - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  76. ^ Olympedia – Shota Lomidze. olympedia.org. OlyMADMen. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  77. ^ Jo Grimond. britannica.com. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-27). 
  78. ^ Olympedia – Přemysl Hajný. olympedia.org. OlyMADMen. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  79. ^ Fritz Jüptner-Jonstorff - filmportal.de. filmportal.de. [29 April 2022] (德语). 
  80. ^ Heinz Kubsch. worldfootball.net. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  81. ^ Elena Nicolai - Library of Congress. id.loc.gov. [29 April 2022]. 
  82. ^ Roy Hampton Park - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. 
  83. ^ Peter B. Flint. Vincent Price, a Suave but Menacing Film Presence, Is Dead at 82 . The New York Times. 26 October 1993: B 11 [29 April 2022]. 
  84. ^ František Filipovský - filmportal.de. filmportal.de. [29 April 2022] (德语). 
  85. ^ Harold Rome - Broadway Cast & Staff - IBDB. ibdb.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  86. ^ Albert Zugsmith - filmportal.de. filmportal.de. [29 April 2022] (德语). 
  87. ^ Earl Banks, 69, Dies; Coach at Morgan State . The New York Times. 28 October 1993: D 27 [29 April 2022]. 
  88. ^ Cloyce Box Stats - Pro-Football-Reference.com. pro-football-reference.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  89. ^ Peter Quennell. britannica.com. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. [29 April 2022]. 
  90. ^ Eric Pace. Doris Duke, 80, Heiress Whose Great Wealth Couldn't Buy Happiness, Is Dead . The New York Times. 29 October 1993: B 11 [29 April 2022]. 
  91. ^ Cal Koonce Stats - Baseball-Reference.com. baseball-reference.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  92. ^ Juri Lotman. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (French). 
  93. ^ Bob Seeds Stats - Baseball-Reference.com. baseball-reference.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  94. ^ Wolfgang Saxon. Lipman Bers, 79, Mathematician And Champion of Human Rights . The New York Times. 2 November 1993: B 10 [29 April 2022]. 
  95. ^ Herbert Lütkebohmert. worldfootball.net. [29 April 2022]. 
  96. ^ Masahiro Makino. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [29 April 2022] (French). 
  97. ^ Olympedia – Stanisław Marusarz. olympedia.org. OlyMADMen. [29 April 2022]. 
  98. ^ Olympedia – Roger Turner. olympedia.org. OlyMADMen. [29 April 2022]. 
  99. ^ Donald Prentice Booth - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-28). 
  100. ^ Eric Pace. Louis Heller, a New York Justice And Congressman, Is Dead at 88 . The New York Times. 1 November 1993: D 9 [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  101. ^ Maria Matray - Broadway Cast & Staff - IBDB. ibdb.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  102. ^ Margaret Vyner - Broadway Cast & Staff - IBDB. ibdb.com. [29 April 2022]. 
  103. ^ Ted Williams Stats - Pro-Football-Reference.com. pro-football-reference.com. [29 April 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-27). 
  104. ^ Bob Atcher - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [29 April 2022]. 
  105. ^ Peter B. Flint. Federico Fellini, Film Visionary, Is Dead at 73 . The New York Times. 1 November 1993: A 1 [29 April 2022]. 
  106. ^ Olympedia – Lajos Papp. olympedia.org. OlyMADMen. [29 April 2022]. 
  107. ^ RIVER PHOENIX COLLAPSES AND DIES AT 23. The Washington Post. 1 November 1993 [29 April 2022]. 
  108. ^ Eric Pace. Gen. Edwin Walker, 83, Is Dead; Promoted Rightist Causes in 60's . The New York Times. 2 November 1993: B 10 [29 April 2022].