模板:Infobox currency/doc



{{Infobox currency
| currency_name               =
| currency_name_in_local      = 
| image_1                     = 
| image_title_1               = 
| iso_code                    = 
| issuing_authority           = 
| issuing_authority_website   = 
| date_of_introduction        = 
| date_of_introduction_source = 
| using_countries             = 
| inflation_rate              = 
| inflation_source_date       = 
| subunit_ratio_1             = 
| subunit_name_1              = 
| symbol                      = 
| symbol_subunit_1            = 
| nickname                    = 
| nickname_subunit_1          = 
| frequently_used_coins       =
| rarely_used_coins           =
| frequently_used_banknotes   =
| rarely_used_banknotes       =
{{Infobox currency
| 货币名称      =
| 货币当地名称  = 
| 图像1         = 
| 图像说明1     = 
| ISO代码       = 
| 发行机构      = 
| 发行机构网址  = 
| 始发时间      = 
| 始发时间来源  = 
| 使用地        = 
| 通胀率        = 
| 通胀率来源    = 
| 辅币单位1比率 = 
| 辅币单位1     = 
| 符号          = 
| 辅币单位1符号 = 
| 别称          = 
| 辅币单位1别称 = 
| 常用硬币      =
| 少用硬币      =
| 常用纸币      =
| 少用纸币      =

该货币的[[ISO 4217]]代码;如果是区块链加密货币,则是[[ISO 24165]]DTI识别码

{{Infobox currency
| currency_name_in_local =
| image_1 =
| image_title_1 =
| iso_code =
| issuing_authority =
| issuing_authority_website =
| date_of_introduction = 
| date_of_introduction_source =
| using_countries =
| inflation_rate =
| inflation_source_date = ''[https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/2092.html The World Factbook]'', 2010 est.
| ERM_since =
| ERM_fixed_rate_since =
| euro_replace_non_cash =
| euro_replace_cash =
| ERM_fixed_rate =
| ERM_band =
| subunit_ratio_1 = 1/100
| subunit_name_1 =
| symbol =
| frequently_used_coins =
| rarely_used_coins =
| frequently_used_banknotes =
| rarely_used_banknotes =
{{Infobox currency
| color =
| currency_name =
| currency_name_in_local =
| image_1 =
| image_background_1 =
| image_title_1 =
| image_width_1 =
| image_2 = 
| image_background_2 =
| image_title_2 =
| image_width_2 =
| iso_code =
| iso_code_num =
| iso_en = 
| iso_fr = 
| gb_name =
| issuing_authority =
| issuing_authority_title =
| issuing_authority_website =
| date_of_introduction = 
| date_of_introduction_source =
| unofficial_users =
| using_countries =
| inflation_rate =
| inflation_source_date =
| inflation_method =
| ERM_since =
| ERM_withdraw =
| ERM_fixed_rate_since =
| euro_replace_non_cash =
| euro_replace_cash =
| ERM_fixed_rate =
| ERM_band =
| pegged_with =
| pegged_by =
| superunit_ratio_1 = <!-- thru |superunit_ratio_5 = -->
| superunit_name_1 =
| superunit_inline_note_1 =
| subunit_ratio_1 = <!-- thru |subunit_ratio_5 = -->
| subunit_name_1 =
| subunit_inline_note_1 =
| symbol =
| symbol_subunit_1 = <!-- thru |symbol_subunit_5 = -->
| nickname =
| nickname_subunit_1 = <!-- thru |nickname_subunit_5 = -->
| no_plural =
| plural_subunit_1 = <!-- thru |plural_subunit_5 = -->
| used_coins =
| frequently_used_coins =
| rarely_used_coins =
| coin_article =
| used_banknotes =
| frequently_used_banknotes =
| rarely_used_banknotes =
| banknote_article =
| printer =
| printer_website =
| printer_override_with_original_text =
| mint =
| mint_website =
| mint_override_with_original_text =
| value =
| obsolete_notice =
| footnotes =



属性 现行货币 历史货币 需要提供 互斥 默认值 实例 / 格式
currency_name 货币名称
可选 可选 {{PAGENAME}}
currency_name_in_local 货币当地名称
可选 可选 {{native name|fi|Suomen markka|italics=off}}
{{native name|sv|Finska mark|italics=off}}
image_1 可选 可选
image_2 可选 可选
image_title_1 可选 可选 image_1
image_title_2 可选 可选 image_2
image_background_1 可选 可选 image_1 (none) #000000
image_background_2 可选 可选 image_2 (none) #000000
image_width_1 可选 可选 image_1 126 / 252 正整数,不需后缀“px”。见东加勒比元波兰兹罗提斯洛维尼亚托拉尔智利比索葡萄牙士姑度孟加拉塔卡赛普勒斯镑罗马尼亚列伊土库曼斯坦马纳特卢森堡法郎福克兰群岛镑等。
image_width_2 可选 可选 image_2 126


属性 现行货币 历史货币 需要提供 互斥 默认值 实例 / 格式
iso_code 推荐 可选 Don't put anything if you can't find it. Not a question mark.
issuing_authority 可选 可选 xyz中央银行
  • 如果该项存在,请从“参见”章节移除重复的维基内链。
issuing_authority_title 可选 可选 issuing_authority 中央银行 Monetary authority, currency board
issuing_authority_website 可选 可选 issuing_authority {{URL|www.ecb.eu}}
  • 建议不要加入网址尾部的“/”
  • 如果该项存在,请移除条目“外部链接”中重复的链接
date_of_introduction 可选 可选 1965年8月16日
  • The date when the issuing authority introduced the medium of currency. Not to be confused with adoption by a country or other entity.
date_of_introduction_source 可选 可选 date_of_introduction Name of and reference to the act regarding the introduction of the currency.
using_countries 必需 必需 Italicize non-sovereign states, order them as appropriate in the context. Use of {{flag}}, {{flagcountry}}, or {{flagicon}} recommended. See also Wikipedia:Inline templates linking country articles.


属性 现行货币 历史货币 需要提供 互斥 默认值 实例 / 格式
inflation_rate Optional Optional Do not put things like "(2001)" here. Use the next attribute. Don't put anything if you can't find it. Not a question mark.
inflation_source_date Optional Optional inflation_rate Wikipedia article
Sveriges Riksbank, August 2011

The World Factbook, 2010 est.
(prefer central bank data over CIA)

inflation_method Optional Optional inflation_rate CPI, CPI,排除不动产

ERM currencies

Attribute Live currency Dead currency Must use with Mutually exclusive with Default value Example / Style
ERM_since Optional Optional pegged_with (unless ERM_withdraw is present)
ERM_withdraw Optional Optional ERM_since Date (for pound sterling and Italian lira)
ERM_fixed_rate_since Optional Optional ERM_since pegged_with
euro_replace_non_cash Optional Optional ERM_since pegged_with 1 January 1999
euro_replace_cash Optional Optional ERM_since pegged_with 1 January 2002
ERM_fixed_rate Optional Optional ERM_since pegged_with "5.94573 mk", not "1 euro = 5.94573 mk". Use symbol if possible.
ERM_band Optional Optional ERM_since pegged_with "15%", not "±15%"


Attribute Live currency Dead currency Must use with Mutually exclusive with Default value Example / Style
pegged_with Optional Optional ERM_* euro = 3 units. If the rate is defined that way, do not put the inverse rate like 1 unit = 0.333333 euro.
pegged_by Optional Optional Use ISO 4217 Code if the list gets too long


Attribute Live currency Dead currency Must use with Mutually exclusive with Default value Example / Style
subunit_ratio_{1..5} Optional Optional Preceding subunit_ratio_*
Matching subunit_name_(1..5}
1/100, 1/20, 1/240
subunit_name_{1..5} Optional Optional Matching subunit_ratio_{1..5} Cent (currency), shilling, penny, and do not confuse centavo, centimo, centime, and centesimo. Link the subunit only if there's an article.
subunit_inline_note_{1..5} Optional Optional Matching subunit_name_{1..5} This is so small that it is not used in practice
superunit_ratio_{1..5} Optional Optional
superunit_name_{1..5} Optional Optional
superunit_inline_note_{1..5} Optional Optional
symbol Optional Optional €, £, $. Link to the articles of the currency symbols if exist (e.g. dollar sign, pound sign)
symbol_subunit_{1..5} Optional Optional Matching subunit_name_(1..5} ¢


Attribute Live currency Dead currency Must use with Mutually exclusive with Default value Example / Style
nickname Optional Optional quid, buck/greenback, loonie/huard
nickname_subunit_{1..5} Optional Optional Matching subunit_name_(1..5} penny


Attribute Live currency Dead currency Must use with Mutually exclusive with Default value Example / Style
plural Optional Optional plural_slavic, no_plural emalangeni (use this is the it doesn't follow English grammar)
plural_slavic Optional Optional plural, plural_subunit_{1..5}, no_plural Put any non-empty value to enable the Slavic notice. See Russian ruble for example.
no_plural Optional Optional plural, plural_subunit_{1..5}, plural_slavic Put any non-empty value to enable the no-plural notice. See New Taiwan dollar for example.
plural_subunit_{1..5} Optional Optional Matching subunit_name_(1..5}, plural_slavic, no_plural aurer (of Iceland)

Frequency (coins)

Attribute Live currency Dead currency Must use with Mutually exclusive with Default value Example / Style
used_coins Optional Optional frequently_used_coins, rarely_used_coins See below
frequently_used_coins Optional Optional used_coins See below
rarely_used_coins Optional Optional used_coins See below
coin_article Optional Optional United States coinage
  • Use symbol if possible. But it has to be correct down to the position and the spacing. If you are not sure, fall back to the full name. Central bank websites are a good source for authoritative information.
$1, 10¢, £5, 500 Kč
1$, $ 1, 10 ¢, ¢10, £ 5, 5£, 500Kč, Kč 500
  • If the symbol is behind the numeral, then put the symbol after the last one.
20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 5000 Sk
Not recommended:
20 Sk, 50 Sk, 100 Sk, 200 Sk, 500 Sk, 1000 Sk, 5000 Sk
  • Use the representation on the coin/banknote, e.g. if it says "100 cents", then it's "100 cents", not "1 dollar"; if it says "½ franc", then it's not "50 centimes"
  • Use ½ and ¼, not 1/2 or 1/4
  • If the list involves both the subunits and the main unit, do not add a new line after the subunit. For example,
10p, 20p, 50p, £1
Not recommended:
10p, 20p, 50p
However, add a new line with <br/> after the subunit if and only if the total number of lines remains the same.
10p, 20p, 50p
£1, £2, £5
Not recommended:
10p, 20p, 50p, £1, £2,
  • Do not put "and" before the last one, e.g. "1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 yuan", not "1, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 yuan"
  • For a large numbers, write like these
  • 1000 (no space, no comma)
  • 10 000 (with &nbsp;, not a regular space)
  • 100 000 (with &nbsp;, not a regular space)
  • 1 000 000 (with &nbsp;, not a regular space)
  • 107 (or higher) (use {{e}} if the number doesn't start with 1)

Frequent v.s. rare comments:

  • Smallest coins:
  • recently and officially phased out (e.g. 10 and 20 h of Czech koruna, 5 New Zealand cents)
  • not used in practice because of small value (1 and 5 South Korean won (maybe it's official now...))
  • Denominations in the middle
  • Ask yourself this question: if you are given change when conducting a daily activity, and denomination X is required to make a mathematically minimal number of coins and banknotes. Would you receive denomination X? This applies to US 50¢ (historical reason about silver stuff in the 1960s) and 20 New Taiwan dollars (a new denomination lacks government support and campaign).
  • Banknotes that are being replaced by coins (I know this happens all the time, but I just can't think of one that is ongoing right now)
  • Large denominations
  • Ask yourself this question: do ATMs give this denomination. The answer is no for US$50 and US$100. This question also applies to denominations in the middle, e.g. ATMs in Iceland dispense 500, 1000, and 5000 króna notes, making 2000 krónur "rarely used"
  • Ask yourself this question: When someone buys an electronic that is worth several times of the largest and pays by cash. Is it more likely to use denomination X?

You might be thinking, "why do these simple words 'rare' and 'frequent' have to turn into these long definitions?" The bottom line is, these definitions have everything to do with the usage in daily life. And the issuance number quoted by the central banks/governments have little meaning in this sense, as a lot of them can be used for interbank transactions, hoarded by tax evaders and drug dealers (I hope this is not "daily life"), by casinos, and in the hands of foreigners.

And only use these attributes when you are very sure. If you are not, fall back to a single list where rarely and frequently are not distinguished.

Frequency (notes)

Attribute Live currency Dead currency Must use with Mutually exclusive with Default value Example / Style
used_banknotes Optional Optional frequently_used_banknotes, rarely_used_banknotes See above
frequently_used_banknotes Optional Optional used_banknotes See above
rarely_used_banknotes Optional Optional used_banknotes See above
banknote_article Optional Optional Banknotes of the Hong Kong dollar


Attribute Live currency Dead currency Must use with Mutually exclusive with Default value Example / Style
printer Optional Optional Central Printing Shop
  • Like issuing_authority
printer_website Optional Optional printer {{URL|www.komsep.com}}
  • Like issuing_authority_website, if printer_override_with_original_text is not present
printer_override_with_original_text Optional Optional printer Put any non-empty value to enable "original text" of printer. For example,

[http://www.bportugal.pt/ Banco de Portugal]<br/> [http://www.bankofgreece.gr/ Bank of Greece]]

mint Optional Optional Utopian Mint
  • Like issuing_authority
mint_website Optional Optional mint {{URL|www.swissmint.ch}}
  • Like printer_website
mint_override_with_original_text Optional Optional mint Like printer_override_with_original_text
obsolete_notice Optional Optional Put any non-empty value to enable the obsolete notice. See German mark for example.
footnotes Optional Optional