The purpose of this user page is to point you to the right direction where you can contact me in need. Please do not leave your message here, otherwise in most cases, they will not be noticed in time and eventually be removed.

However, you are encouraged to contact me or say hello. :-)

Please note that I can communicate in either Bangla or English. My apologies for not knowing your language.

If you prefer to leave me a message, please choose any of the following talk pages I maintain frequently.

If you have something to say to me in private, e-mail is a good option.

  • If you are logged in to your Wikimedia account you can probably e-mail me by clicking here.
  • Otherwise, you can e-mail me directly to Wikitanvir at

Finally, if you are interested to know about my work or myself, they can be found on my Meta-Wiki user page.




  • 依据方针,本次投票必须按照指定格式在安全投票的“投票留言”框内填写文字来进行投票,并给出理由
  • 由于技术原因,因而保留空白的投票选项,但空白选项是无效的,请在“投票留言”一栏留下您的投票及理由
  • 请注意,中立票意见仅供参考,仅能计入总有效票数,但不会计入得票比率
  • 在系统中,每个用户只有一票会被储存。您可以在投票期间重复更改您的投票,但系统只会储存最新的投票,并覆盖之前的记录。
  • 请尽可能让您的留言简洁。请注意,您的投票留言将在投票结束后打乱顺序并公开可见
  • 支持解任:您的理由
  • 反对解任:您的理由
  • 中立:您的意见留言




MediaWiki message delivery留言2024年7月14日 (日) 14:32 (UTC)回复