
國民健康保險(英語:National health insurance,NHI),有時也被稱為法定健康保險(statutory health insurance,SHI),是一種醫療保險體系,提供給民眾,用來支付醫療衛生的成本。它可以由公共部門、或者是私營部門,或者是公私兩部門結合管理。籌措經費的機制,因不同的國家,及不同的系統計劃而異。國民或法定健康保險不等同於政府運營,或者政府提供資金的醫療衛生服務,但通常都是由國家立法而制定。在某些國家/地區,例如澳洲的國民保健系統英國國民保健署(NHS)和南韓國民健康保險,這些系統的經費是透過一般稅收來籌措,因此,屬於強制性,但在使用這醫療衛生系統服務的方面,則非強制性。實際上,大多數繳費給國民健康保險的人都會使用它提供的服務。如果國民健康保險可在多個保險基金中做選擇,則投保人的繳費費率可能會因不同的基金,而會有不同。


德國擁有世界上最古老的國民社會健康保險制度,[1] 起源可追溯到1883年德意志帝國宰相奧托·馮·俾斯麥所推動的疾病保險法。[2][3] 在英國,《 1911年國民保險法英語National Insurance Act 1911》包括初級照護(沒包括專科或醫院護理)的國民社會健康保險,最初是針對大約三分之一的人口-就業的受僱領薪工人階級,但不包含他們的家屬。[4]這種健康保險制度一直持續使用,直到1948年,國民保健署(National Health Service)成立,建立一種全民醫療衛生的服務來涵蓋全民為止,國民保健署的經費來自一般稅收(而不是採用保險的方式),為所有合法居民提供服務。



另一種籌集經費方式是,各國透過立法設立國民健康保險,人民繳納強制性的保險費給有競爭性質的不同保險基金。這些基金(可能交由公共機構、私營的營利性公司,或私營非營利性公司管理)必須提供基本覆蓋率標準,並且不得根據年齡、職業,或以前的健康狀況(既有身體狀況)而有歧視性待遇。為了同時保障患者和保險公司的利益,政府建立一個資金均衡池英語equalization pool,在各個基金之間達到分散風險的目的。政府也可以醫療補助的形式撥款給資金均衡池,這是荷蘭使用的一種模式。








  1. ^ Bump, Jesse B. The long road to universal health coverage. A century of lessons for development strategy (PDF). Seattle: PATH. October 19, 2010 [March 10, 2013]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2014-01-18). Carrin and James have identified 1988—105 years after Bismarck’s first sickness fund laws—as the date Germany achieved universal health coverage through this series of extensions to minimum benefit packages and expansions of the enrolled population. Bärnighausen and Sauerborn have quantified this long-term progressive increase in the proportion of the German population covered by public and private insurance. Their graph is reproduced below as Figure 1: German Population Enrolled in Health Insurance (%) 1885–1995. 
    Carrin, Guy; James, Chris. Social health insurance: Key factors affecting the transition towards universal coverage (PDF). International Social Security Review. January 2005, 58 (1): 45–64 [March 10, 2013]. doi:10.1111/j.1468-246x.2005.00209.x. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2020-06-27). Initially the health insurance law of 1883 covered blue-collar workers in selected industries, craftspeople and other selected professionals.6 It is estimated that this law brought health insurance coverage up from 5 to 10 per cent of the total population. 
    Bärnighausen, Till; Sauerborn, Rainer. One hundred and eighteen years of the German health insurance system: are there any lessons for middle- and low income countries?. Social Science & Medicine. May 2002, 54 (10): 1559–1587 [March 10, 2013]. PMID 12061488. doi:10.1016/S0277-9536(01)00137-X. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2020-05-15). As Germany has the world’s oldest SHI [social health insurance] system, it naturally lends itself to historical analyses. 
  2. ^ Leichter, Howard M. A comparative approach to policy analysis: health care policy in four nations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1979: 121. ISBN 0-521-22648-1. The Sickness Insurance Law (1883). Eligibility. The Sickness Insurance Law came into effect in December 1884. It provided for compulsory participation by all industrial wage earners (i.e., manual laborers) in factories, ironworks, mines, shipbuilding yards, and similar workplaces. 
  3. ^ Hennock, Ernest Peter. The origin of the welfare state in England and Germany, 1850–1914: social policies compared. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2007: 157. ISBN 978-0-521-59212-3. 
  4. ^ Leathard, Audrey. Health care in Britain: pre-war provision, 1900–1939. Health care provision: past, present, and into the 21st century 2nd. Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes. 2000: 3–4 [2020-04-16]. ISBN 9780748733545. (原始內容存檔於2016-05-21). 


  • Nicholas Laham: Why the United States lacks a national health insurance program, Westport, Conn. [u.a.] : Greenwood Press, 1993
  • Barona, B., Plaza, B., and Hearst, N. (2001) Managed Competition for the poor or poorly managed: Lessons from the Colombian health reform experience. Oxford University Press [1]頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館
  • Ronald L. Numbers (ed.): Compulsory Health Insurance: The Continuing American Debate, Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1982.
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  • Saltman, R.B. and Dubois, H.F.W. (2004) Individual incentive schemes in social health insurance systems, 10(2): 21-25. Full text頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館
  • Van de Ven, W.P.M.M., Beck, K., Buchner, F. et al. (2003) Risk adjustment and risk selection on the sickness fund market in five European countries, Health Policy, 65(1=: 75-98.
  • Saltman, R.B. and Dubois, H.F.W. (2005) Current reform proposals in social health insurance countries, Eurohealth, 11(1): 10-14. Full text
