


出生 (1955-10-29) 1955年10月29日68歲)
國籍 中華民國









朱敬一自2007年開始連續三年分別至北、中、南的高中上一學期的社會科學課,是第一位走進高中校園,用深入淺出的方式,引導剛從國中畢業的學子走入人文與社會科學世界的中研院院士。 [6]


  • 台灣在陳水扁主政的時代,曾有兩次大規模的金融體制改革,在第二次的金融改革中,朱敬一反對其改革方針,尤其質疑開發金控併購金鼎證券的過程[7][8]



  • 人口研究:
    • 人口動態之不規則演進[9]
    • 人口生育循環研究[10]
  • 個體經濟研究:
  • 經濟期刊排序研究[14]
  • 政治經濟學:


  • 台灣經貿政策:
  • 教育改革[20]








  • 《給青年知識追求者的十封信》(聯經出版)
  • 《牧羊人讀書筆記》(印刻出版
  • 《經濟學的視野》(聯經出版
  • 《找回台灣經濟正義與活力》(天下雜誌


  1. 經濟學(八版),毛慶生、朱敬一林全、許松根、陳昭南、陳添枝、黃朝熙合著,2015年,華泰文化事業有限公司。ISBN 9789574322862
  2. 基礎經濟學(七版),毛慶生、朱敬一林全、許松根、陳昭南、陳添枝、黃朝熙合著,2015年,華泰文化事業有限公司。ISBN 9789574322855
  3. 經濟學概要(五版),毛慶生、朱敬一林全、許松根、陳昭南、陳添枝、黃朝熙合著,2015年,華泰文化事業有限公司。ISBN 9789574322848
  4. 經濟學的視野,朱敬一林全合著,2010年,聯經出版事業公司。ISBN 9789570835656
  5. 面對公與義:臺灣金融的健全化、效率化、全球化,朱敬一、許嘉棟、余範英合著,2006年,時報出版事業有限公司。ISBN 9789868282100
  6. 個體經濟學,朱敬一、陳恭平合著,2005年,台灣東華書局。ISBN 9789574832972
  7. 朱敬一, 葉家興, "台灣的「私人興學」--現況檢討與政策建議", 收錄於《台灣的教育改革》, 台北: 前衛出版社, 1995.
  8. 朱敬一, 姜. 論自由刑與罰金刑的最適取捨. 臺北市: 國立臺灣大學. 1991.
  9. 朱敬一, 《個體經濟分析》(373頁), 台北: 新陸書局, 1990.
  10. 朱敬一 (與五位合著者), 《解構黨國資本主義》(280頁), 台北: 新陸書局, 1990.
  1. 汪納卡特, 汪. 初等統計問題詳解. Translated by 朱敬一譯. 再版 ed. 臺北市: 曉園. 1983.
  2. 朱敬一主編. WTO架構下兩岸經貿關係研討會實錄. 臺北市: 孫運璿基金會. 2000.
  3. 梁明義, and 究主持. 運輸部門供給需求之比較及未來投資政策之探討. Translated by 朱敬一等 and 究, 臺灣地區運輸經濟分析 1. 臺北市: 交通部運輸研究所. 1986.


  1. 朱敬一講社會科學:台灣社會的新世紀挑戰,朱敬一著,2008年,時報出版事業有限公司。ISBN 9789571349022
  2. 朱敬一講社會科學:法政經社的核心內容,朱敬一著,2008年,時報出版事業有限公司。ISBN 9789571349015
  3. 朱敬一講社會科學:社會科學的源起背景,朱敬一著,2008年,時報出版事業有限公司。ISBN 9789571349008
  4. 給青年知識追求者的信,朱敬一著,2006年,聯經出版事業有限公司。ISBN 9570830786
  5. 基本人權,朱敬一、李念祖著,2003年,時報出版事業有限公司。ISBN 9571339423
  6. 教育鬆綁,朱敬一、戴華著,1995年,遠流出版事業有限公司。ISBN 9573227185
  7. 張清溪, 朱. 經濟學分析社會的方法, 分析社會的方法演講系列. [臺北縣: 國立空中大學 國立屏東師院 國立花蓮師院. 1995.




  1. 朱敬一, 於若蓉, 「統計調查與學術研究」, 《人口學刊》, 1999 : 1-11.
  2. 於若蓉, 朱敬一, 「台大「惠我良多」? - 論各大學畢業生初出校門的表現」, 《經濟論文叢刊》, 1998, 26: 65-89.
  3. 朱敬一, 許松根, 於若蓉, 「國內經濟學相關期刊排序」, 《國科會人文暨社會科學研究彙刊》, 1997 (7) : 445-473.
  4. 張宏碁, 朱敬一, 「用 Pseudo Panel Data 估計台灣男性跨期勞動替代彈性", 《經濟論文叢刊》, 1996 (24): 313-337.
  5. 朱敬一, 「經濟學研究方法的解析與批判」, 《中華民國通識教育季刊》, 1996 (3) : 99-107.
  6. 朱敬一, 陳恭平, 「台灣的資產炒作」,《人文及社會科學集刊》, 1994 (6): 79-98.
  7. 朱敬一, 楊建成, 胡勝正, 黃定遠, "國民年金對財政收支之影響", 《台灣經濟預測與政策》, 1994 (25) : 35-91.
  8. 朱敬一, 「國家認同的經濟分析」,《人文及社會科學集刊》, 1993 (6): 75-96.
  9. 朱敬一, 譚令蒂, "仿冒與生產者創新",《國科會人文及社會科學研究彙刊》, 1991 (1): 219--231.
  10. 朱敬一,"以所得區分人口結構在經濟學上的應用", 《國科會科學發展月刊專論》1990 (18): 817-824.
  11. 朱敬一, 張明宗, 林向愷, 「複佔貝氏賽局的學習機能」,《對局理論及其應用研討會論文集》, 1990: 353-402。
  12. 朱敬一, 譚令蒂, "匿名審稿至的經濟分析",《經濟論文叢刊》, 1990 (18): 357-396.
  13. 朱敬一, "台灣營利事業所得稅逃漏的成因與指標-MIMIC 模型的應用」,《經濟論文叢刊》, 1989 (16): 481-489.
  14. 朱敬一, 朱筱蕾, 「台灣地下經濟的成因與政策分析: DYMIMIC 模型之應用」《經濟論文》, 1989 (16): 137-170.
  15. 朱敬一, 「「台灣美元遠期外匯市場效率性之檢定」一文之評論」,《經濟論文》, 1989 (16): 171-176.
  16. 朱敬一, 《地下經濟與逃漏稅問題之研究》, 行政院賦改會, 1989.
  17. 朱敬一, 「長子繼承權的緣起與影響」, 《中國經濟學會年會論文》, 1989.
  18. 朱敬一, 紀志毅, "論城市鄉村間公共財的最適配置--Tiebout 與 Todaro 模型之綜合",《經濟論文叢刊》, 1988 (16): 25-40.
  19. 於若蓉, 朱敬一, 「婦女勞動參與對生育行為之影響--兩制內生轉換模型之應用」, 《經濟論文叢刊》, 1988 (16): 225-249.
  20. 朱敬一, 「從「大學教育之需求與大學聯考重考現象」一文談兩期模型與無窮期模型之異同」,《經濟論文叢刊》, 1988 (16): 215-220.
  21. 朱敬一, 陳凱俐, 「反應成本油價訂定方式之探討」,《台大社會科學論叢》, 1988: 341-354.
  22. 朱敬一, 「我國小規模營利事業書審制度的福利分析」,《經濟論文》, 1988 (16): 55-78.
  23. 朱敬一, 「以賽局理論分析習俗演進」,《經濟論文》, 1987 (15): 99-112.
  24. 朱敬一, 「由經濟學的觀點看告訴乃論與公訴的取捨」, 《經濟論文叢刊》, 1986 (14): 93-104.
  25. 朱敬一, 「對「一階解與二階解均衡值之異同」爭議之評斷」, 《經濟論文叢刊》, 1986 (15): 123-130.
  26. 朱敬一, 「邊沁刑事法則之檢討」, 《經濟論文》, 1986 (14) : 99-112.


  1. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and R. Yu (2008) "Understanding Chinese Families monograph manuscript," 13 Chapters, with a Forward by James J. Heckman.
  2. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, R. Yu and Yu Xie (2008) "Effects of Sinship Structure Revisited: Evidence from Intra-Family Resource Transfer in Taiwan," Sociology of Education forthcoming.
  3. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and Hung-ken Chien, "Durable-Goods Monopolists, Network Effects and Penetration Pricing," Marketing Science, 2008 forthcoming.
  4. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, Hung-ken Chien and Ronald Lee (2008) "Explaining the Optimality of U-shaped Age-specific Mortality," Theoretical Population Biology 73: 171-180
  5. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and R. Yu (2008) 「Intergenerational Transmission of Sex-specific Differential Treatments: The Allocation of Education Resources Among Siblings," Social Science Research 37: 386-399.
  6. C. Y. Cyrus Chu (2008), "Biodiversity Decline and Population Externalities," Journal of Population Economics 21: 173-181.
  7. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and Hung-ken Chien "Asymmetric Information Pretrial Negotiation, and Optimal Decoupling," International Review of Law and Economics 2007 (27):312-319
  8. Anne H. Gauthier, C. Y. Cyrus Chu, and Shripad Tuljapurkar, Riding the Age Waves: Allocating Public and Private Resources Across Generations, 2007, by Kluwer.
  9. C. Y. Cyrus and R. Yu, 「Kinship Networks and Intergenerational Transfers,」 2006, in Riding the Age Waves: Allocating Public and Private Resources Across Generations, 2007, by Kluwer.
  10. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and Ronald D. Lee, "The Coevolution of Intergenerational Transfers and Longevity: An Optimal Life History Approach," Theoretical Population Biology 2006 (69):193-201
  11. Wen-Jen Tsay and C. Y. Cyrus Chu 「The Pattern of Birth Spacing During Taiwan's Demographic Transition," Journal of Population Economics, 2005, 18:323-336
  12. Kong-Pin Chen and C. Y. Cyrus Chu, "International Control and External Manipulation: A Model of Corporate Income Tax Evasion," RAND Journal of Economics, 2005 (36): 151-164.
  13. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and Emerson Niou, "The strategy of Ambiguity in Electoral Competition," Academia Economic Papers, forthcoming 2005 (33):279-302
  14. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, Roh-rong Yu and Yu Xie, "The Decision 'Power' in Endogenously-formed Families," IEAS WP, 2005 (revised and resubmitted to SSR).
  15. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and R. Yu, "Bequeathable Assets, Social Network and Child Contact," American Economic Review 2004, revise and resubmitted.
  16. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, Roh-rong Yu, and Yu Xie, "The Decision 'Power' in Endogenously-formed Families," Social Science Research 2004, revise and resubmitted.
  17. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, Ruey Tsay and H. Wu, "Transmission of Sex Preferences Across Generations: The Allocation of Resources in Education Among Siblings," Review of Economics and Statistics, 2004, submitted.
  18. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, "Children as Refrigerators: When Would Backward Altruism Appear?" 2004, mimeo.
  19. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and Cheng-ying Huang, 「On the Definition and Efficiency of Punitive Damages,」 International Review of Law and Economics, 2004 (24): 241-254.
  20. C.Y. Cyrus Chu, Ruey Tsay and H. Wu "Transmission of Sex Preference Across Generations: The Allocation of Resources in Education Among Siblings," IEAS WP, 2004.
  21. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and R. Yu, "Bequeathable Assets, Social Network and Child Contact", IEAS WP, 2004.
  22. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, "Precedent Externality, Network Effect, and the Possible Inefficiency of the Evolution of Laws," European Journal of Law and Economics, 2003 (16): 187-198
  23. C.Y. Cyrus Chu, Ching-fan Chung, and Chun-fang Jiang, "Impediments to Married Women's Employment and Earnings Caused by Various Family Commitments," IEAS working paper, 2003.
  24. Minsheng Chen, C. Y. Cyrus Chu and Huei-chung Lu, 「Bequest Division and Population Growth: A Linear Extinction Probability Approach,」 Journal of Population Economics, 2002, 15:243-259.
  25. Leslie Tan and C. Y. Cyrus Chu, "A Generalized Analysis of the Effect of Business Taxes on the Location Choice under Uncertainty," Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2002 (32): 201-219.
  26. Leslie Tan and C. Y. Cyrus Chu, "A Generalized Analysis of the Effect of Business Taxes on the Location Choice under Uncertainty," Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2002 (32): 201-219.
  27. Leslie Tan and C. Y. Cyrus Chu, "A Generalized Analysis of the Effect of Business Taxes on the Location Choice under Uncertainty," Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2002 (32): 201-219.
  28. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and T.F.Jiang, 「Power Tends to Corrupt: Why and How?」 IEAS WP, 2002
  29. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and R. Yu, 「Population Dynamics and Biodiversity Decline: A Survey of the Literature, "Population and Development Review, 2001, 28:S 126-143.
  30. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, 「Population Dynamics: Theory of Nonstable Population」, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2001.
  31. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and Ching Tai, 「Ecosystem Resilience, Specialized Adaptation and Population Decline: A Modern Malthusian Theory」, Journal of Population Economics, 2001, 14:7-19.
  32. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and Wen-Fang Liu, 2001, "A Dynamic Characterization of Rawls' Maximin Principle," Constitutional and Political Economy, 2001 (3): 255-272.
  33. Tain-Jy Chen and C. Y. Cyrus Chu, 2001, in Taiwan's Presidential Politics: Democratization and Cross-strait Relations in the Twenty-first Century, ed. by Muthiah Alagappa. New York: M. E. Sharpe.
  34. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and W. T. Juang, "The Economics of Physiognomy and Phrenology," IEAS WP, 2001.
  35. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, C. –Y. Huang and J. –J. Shih, 「The Content/System Competition of the Cable-TV Industry: An Economic Analysis,」 IEAS working paper, 2001.
  36. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and R. Lee (des.), Population and Economic Change in East Asia, a supplement of Population and Development Review, 2000 (25).
  37. Tsai, Y., C. Y. Cyrus Chu, and C. -F. Chung, 「Demographic Transition and Household Savings in Taiwan,」 Population and Development Review, 2000 (S): 174-193.
  38. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and Huei-Chung Lu, 「Predator-Prey Models with Endogenous Decisions」, Mathematical Population Studies, 2000 (8): 55-71.
  39. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, S. -C. Hu, and T. -Y. Huang, 「Punishing Repeated Offenders More Severely!" International Review of Law and Economics, 2000(20): 127-140.
  40. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, M. C. Chang, and K. L. Lin, 「Initial Beliefs and the Global Stability of Least Square Learning," International Review of Economics of Finance, 2000 (9): 123-137.
  41. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, "Insuring Against Self-fulfilling Financial Crises," IEAS WP, 2000.
  42. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, Population Dynamics: A New Economic Approach, Forwarded by Ronald D. Lee, Oxford University Press (226 pages), 1998.
  43. R. P. C. Cheng and C. Y. Cyrus Chu, 「Estimating the Intergenerational Income Mobility Matrix Using Pseudo Panel Data」, in Essays on Economic Development in Memory of John Fei, eds. by Gustav Ranis et al., 1998.
  44. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and R. Yu, 「Individual Sex Preferences and the Societal Sex Ratio」, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 1998 (194): 383-390..
  45. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and H. Lu, 「The Multi-store Location Decision of a Spatial Monopoly," Regional Science and Urban Economics, 1998 (28): 255-281.
  46. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and Y. -C. Tsai, 「Productivity, Investment in Infrastructure, and Population Size: Formalizing the Theory of Ester Boserup」, in Increasing Return and Economic Analysis, K. Arrow et al. (eds.), 1998. New York: McMillan.
  47. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and C. Wang, 「Economy of Specialization and Diseconomy of Externalities," Journal of Public Economics, 1998 (69): 249-261.
  48. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, H. -W. Koo and T. -Y. Huang, 「The Lack of Preference Foundation of the Generalized Entropy Measure," Academia Economic Papers, 1998 (26): 331-346.
  49. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and L. Jiang, 「Demographic Transition, Family Structure, and Income Inequality」, Review of Economics and Statistics, 1997 (79): 665-669.
  50. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, 「Age Distribution Dynamics and Aging Indexes」, Demography, 1997 (34): 551-563.
  51. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, 「Population Density and Infrastructure Development」, Review of Development Economics, 1997 (1): 294-304.
  52. K. -P. Chen, H.-K. Chien, and C. Y. Cyrus Chu, 「Sequential versus Unitary Trials with Incomplete Information」, Journal of Legal Studies, 1997 (26): 239–258.
  53. M. C. Chang, C. Y. Cyrus Chu, and K. L. Lin, 「The Minimum Prediction Error Learning Algorithm with Information Feedbacks," Taiwan Economic Review, 1997 (25): 473-491.
  54. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, 「Tax Evasion by Small Businesses: Theory and Empirical Evidence in Taiwan," Review of Public Economics, 1996 (1): 157–183.
  55. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and H. -W. Koo, 「Bequest Division and Income Inequality」, Economica, 1995 (62): 423-440.
  56. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and H. -C. Lu, 「Toward a General Analysis of Endogenous Easterlin Cycles」, Journal of Population Economics, 1995 (8): 35-57.
  57. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and Y. Qian, 「Vicarious Liability Under a Negligence Rule」, International Review of Law and Economics, 1995 (15): 289–304.
  58. M. C. Chang, C. Y. Cyrus Chu, and K. L. Lin 「A Reformulation of the Least Square Learning Mechanism," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 1995 (19): 1293-1296.
  59. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, 「The Willingness to Pay for Permanent Reductions in Life Risks," Academia Economic Papers, 」,1995 (23): 209–225.
  60. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and R. Lee, 「Famine, Revolt and the Dynastic Cycle: Population Dynamics in Historic China」, Journal of Population Economics, 1994 (7): 351–378.
  61. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and N. Jiang, 「Are Fines More Efficient Than Imprisonment? 」, Journal of Public Economics, 1993 (51): 391–413.
  62. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, 「Oscillatory vs Stationary Enforcement of Law」, International Review of Law and Economics, 1993 (13): 303–315.
  63. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, 「Commentary on 『Analyzing Income Tax Evasion Using Amnesty Data with Self-selection," in Why People Pay Taxed: Tax Compliance and Enforcement, Joel Slemrod (ed.), University of Michigan Press, 1992.
  64. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, 「Primogeniture」, Journal of Political Economy, 1991 (99): 78–99.
  65. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, 「An Economic Analysis of the Criminal Proceedings in Civil-law Countries」, International Review of Law and Economics, 1991 (11): 111–116.
  66. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, 「Endogenous Nonconvex State-transition Rules and Cyclical Policies」, Technical Report, Santa Fe Institute, 1991.
  67. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, 「An Existence Theorem on the Stationary State of Income Distribution and Population Growth」, International Economic Review, 1990 (31): 171-185.
  68. C. Y. Cyrus Chu and H. -W. Koo, 「Intergenerational Income-Group Mobility and Differential Fertility」, American Economic Review, 1990 (80): 1125-1138.
  69. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, 「Plea Bargaining with the IRS」, Journal of Public Economics, 1990 (41): 319–333.
  70. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, 「Crime and Punishment with Possible Post-Offense Compromises」, Academia Economic Papers, 1990 (17): 131–168.
  71. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, 「A Model of Income Tax Evasion with Venal Tax Officials," Public Finance」, 1990 (45): 392–408.
  72. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, 「An Income-Specific Stable Population Model: Theory and Applications」, in Research in Population Economics, Vol. 6, T. Paul Schultz (ed.), JAI Press, 1988: 337–366.
  73. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, 「Should the Inventory Smoothing Model Be 『Saved』?" Academia Economic Papers, 1988 (16): 159–167.
  74. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, 「The Dynamics of Population Growth, Differential Fertility and Inequality: Note」, American Economic Review, 1987 (77): 1054–1056.
  75. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, 「The Effect of Social Security on the Steady State Distribution of Consumption", Journal of Public Economics, 1987 (34): 189–210.
  76. C. Y. Cyrus Chu, 「Product Differentiation and Preference Structure: A Remark on Hotelling』s Spatial Competition Mode", Academia Economic Papers, 1986 (14): 199–210.


  1. ^ 駐WTO代表朱敬一申請退職 31日生效. [2019-08-29]. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-29). 
  2. ^ 飆哈雷救經濟. [2012-02-16]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-02). 
  3. ^ 中國時報,A3/焦點新聞:《朱敬一專文》教改 不必是為自己的孩子, 2009/07/11
  4. ^ 聯合報:院士負面笑話與「公民」教改問題,2007/9/12. [2009-10-12]. (原始內容存檔於2012-10-15). 
  5. ^ 聯合報:朱敬一:招生若採一科成績 符合大學理念嗎?,2009/11/16[永久失效連結]聯合報:朱敬一:《名人堂》「和光同塵」才是培育菁英的有效率環境,2009/07/13頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館
  6. ^ 中國時報:培育人文社科人才 朱自喻播種者,2010/01/08[永久失效連結]
  7. ^ 時報:開發金併金鼎的爭議擴大,朱敬一、陳添枝密會財長, 2006/3/20[永久失效連結]
  8. ^ 引用財訊月刊第297期 獨家專訪開發金董事長 林誠一談辜仲瑩:「絕對沒歪哥」 記者:黃琴雅, 2006/11/30 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2013-12-17.: (記者)問:對於你上任後,公股與獨立董監事戴一義、朱敬一與陳添枝相繼離職,原因為何?辜仲瑩團隊為何會引起公股董監的質疑? (林誠一)答:應該說是領導人的風格不同,以前是泰公(劉泰英)執掌,現在是辜仲瑩。就我所知,朱敬一跟辜仲瑩相處的過程不是很愉快,人相處難免會有意見不同,但我有一個老一輩的信念,我們來這裡做事,有事情就在公司裡面談,可以知無不言,言無不盡,若有違法的事情,任何人都可以去告發,沒有的話,就不要亂用情緒性的話去講人家的是非。而我到這裡來是要協調官股與辜家,希望兩邊好好相處,他們(指朱、戴、陳)說要依據公司法來行使查帳工作,我不反對,於是他們找了另一個會計師,弄了一份監察人報告,有問題我們全都應該虛心接受,但查出來都是一些程序上問題。
  9. ^ (古慧雯計劃主持 1992; 史惠慈等著 2009; 朱敬一 and 究主持 1995; 朱敬一 1991; 朱敬一 1996; 朱敬一主編 2000, 2000; 朱敬一計畫主持, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1996; 朱敬一執行主持 1995; 汪納卡特 1983; 張清溪 1995; 梁明義 and 究主持 1986) 古慧雯計劃主持. 人口動態之不規則演進. Translated by 朱敬一共同主持, 行政院國家科學委員會專題硏究計畫成果報告. 臺北市: 行政院國家科學委員會. 1992.
  10. ^ 朱敬一執行主持. 「代間模型」與「期間模型」之抉擇 人口生育循環之研究, 行政院國家科學委員會專題硏究計畫成果報告. 臺北市: 行政院國家科學委員會. 1995.
  11. ^ 朱敬一計畫主持. 業主連帶侵權責任的經濟分析, 行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告. 臺北市: 行政院國家科學委員會.
  12. ^ 台灣地區世代移轉之理論與實證. 1994.
  13. ^ 台灣企業家的創業過程與經濟組織結構變化 How does the market coordinate the division of labor and utilize network effects an inframarginal analysis. Translated by 楊小凱協同主持, 行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告. 臺北市: 行政院國家科學委員會. 1995.
  14. ^ 國內經濟學專業期刊排序 Rankings of economics journals in Taiwan. Translated by 許松根共同主持, 行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告. 臺北市: 行政院國家科學委員會. 1996.
  15. ^ 模糊表態的經濟分析 The Economic analysis of political amibiguity. Translated by 黃定遠共同參與, 行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告. 臺北市: 行政院國家科學委員會. 1996.
  16. ^ 核四何去何從研討會實錄. 臺北市: 孫運璿基金會. 2000.
  17. ^ 朱敬一主編. Wto架構下兩岸經貿關係研討會實錄. 臺北市: 孫運璿基金會. 2000.
  18. ^ 史惠慈等著. Ecfa 開創兩岸互利雙贏新局面. Translated by 朱敬一主編. 初版 ed, 兩岸關係研究系列 5. 臺北市: 遠景基金會. 2009.
  19. ^ 旺報:朱敬一專訪:兩岸經貿緊密度會影響獨派的選擇,2009/8/25. [2009-10-12]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-02). 
  20. ^ 朱敬一, 戴. 國家在教育中的角色, 教改叢刊 Aa01. 臺北市: 行政院教育改革審議委員會. 1996.
  21. ^ [1]頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)假發票案 -- 學術三巨頭:勿以貪汙起訴]
  22. ^ 經濟日報:近半數連署 賦改會委員 不想玩了,2008/10/28[永久失效連結]

