
傑伊·C·哈澤爾(英語:Jay C. Hartzell,1969年9月1日),美國經濟學家,德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校第30任校長 [1]

前任Gregory L. Fenves
出生 (1969-09-01) 1969年9月1日55歲)
學歷三一大學 (BS)
德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校 (MS, PhD)












4月24日,在哈澤爾的明確授意和德克薩斯州州長格雷格·阿博特的協調下[9] [10],校方請求奧斯汀警察局和德克薩斯州公安部協助平息大規模親巴勒斯坦的學生運動和抗議人群對大學的所謂占領 [11] [12],這與阿博特和哈澤爾數年前大加讚揚的校園言論自由的說法大相徑庭[13]。當天中午,數百名來自校、市、州三級的鎮暴警察和騎兵攜帶戰術裝備進入學校,驅趕並抓捕正在進行抗議活動的示威群眾,此舉造成多人受傷並導致至少57人被捕,其中29人是該校學生和教職工,還有1人為福克斯新聞7台駐奧斯汀的攝影記者 [14] [15] [16] [17] [17] [18]。4月25日,因警方無法提供足夠證據,特拉維斯縣地檢署撤銷了46名被捕的抗議者的「非法入侵」指控 [19] [20] ,其餘11名抗議者的指控也於26日撤銷[21],所有被捕的抗議者已全部釋放。24日事件當晚,哈澤爾向全校發布公開信,表示「此次示威有校外人士干預,意欲占領校園」、「學校不會被占領」並向警方表示感謝。25日,學校教務長伍德通過全體郵件和張貼傳單的方式發布了新的抗議活動守則,新規包括了「禁止佩戴面罩」和「晚上十點之後宵禁」等充滿爭議性的條款[22],當地警方開始24小時駐紮校內。26日,校方暫停了「巴勒斯坦團結委員會」的學生社團地位[23]

校方和警方處理此次事件的方式隨即遭到了包括教職員工、學生、該地區的數位民主黨籍立法會議員以及第一修正案倡導團體 [24] [25]的來自社會各界的強烈譴責[26] [14]。4月25日,得克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校教師理事會執行委員會通過全體郵件的方式發表官方聲明,對「邀請警方入校並通過暴力方式阻撓和平抗議」表示嚴重關切[27],並對和平抗議表示支持。當日中午,超過一千名學生、教職員工和校友在德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校主樓外抗議,要求哈澤爾立刻辭職。同時,美國大學教授協會駐得州大學分會發表了譴責哈澤爾的公開信,並開始聯署對哈澤爾的不信任動議。在公開信發出的72小時內,已有507名教授和講師(占該校所有教職工的約15%)簽署了請願書,其中包括至少7位系主任、該校文理學院院長和學生工作部主任。另外還有至少 165 名教職工簽署了一封獨立的公開信,強烈譴責哈澤爾壓制言論自由、危害校園和社區的行為 [28] [29]。4月26日、27日和28日,學生繼續在校內舉行小規模抗議活動。



  1. ^ Mekelburg, Madlin. Jay Hartzell named UT Austin president. Austin American-Statesman. September 23, 2020 [August 27, 2023]. (原始內容存檔於2020-12-01). 
  2. ^ About the President. Office of the President. 2019-11-04 [2024-04-27]. (原始內容存檔於2023-01-21) (英語). 
  3. ^ McGee, By Kate. UT-Austin President Jay Hartzell poised to make $1.25 million annually. The Texas Tribune. 2020-11-16 [2024-04-27]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-27) (英語). 
  4. ^ McGee, By Kate. Texas Senate approves bill that would ban diversity programs in public universities. The Texas Tribune. 2023-04-20 [2024-04-27]. (原始內容存檔於2024-09-06) (英語). 
  5. ^ Leija, Ren. Division of Diversity and Community Engagement renamed amid SB 17 changes. The Daily Texan. [2024-04-27]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-01). 
  6. ^ Rights group, politicians react to UT layoffs, DCCE closing months after SB 17 began. Austin American-Statesman. [2024-04-27]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-03) (美國英語). 
  7. ^ UT Austin students protest school’s DEI layoffs amid state ban. NBC News. 2024-04-18 [2024-04-27]. (原始內容存檔於2024-07-03) (英語). 
  8. ^ 041524_FC_Transcription.pdf | Powered by Box. utexas.app.box.com. [2024-04-27]. (原始內容存檔於2024-08-19) (中文(中國大陸)). 
  9. ^ The Daily Texan [@thedailytexan]. BREAKING: UT President Jay Hartzell's messages with a state senator and the UT System Chancellor reveal he requested additional help from DPS at yesterday's protest because "our police force couldn't do it alone," according to messages obtained by The Austin American-Statesman. (推文). April 25, 2024 [April 25, 2024] –透過Twitter. 
  10. ^ Chandler, Ryan [@RyanChandlerTV]. It was President Hartzell himself who called in DPS to respond to the protests yesterday, UT tells me. "That was President Hartzell. That was President Hartzell. Along with his leadership team and UT System Board of Regents Chairman Kevin Eltife," Comms Director Mike Rosen said. (推文). April 25, 2024 [April 25, 2024] –透過Twitter. 
  11. ^ Dey, Sneha; Mohamed, Ikram; Xia, Annie; Melhado, William. Police arrest more than two dozen pro-Palestine protesters on UT-Austin campus amid tense standoff. The Texas Tribune. April 24, 2024 [April 24, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-24). 
  12. ^ Leija, Ren. Hundreds of UT Austin students, faculty gather on campus for pro-Palestinian protest. The Daily Texan. April 24, 2024 [2024-04-27]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-20). 
  13. ^ Irwin, Lauren. Abbott says pro-Palestine protesters at UT Austin 'belong in jail'. The Hill. April 24, 2024 [2024-04-27]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-16). 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Downen, Robert. UT-Austin faculty criticizes response to pro-Palestine walkout as students plan new protest. The Texas Tribune. April 25, 2024 [April 25, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-25). 
  15. ^ Velez, Abigail. "This was supposed to be peaceful": Dozens detained at UT Austin protest. CBS Austin. April 24, 2024 [April 24, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-27). 
  16. ^ kvue.com. At least 50 arrested at pro-Palestine protests on UT Austin campus. KVUE Austin. April 24, 2024 [April 24, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-25). 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 FOX 7 Austin Digital Team. University of Texas Palestine protest leads to more than 30 arrests, including FOX 7 photographer. FOX 7 Austin. April 24, 2024 [April 24, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-26). 
  18. ^ Paul, Kari. Fox journalist among dozens arrested at Texas university as protests swell. The Guardian. April 24, 2024 [April 24, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-25). 
  19. ^ Weber, Andrew. Charges dismissed against 46 arrested during pro-Palestinian protest at UT Austin. KUT News. April 25, 2024 [2024-04-27]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-25). 
  20. ^ Kepner, Lily; Moreno-Paz, Bianca. Live: UT-Austin professors plan protest with students, PSC calls for Hartzell's resignation. Austin American-Statesman. April 25, 2024 [April 25, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-25). 
  21. ^ Weber, Andrew. Charges dropped against all 57 pro-Palestinian demonstrators arrested on UT campus. KUT News. April 26, 2024 [April 26, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-16). 
  22. ^ party-extreme1. At UT Austin, your right to protest is fully supported—just make sure to do so silently, unmask your face for the eager riot police, promptly introduce yourself, and remember: bedtime is at 10 PM sharp!. r/UTAustin. 2024-04-26 [2024-04-27]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-27). 
  23. ^ UT's Palestine Solidarity Committee placed on interim suspension after Wednesday's protest. kvue.com. 2024-04-26 [2024-04-28] (美國英語). 
  24. ^ Grant, Matt. Press freedom advocates want change following Austin photojournalist protest arrest. KXAN-TV. April 25, 2024 [April 25, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-26). 
  25. ^ Elbein, Saul. Texas Gov. Abbott faces backlash after mass arrest at UT Austin pro-Palestine protest. The Hill. April 25, 2024 [April 25, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於2024-08-31). 
  26. ^ Perry, Nick; Vertuno, Jim; Coronado, Acacia. Dozens arrested on California campus after students in Texas detained as Gaza war protests persist. AP News. April 24, 2024 [2024-04-27]. (原始內容存檔於2024-08-22). 
  27. ^ Downen, Robert; Mohamed, Ikram; Melhado, William. Faculty petition to hold no-confidence vote in UT-Austin president after protest response. The Texas Tribune. April 25, 2024 [April 25, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-25). 
  28. ^ Free Speech UTexas. Open Letter from UT Austin Faculty to President Jay Hartzell Regarding April 24. Medium. April 26, 2024 [April 26, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-10). 
  29. ^ Srivastava, Naina. 165 UT faculty sign letter to Hartzell, condemn University’s response to pro-Palestine protest. The Daily Texan. April 26, 2024 [April 26, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-06). 
  30. ^ 500+ faculty members sign letter of no confidence against UT president over protests, DEI. Austin American-Statesman. [2024-04-30]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-21) (美國英語). 
  31. ^ Instagram. www.instagram.com. [2024-04-30]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-30). 
  32. ^ At least 100 pro-Palestinian protesters arrested after setting up encampment at UT Austin. Austin American-Statesman. [2024-04-30]. (原始內容存檔於2024-08-29) (美國英語).