


科學分類 編輯
門: 紅藻門 Rhodophyta
綱: 真紅藻綱 Florideophyceae
目: 海索面目 Nemaliales
科: 粉枝藻科 Liagoraceae






  • Akalaphycus Huisman, I.A.Abbott & A.R.Sherwood, 2004
  • Cumagloia Setchell & N.L.Gardner, 1917
    • Cumagloia andersonii (Farlow) Setchell & N.L.Gardner, 1917
  • Cylindraxis Kraft, 1989
    • Cylindraxis rotundatus [2]
  • 皮絲藻屬 Dermonema Harvey ex Heydrich, 1894
    • Dermonema gracile (G.M.Martens) Weber-van Bosse
    • 墊形皮絲藻 Dermonema pulvinatum (Grunow ex Holmes) Fan, 1962
    • 皮絲藻 Dermonema virens (J.Agardh) Pedroche & Ávila Ortíz, 1996
  • 杜氏藻屬 Dotyophycus I.A.Abbott, 1976
  • 殖絲藻屬 Ganonema K.-C.Fan & Y.-C.Wang, 1974
  • Gloiotrichus Huisman & Kraft, 1994
    • Gloiotrichus fractalis[3]
  • 蠕枝藻屬 Helminthocladia J.Agardh, 1851
  • Helminthora J.Agardh, 1851
    • Helminthora australis J.Agardh ex Levring
    • Helminthora divaricata (C.Agardh) J.Agardh
    • Helminthora lindaueri Desikachary
    • Helminthora saundersi
    • Helminthora stricta Gardn.
  • Hommersandiophycus S.-M.Lin & J.M.Huisman, 2014
  • Izziella Doty, 1978
  • 粉枝藻屬 Liagora J.V.F.Lamouroux, 1812
  • Liagoropsis Yamada, 1944
  • Macrocarpus S.M.Lin, S.-Y.Yang & Huisman, 2011
  • Nemalion Duby, 1830
  • Neoizziella S.M.Lin, S.-Y.Yang & Huisman, 2011
  • Otohimella Mas.Suzuki, 2016
  • Patenocarpus Yoshizaki, 1987
  • 華枝藻屬 Sinocladia C.K.Tseng & W.Li, 2000
  • Stenopeltis Itono & Yoshizaki, 1992
    • Stenopeltis gracilis (Yamada & Tanaka) Itono & Yoshizaki, 1992
  • Titanophycus Huisman, G.W.Saunders & A.R.Sherwood, 2006
  • 果絲藻屬 Trichogloea Kützing, 1847
    • Trichogloea herveyi W.R.Taylor, 1951
    • Trichogloea lubrica J.Agardh, 1876
    • 果絲藻 Trichogloea requienii (Montagne) Kützing, 1847
  • 擬果絲藻屬 Trichogloeopsis I.A.Abbott & M.S.Doty, 1960
  • Yamadaella I.A.Abbott, 1970
    • Yamadaella caenomyce (Decaisne) I.A.Abbott, 1970
  • Yoshizakia S.-M.Lin, Huisman & C.Payri, 2013
    • Yoshizakia indopacifica S.-M.Lin, Huisman & C.Payri, 2013


  1. ^ Liagoraceae. GBIF. [2023-04-02]. (原始內容存檔於2023-03-26). 
  2. ^ Gerald T. Kraft (1989) Cylindraxis rotundatus gen. et sp. nov. and its generic relationships within the Liagoraceae (Nemaliales, Rhodophyta), Phycologia, 28:3, 275-304, DOI: 10.2216/i0031-8884-28-3-275.1
  3. ^ John M. Huisman & Gerald T. Kraft (1994) Studies of the Liagoraceae (rhodophyta) of Western Australia: Gloiotrichus fractalis gen. et sp. nov. and Ganonema helminthaxis sp. nov., European Journal of Phycology, 29:2, 73-85, DOI: 10.1080/09670269400650521