

膠蒼朮苷(英語:CarboxyatractylosideCATR)是一種二萜糖苷,屬於ADP/ATP轉位酶英語Adenine nucleotide translocator抑制劑。其抑制能力是其同系物蒼朮苷的十倍[1]。且其氧化磷酸化抑制能力被認為比蒼朮苷更有效[2]。與蒼朮苷不同,膠蒼朮苷對ADP/ATP轉位酶的作用不會因腺嘌呤核苷酸的濃度增加而逆轉[2]。在線粒體中,其毒性行為和米酵菌酸類似[2]。膠蒼朮苷對人類和包括牛和馬在內的牲畜都有毒性[3][4]

15α-Hydroxy-2β-[2-O-(3-methylbutanoyl)-3,4-di-O-sulfono-β-D-glucopyranosyloxy]-5β,8α,9β,10α,13α-kaur-16-ene-18,19-dioic acid
(2S,4aS,6aR,7S,9R,11aS,11bS)-7-Hydroxy-2-({(2R,3R,4R,5R,6R)-6-(hydroxymethyl)-3-[(3-methylbutanoyl)oxy]oxan-2-yl}oxy)-11b-methyl-8-methylidenedodecahydro-6a,9-methanocyclohepta[a]naphthalene-4,4(1H)-dicarboxylic acid
別名 CATR,羧基蒼朮苷
CAS號 33286-30-5
PubChem 20055804
ChemSpider 16737649
  • CC(CC(=O)O[C@H]1[C@@H](O[C@@H]([C@H]([C@@H]1OS(=O)(=O)O)OS(=O)(=O)O)CO)O[C@@H]2C[C@@]([C@@H]3[C@@](C2)([C@H]4[C@@]5([C@H](C(=C)[C@@H](C5)CC4)O)CC3)C)(C(=O)O)C(=O)O)C
DrugBank DB02426
化學式 C31H46O18S2
摩爾質量 770.82 g·mol−1
若非註明,所有數據均出自標準狀態(25 ℃,100 kPa)下。



膠蒼朮苷與蒼朮苷一起作為膠脂蒼朮英語Chamaeleon gummiferChamaeleon gummifer)主要的毒性物質[8]



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  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Luciani S, Martini N, Santi R. Effects of carboxyatractyloside a structural analogue of atractyloside on mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Life Sciences. September 1971, 10 (17, Pt. 2): 961–8. PMID 4255019. doi:10.1016/0024-3205(71)90099-3. 
  3. ^ Botha CJ, Lessing D, Rösemann M, van Wilpe E, Williams JH. Analytical confirmation of Xanthium strumarium poisoning in cattle. J Vet Diagn Invest. September 2014, 26 (5): 640–645. PMID 25012081. doi:10.1177/1040638714542867 . hdl:2263/42413 . 
  4. ^ Wilson, DA. Cocklebur Toxicosis. Clinical Veterinary Advisor - The Horse. University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri: Elsevier. 2011: 115-116. ISBN 978-1-4160-9979-6. 
  5. ^ Turgut M, Alhan CC, Gürgöze M, Kurt A, Doğan Y, Tekatli M, et al. Carboxyatractyloside poisoning in humans. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. June 2005, 25 (2): 125–134 [1 January 2021]. PMID 15949201. S2CID 25371968. doi:10.1179/146532805X45728. 
  6. ^ Plumlee, Konnie. Chapter 25 - Plants. Clinical Veterinary Toxicology. Mosby. 2004. ISBN 978-0-323-01125-9. 
  7. ^ Gurley ES, Rahman M, Hossain MJ, Nahar N, Faiz MA, Islam N, et al. Fatal outbreak from consuming Xanthium strumarium seedlings during time of food scarcity in northeastern Bangladesh. PLOS ONE. March 2010, 5 (3): e9756. Bibcode:2010PLoSO...5.9756G. PMC 2841199 . PMID 20305785. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0009756 . 
  8. ^ Daniele C, Dahamna S, Firuzi O, Sekfali N, Saso L, Mazzanti G. Atractylis gummifera L. poisoning: an ethnopharmacological review. Ethnopharmacol. February 2005, 97 (3): 175–181. PMID 15707749. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2004.11.025.