
ISO 639-3無(mis

現存芬戈語文學作品主要是兩份諷刺詩或打油詩,短的叫做《芬戈之舞》,長得多的篇名叫《愛爾蘭煉獄》(Purgatorium Hibernicum,拉丁語)。兩篇詩的作者姓名已佚,可能是非母語者嘲笑芬戈人的口音而作,因而它們的語言學價值並不高。



芬戈語分布在芬戈郡,這一地區傳統上指都柏林郡托爾卡河以北的部分。芬戈語分布的範圍挨着北部邊界線。「芬戈(Fingal)」一名來自愛爾蘭語Fine Gall「外鄉人的土地」,可能是指當地的諾斯人移民。語言學家索默費特認為芬戈語可能受過諾斯語影響,但後來學者們沒有發現相關的證據。[4]:196–197




《芬戈之舞》 c.1650

On a day in the Spring,
As I went to bolring
To view the jolly Daunciers,
They did trip it so high
(Be me shole!) I did spee
[By my soul, I did spy]
Six Cunts abateing Seav'n hairs.

But wondering on 'ame,
Fat make 'em so tame
Fen de catch at their plack-keet,
The maids of y-yore
Wou'd y-cree, and y-rore,
And y-make o foul Rac-keet.

But fire take 'ame,
[to hell with them!]
They made me ashame,
And when I went home to me weef
And told her the Chaunce
Of the Maids in the Daunce,
'Peace thy prateing', say'd shee, 'for dee
[thy(「你的」)] Leef!' [「看在上帝份上,小點聲!」]

《愛爾蘭煉獄》(Purgatorium Hibernicum)

《愛爾蘭煉獄》是針對羅馬詩人維吉爾埃涅阿斯紀》的一首幽默而下流的諷刺詩。現存有3個版本:原始的手稿(Purgatorium Hibernicum);題為「芬戈人的諷刺詩:維吉爾《埃涅阿斯紀》第六卷a la mode de Fingaule」(The Fingallian Travesty: the Sixt Book of Virgill's Aenoeids a la mode de Fingaule)(1670–5)的手稿;題為「The Irish Hudibras」或「The Fingallian Burlesque」(芬戈滑稽劇) (1689)的印本。[6][8]


下面的節選給出了質量較高的芬戈語示例。文中Nees再次遇到了Dydy,發覺她臉色蒼白,覺得也許自己把「火焰」(指性病)傳染給了她。芬戈語用V不用W;'suggam'是一種草繩;Ful dea ro借自愛爾蘭語fuil Dé, a rogha「上帝之血,我的甜心」。

'Sure, Sure!' sayes Nees, 'dis me old vench is!'
But when he drew more neare her quarters,
And know her by her suggam garters,
'Ful dea, ro, dou unlucky jade,
I'll chance upon dee! Art thou dead?
Fat devill vas be in dee, vench?
Vas he soe hot is cou'd no quench
De flame?' Indeed, oh no! but Nees chief
Occasion is of all dis mischeif'.
'I, Nees', sayes she in mighty snuffe,
'and be! is tink is varm enough,
If dou cam shance but to find out
Dee old consort to have a bout –
and den, fen dou has play'd de vagge,
to give me, as before, de bagge!
Butt I will vatch de vales, Nees,
And putt foile on dee by dis chees,'



John Dunton的《愛爾蘭書信》(1698) 中寫道,芬戈人「有一套只在自己人里用的話,用愛爾蘭語根本聽不懂,用英語也只能理解一點點」。Dunton在信中給出了一段語例,是一名母親在善漁獵的兒子墓前發出的悲嘆。注意a roonmoorneeng兩個詞分別來自愛爾蘭語a rúin「(秘密的)愛人」(呼格)和múirnín「愛」(字面「小小的信任」):


芬戈郡Knocknagin傳統小平房。The cottage would have been originally thatched

雖然芬戈語早已滅絕,但芬戈郡當地方言有大量芬戈語詞彙保留下來,特別是在(現為都柏林一個大面積郊區)、Skerries、Rush、Lusk、Donabate、Garristown、Oldtown、Balrothery、Portrane、Naul等傳統芬戈城鎮及鄉村內。這些芬戈語單詞的主要資料來源是民俗學期刊《Béaloideas》中J. J. Hogan和Patrick O'Neill寫的一篇文章,以及Patrick Archer一本關於芬戈民間傳說的書《芬戈傳說》中。


  • Cinnit(C發/k/音)騙子;
  • Cloustered被衣服覆蓋的;
  • Dalk荊棘,愛爾蘭語dealg
  • Dawney脆弱;
  • Glauming摸索;
  • Lawneyday感嘆詞,表感嘆或驚訝,愛爾蘭語Láine Dé
  • Mullacking在泥濘中勞作或行走;
  • Possing濕透;
  • Rossie身材粗壯的女性;
  • Scut卑鄙的矮子

Hogan & O'Neill提供的詞有:

  • Barney爭吵;
  • Bunched被毀、結束了的;
  • Buthoon失誤,愛爾蘭語Botún
  • Clift形容平時細心的人粗心犯錯;
  • Cobby奸詐;
  • Dugging用拳頭打架;
  • Foopah失誤,法語faux pas
  • Gollockers眼(蔑稱);
  • Go-boy暗中傷人的人;
  • Launa-wallya「一肚子」,愛爾蘭語Lán a' mhála(「一袋」[9]
  • Malavogue擊敗;
  • Moggy肥胖的懶漢;
  • Randyvoo人們聊天的場所,法語rendez-vous
  • Raucie四處閒逛的女孩;
  • Simmy-saumy看上去很蠢的人;
  • Squib夥計;
  • Tamboo破舊的房子;
  • Whack無人,無事物。愛爾蘭語faic




  1. ^ Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin; Bank, Sebastian (編). Irish Anglo-Norman. Glottolog 2.7. Jena: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. 2016. 
  2. ^ Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin; Bank, Sebastian (編). Fingallian. Glottolog 2.7. Jena: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. 2016. 
  3. ^ Bliss, Adam James: Spoken English in Ireland 1600 – 1740, pp194ff
  4. ^ Hickey, Raymond. Dublin English: Evolution and Change. John Benjamins Publishing. 2005. ISBN 90-272-4895-8. 
  5. ^ Hickey, Raymond. Dublin English: Evolution and Change. John Benjamins Publishing. 2005. ISBN 90-272-4895-8. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Hickey, Raymond. Dublin English: Evolution and Change. John Benjamins Publishing. 2005. ISBN 90-272-4895-8. 
  7. ^ Carpenter, Andrew. Verse in English from Tudor and Stuart Ireland. 2003: 310. ISBN 9781859183731. 
  8. ^ Carpenter, Andrew, Verse in English from Tudor and Stuart Ireland, pp 411 – 16
  9. ^ Irish translation of 'bagful'. www.focloir.ie. [2022-12-06]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-06). 
