


前作故事三年後的2016年,舊金山成為首個安裝下一代ctOS(central Operating System,中央操作系統)的城市,該系統由科技公司布魯姆(Blume)開發,通過計算機網絡連接着所有電子設備。主角馬可仕·哈洛威是ctOS 2.0的受害者,被控犯下莫須有之罪。深知該系統對無辜市民的危害,他決定加入黑客組織DedSec,共同對抗ctOS 2.0和布魯姆。DedSec成員包括同為黑客的席塔拉·達萬(Sitara Dhawan)、喬許·索查克(Josh Sauchak)、何瑞修·卡林(Horatio Carlin)以及「扳手」(Wrench),而經由入侵布魯姆服務器農場並抹除個人紀錄,馬可仕亦成為其中一員。鑑於DedSec現有實力不足以同布魯姆抗衡,眾人計劃通過自家社交媒體揭露ctOS 2.0背後的腐敗和犯罪活動,爭取普羅大眾的支持以擴大組織影響力。

幾次成功的曝光行動後,喬許卻發現他們的追隨者人數存在很大水分。馬可仕進一步調查得知,正是布魯姆的CTO杜桑·尼米克(Dušan Nemec)通過數據造假以利用各大公司對DedSec入侵的憂慮兜售ctOS 2.0。此事嚴重打擊了DedSec的聲譽,迫使眾人暫時離開城市,參加沙漠裡的夏浪派對休整,期間偶遇傳奇黑客「丁骨」雷蒙·肯尼(Raymond "T-Bone" Kenney)。懷着對布魯姆的憎恨,丁骨決定加入DedSec,與眾人聯手扳倒布魯姆。隨後他們入侵了大型互聯網公司奴歌(Nudle)的服務器農場,利用所獲數據追查政客、執法人員與硅谷各大公司間的腐敗行為。另一方面,杜桑則僱傭敵對黑客團體甚至動用FBI企圖摧毀DedSec,均被眾人化解。此時噩耗傳來,何瑞修因拒絕配合慘遭黑幫殺害,憤怒的馬可仕遂在眾人協助下向數名罪魁禍首完成復仇。

Eventually, DedSec comes across information about the data manipulation program called "Bellwether", designed by Kenney, and learn that with both this and a new satellite network, designed to bypass undersea data cables, Dušan plans to manipulate world finances and politics, thus creating a monopoly on the entire world's electronic data. To expose this and his corruption, DedSec co-ordinates a massive operation to allow Marcus to infiltrate Blume's San Francisco headquarters, hack their servers, and feed the information of Dušan's crimes to the police. While Dušan is arrested for fraud and Blume is put under investigation, DedSec resolves to continue their fight against the company.

In an extended ending scene added in a post-release patch, two unidentified individuals note that more DedSec cells and hacktivist groups have been emerging worldwide in response to the San Francisco Blume scandal, and that it is time to put their own plans into motion. The filename of the recording seen in the ending is a set of coordinates located in Brixton, London; foreshadowing future events.



在《龍騰世紀:起源》中,玩家扮演的主角身為灰袍守護者(Grey Warden)組織的精英戰士,肩負着擊敗大惡魔(Archdemon)並保護世界免受瘟潮(Blight)災難侵襲的使命。[1]遊戲開始需要玩家為主角選擇性別、外觀、種族和職業:可選種族包括人類、精靈矮人,三種可選職業則分別為戰士(Warrior)、盜賊(Rogue)和法師(Mage),其中戰士能使出強力物理攻擊;盜賊可以開鎖、偷竊及處理陷阱,並從暗處發動襲擊;法師利用法術組合造成巨大傷害,也能在戰鬥時支援隊友。[2][3]取決於玩家對種族和職業的搭配,遊戲主角共有六種人物背景和不同的開場故事:達利西精靈(Dalish Elf)、城市精靈(City Elf)、矮人平民(Dwarf Commoner)、矮人貴族(Dwarf Noble)、人類貴族(Human Noble)以及法師(Mage)。[4]人物背景的選擇影響到非玩家角色對待主角的態度,例如矮人平民就會招致其他矮人的仇恨與歧視,[4]而在各自的開場故事結束後,遊戲仍會回歸相同的主線劇情。[5]

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遊戲畫面默認採用第三人稱視角,也可自由切換為等距視角英語Isometric video game graphics遊玩,此時遊戲會用不同顏色標記友好和敵對單位幫助區分。[6]玩家在遊戲裡會遭遇不同種類的敵人,從暗裔英語Darkspawn、巨蜘蛛到鬼魂、樹精和巨龍應有盡有。[7]主角冒險途中也會結識同伴,並組成最多四人的小隊協助戰鬥。同伴通常交由AI英語artificial intelligence (video games)控制,玩家則使用「戰術」菜單調整其行為。玩家也能切換控制小隊成員以便實時操作,或是暫停遊戲來依次下達指令。[7][8]當玩家主動攻擊或被敵人發現時將觸發戰鬥,小隊成員自動使用現有武器作戰,但能在戰鬥中切換。角色通過消耗耐力或法力值發動天賦或法術,天賦和法術可為戰鬥提供助益,冷卻時間則不等。[3]角色的生命值與耐力或法力值會在戰鬥結束後自動補充,[9]同時玩家還能從擊敗的敵人身上搜刮金錢和物品。[7]不在小隊中的同伴會留在營地,玩家可在此與同伴們深入交流,也可購買或出售武器、裝備和補給品。[10]此外,百科系統會跟蹤記錄玩家冒險途中收集的各類遊戲背景知識,亦有助於了解《龍騰世紀》的世界觀。[1]

角色完成任務和擊殺敵人都會收穫升級所需經驗點,且伴隨每次升級,角色都能得到三個屬性點分配於六項基礎屬性:力量(Strength)提高物理傷害和負重,靈巧(Dexterity)增加命中和閃避幾率,意志(Willpower)提升耐力和法力值,魔力(Magic)增強法術傷害和魔法防禦,機智(Cunning)精進作戰戰術,體質(Constitution)有助抵禦攻擊。Strength inflicts more damage, dexterity helps evade attacks more often, willpower increases stamina, magic increases spell damage or magic defence, cunning improves combat tactics, and constitution helps withstand attacks.[11] Special skills, which are divided into four different aspects for each class, and specialization options, which offer class-specific skills, can also be unlocked by levelling up.[12]

The player can talk and interact with both party members and other non-playable characters. A dialogue tree offers several dialogue options for the player to select.[12][13] Through conversation, the player can unlock unique quests and dialogue revealing the lore of Dragon Age. It can also be used to persuade or intimidate other characters.[1] The player often must choose between morally ambiguous options, which result in consequences that affect the game's world and progression[14] and can even lead to the death of a potential companion.[15] Companions react to the player's choices through an "approval system".[16] When they dislike or object to the player's decisions, their approval drops, which can result in a companion leaving the party or even attacking the Warden.[17] Approval points can also be influenced by gifts, which will improve any companion's approval but are each intended for a specific companion. Some gifts, if given to the right character, start a cutscene and can even unlock a quest. A high approval rating improves a companion's morale and gives bonuses to their combat abilities.[18] A significant approval rating also makes it possible for the Warden to pursue a romantic relationship with certain companions.[19] The game's "interaction reactivity" system means that the way a player treats one companion affects the approval rating of other companions as well.[20]

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《龍騰世紀II》的戰鬥畫面示例,玩家以第三人稱視角操作主角霍克英語Hawke (Dragon Age)及其隊友對抗敵人

《龍騰世紀II》是一款第三人稱視角動作角色扮演遊戲,玩家扮演主角霍克英語Hawke (Dragon Age)從一名躲避的瘟潮(Blight)難民最終成長為柯克沃(Kirkwall)城的Champion。 Hawke's sex and appearance can be customized,[21] and players need to select their class at the beginning of the game. There are three class types: a mage (who wields a magical staff to cast spells), a rogue (who wields a dagger or bow and arrow), or a warrior (who wields a melee weapon in both hands, or with a shield).[22] Players can incorporate choices they made in Origins to the game by importing their saved game, or choosing a background at the starter menu, which bring modifications to the game's narrative.[23][24]



遊戲背景設定在虛構世界塞達斯(Thedas)大陸東南的費羅登(Ferelden)王國。矮人文明千年前建造的地下公路系統深坑通道(Deep Roads)如今為野蠻生物暗裔英語Darkspawn占據,它們潛伏在地底深處,等待着幾百年一次的瘟潮(Blight):屆時暗裔會在大惡魔(Archdemon)領導下傾巢而出湧上地表。而自第一次瘟潮過後,塞達斯人民便仰仗着傳說中的戰士組織灰袍守護者(Grey Warden)出面驅趕暗裔。本作的故事即開始於第五次瘟潮前夕。

塞達斯是一個種族與職業結合決定社會階級和政治形勢的世界。貴族備受人們敬仰,與人類共同生活的城市精靈則被普遍視作二等公民。與之相反,達利西精靈過着遠離人類城市的游牧生活,以昔日強盛的精靈帝國為榮,儘管帝國早已分崩離析,其仍致力於保護與傳承祖先殘存的遺產。矮人受瘟潮的侵害最為嚴重,隨着深坑通道荒廢,他們如今聚居在剩餘幾個地城(Thaig)中,固守着古老傳統與嚴格的種姓制度。法師的能力受教會(Chantry)忌憚,被統一隔離到法師圓環(Circle of Magi),由聖殿武士(Templars)嚴密監視,謹防其進入靈體居住的夢境領域影界(Fade)時因疏忽大意遭惡魔附身。同時教會視脫離監管的異教徒(Apostate)法師為嚴重威脅,會派出聖殿武士追蹤和消滅他們。

本作正式發售前推出的前傳小說《失竊王座英語Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne》及其續作《召禮英語Dragon Age: The Calling》進一步補充了遊戲的故事背景和部分角色的來歷。


遊戲角色概念藝術,從左至右為:斯坦、奧根、溫妮、澤弗蘭、納撒尼爾·豪爾、洛根·麥緹英語Loghain Mac Tir、瑪瑞克·戴爾林、阿歷斯泰英語Alistair (Dragon Age)

玩家可自由選擇主角的性別、種族和職業,進而決定其傳記內容與戰鬥專長。儘管玩家可以給主角取名,遊戲中通常仍將其稱作「守護者」(The Warden)。隨着故事展開,玩家會遇到數名非玩家角色能夠加入隊伍,成為可操控的同伴角色,其中包括:阿歷斯泰英語Alistair (Dragon Age)是一名熱衷諷刺幽默的灰袍守護者,不願被世人稱作英雄;莫麗甘英語Morrigan (Dragon Age)是一名刻薄的異教徒法師,蔑視權威與公序良俗;蕾莉安娜英語Leliana是一名樂觀善良的費羅登教會俗人修女英語Lay brother,背負着鄰國間諜與刺客的過往;斯坦(Sten)是一名沉默隱忍的戰士,身為紀律嚴明又極端排外的庫納利人(Qunari)一員;奧根(Oghren)是一名邋遢的矮人戰士,嗜酒如命且行為暴力,卻重情重義;溫妮(Wynne)是一名慈祥的法師圓環高階成員,擁有強大的治療能力;澤弗蘭(Zevran)是一名貪財的精靈刺客,舉止輕浮,談吐間常帶性暗示;此外還有一條忠誠的戰獒(Mabari)犬可由玩家命名,並指揮它偵察與戰鬥。而在DLC《岩地之囚》(The Stone Prisoner)中,玩家還能額外招募喜愛嘲諷的魔像同伴璽偶(Shale),其患有輕度恐鳥症,前世是一名女矮人。

同伴之外,部分重要角色也是推動劇情的關鍵:鄧肯(Duncan)是招募玩家的費羅登灰袍守護者領袖;赤崖伯爵伊蒙·格林(Arl Eamon Guerrin of Redcliffe)是年輕勇敢但天真的費羅登國王凱蘭·戴爾林(King Cailan Theirin)之舅,也是灰袍守護者的主要盟友;凱蘭王之妻安諾拉王后(Queen Anora)精明而強勢,野心勃勃且冷酷無情;莫麗甘之母弗萊瑪斯英語Flemeth是費羅登傳說中臭名昭著的荒野女巫(Witch of the Wilds),平日則偽裝成普通的老婦人。

遊戲內主要反派為統領一眾暗裔的大惡魔烏瑟美爾(Urthemiel),其本是昔日德凡特帝國(Tevinter Imperium)供奉的古神之一,受暗裔侵蝕而自甘墮落,化身成強大的巨龍。其他反派包括安諾拉王后之父渥倫公爵(Teyrn of Gwaren)洛根·麥緹英語Loghain Mac Tir,曾經備受尊敬的戰爭英雄,卻在權力誘惑下陷入瘋狂;以及陰險狡詐的阿瑪蘭汀伯爵(Arl of Amaranthine)蘭登·豪爾(Rendon Howe),意圖與洛根結盟實現個人野心。


女演員克勞迪婭·布萊克為人類法師同伴莫麗甘英語Morrigan (Dragon Age)配音


與此同時,灰袍守護者新兵們正齊聚參加入盟禮(Joining),只有在飲用暗裔之血後存活,才能通過感染腐毒(Taint)接入暗裔的蜂巢思維英語Group mind (science fiction)來感知它們,真正成為灰袍守護者。僅有主角與同行的阿歷斯泰通過了儀式,二人負責於開戰後點燃要塞高塔的烽火,以通知洛根的部隊突襲暗裔大軍側翼。不料洛根臨陣變卦率軍撤退,致使寡不敵眾的正面部隊慘遭屠戮殆盡,凱蘭與鄧肯皆戰死沙場。而隨着奧斯塔伽淪陷,暗裔大軍開始向費羅登南部進發。



直到最終決戰前,主角方才得知須由灰袍守護者親自手刃大惡魔的原理:大惡魔的精華會在其死後自動轉移至最近的暗裔宿主,而攜帶腐毒的灰袍守護者同樣能夠吸收精華,並以自身靈魂相抵從而同歸於盡。Morrigan meets with the Warden and proposes a ritual that will see her conceive a child with a Warden. The Archdemon, upon death, will instead be drawn to the child, born as a demigod with the Taint, sparing the Warden who slays it. Morrigan agrees to conceive the child on the condition that she raise it alone. The Warden can accept Morrigan's offer (if male), convince Alistair/Loghain to take part instead, or refuse the proposal (which causes Morrigan to leave the party).

The next day, the Warden and the newly assembled army gather in Denerim. They repel the Darkspawn horde and vanquish the Archdemon. If Morrigan's ritual was performed, the Warden slays the Archdemon. If not, they must decide whether they or Alistair/Loghain does so and perishes in the process. The remaining Darkspawn retreat from Denerim, marking the end of the Fifth Blight. The story ends with a ceremony attended by Ferelden citizens, where the Warden and their companions are honoured for saving the kingdom. An epilogue details the ramifications of the Warden's choices, including the future of Ferelden, any rumours, and the fates of his or her companions.



Dragon Age: Origins was created by the Edmonton studio of BioWare, the developer of Neverwinter Nights and Jade Empire.[25][26] Development of the game's first demo began in November 2002.[25] It was officially revealed at E3 2004 as simply Dragon Age[27] and was re-revealed as Dragon Age: Origins in July 2008, alongside a new trailer for the game.[28] According to BioWare, they kept any information about the game hidden from the public, to further the game's design and technology.[29] More than 180 people worked on the game, and full-scale production began three years after the game's initial development.[30] The subtitle "Origins" was chosen to represent the six origins storyline, BioWare's return to PC role-playing games, and the beginning of a new franchise.[31] Origins is a spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights, as an attempt to build a similar fantasy RPG without any licensing restrictions or issues.[32] The similarities are mostly present in gameplay elements, such as real-time tactical combat;[25] the game does not share the Dungeons and Dragons setting of the Baldur's Gate series and is instead set in a period where dragons are prevalent.[27] While the game was initially built with the engine that powered NeverWinter Nights, the team switched to use the Eclipse Engine midway during the game's development. The shift in engine meant that planned features such as multiplayer and a dungeon master mode had to be cancelled.[33][34]

David Gaider, the lead writer for Origins, built the game's world first before writing the plot. The team chose a "fantasy" setting because Dan Tudge, the game's director, thought that BioWare was at its best in the fantasy genre.[35] In the first draft, there were no Darkspawn or Grey Wardens, and mages were not allowed to use magic in cities. There were twelve different origin stories, including Human Commoner and Avvar, a barbarian origin. However, most of them were scrapped for being "ridiculous", leading to six stories being finalized.[36] Loghain was the first character to be created, while an Ogre, nicknamed "Fluffy", and a human with medium armour were the first enemies designed.[37] The concepts of Alistair and Morrigan were the next to be created, as they play the largest role in the game's plot. Their creation also took far longer than other characters.[38] Morrigan was originally conceived to be similar to Flemeth, speaking whimsically. However, Gaider was not satisfied and decided to completely rewrite her personality. As a result, she was designed as a "blunt" person who always resists her mother. Finding a suitable voice actor for Morrigan took the most time of any character.[39] The game's final version features 68,260 lines of dialogue; the quality assurance testers for the game enabled a cheat to automatically skip these cutscenes and dialogues during test runs.[37] Dragons were added into the game after its title was created using a random name generator.[40]

Ray Muzyka, co-founder of BioWare, said that the team wanted to try something that would be new but familiar to most players.[27] They hoped that Origins would redefine the genre to become The Lord of the Rings of video game franchises. Greg Zeschuk, another co-founder of BioWare, described the fantasy of Dragon Age as in between the high fantasy of J. R. R. Tolkien's works and the low fantasy of works by George R.R. Martin. The goal was a "dark heroic fantasy" that would suit the taste of any fan of the genre.[41] Thus, while the game has the typical races of human, elf, and dwarf, they are slightly altered from the usual nature of the three races, and a new race called the Qunari was introduced.[25] Some of the alterations they made included flipping how certain races, like elves, are treated in other fictional worlds. While elves are often described as a race of high prestige in fiction, Dragon Age: Origins presents them as slaves of humans, labelled as second-class citizens who resent the human race. This extended to the gameplay, where the player can choose to discriminate against other races and can experience discrimination from others based on their choices.[42]

BioWare recognized that non-linear choices are an element unique to video games in the entertainment industry. Zeschuk called the sheer number of choices in the game "big" and "impactful", and the team designed many of those to be emotional and create a more personal experience for the player.[32] They intentionally avoided adding a karma system, as the choices are designed to be ambiguous, with only the player to judge whether they are good or bad.[43] According to Muzyka, their goal was to make players sympathize with events and characters, connecting with them to feel true emotions. This vision challenged the team to balance many key aspects, such as the amount of dialogue and animation in each cutscene, to create a believable scenario for players.[44] The team also hoped to handle romance in a more "mature" and "complicated" way, with a true reflection on human relationships and reactions rather than "adolescent titillation".[45] The game has sex scenes, but no nudity. Muzyka added that it was an artistic choice and a decision made by the team, not the publisher Electronic Arts.[46]

While Origins is a single-player-only game, Muzyka described it as a "social experience", considering the narrative and its variety of paths as an integral part of the gameplay. The characters a player meets, items they collect, and quests they receive and complete may be different, leading to a completely different experience. He also considered the ways a player explores the world and discovers new areas as an exploration narrative. As each player had a different experience, they hoped that those players would collaborate to expand upon their knowledge of the world. To that effect, the team built a community site as an online social environment for players to communicate.[47] Players could share stats and automatically generated screenshots with the community.[48]


作曲家伊南·祖爾英語Inon Zur負責為遊戲配樂

The game features an orchestral soundtrack with a choir, used both in-game and during cutscenes. The soundtrack was recorded by the performance of a 44-piece orchestra, recorded twice and merged to sound like an 88-piece orchestra.[37] The soundtrack was described by a press release issued by Electronic Arts as a collaboration between composer Inon Zur, vocalist Aubrey Ashburn, and BioWare Audio Director Simon Pressey, and performed by the Northwest Sinfonia.[37][49] According to Zur, he intentionally made most of the soundtrack feel "dark", combining low brass and bass string instruments with ancient drums to express a feeling that is both heroic and demonic.[50] The soundtrack was presented at a panel in the Hollywood Music in Media Interactive Conference in 2009[51] and was performed as part of the September 26 "A Night in Fantasia 2009" concert in Sydney, Australia, by the Eminence Symphony Orchestra.[52] The song "I Am The One", written by Inon Zur and Aubrey Ashburn and performed by Aubrey Ashburn, won "Best Original Song – Video Game" in the Hollywood Music in Media Awards & Conference show held on November 19, 2009.[53] Pressey also won the 2009 Hollywood Music in Media Award for "Outstanding Music Supervision - Video Game".[53]

Origins contains a large amount of voice acting recorded in the US and the UK. Actors include Tim Russ, Steve Valentine, Kate Mulgrew, Simon Templeman, Mark Rolston, Tim Curry, Adam Howden, Nicola Bertram, and Claudia Black.[54] In total, more than 140 voice actors worked on the game.[55] A large part of these recordings became the ambient dialogue that takes place between non-player characters in the adventuring party, adding to their backstories and lending more credibility to the characters. Mark Darrah, the executive producer of BioWare, described the cast of characters the largest of any of their games at that time and hoped that using celebrities would add a layer of depth and complexity to the characters.[56] The main protagonist is not voice-acted, as the team hoped that players would "reflect their own inner voice" when making decisions.[32]


While the game was originally intended for PC, a console version was announced in 2008 by gaming magazine Game Informer.[57] Prior to the announcement, Zeschuk suggested that the entire franchise has a "console future".[58] The decision was made to bring the game to consoles to introduce it to a wider audience.[31] Mike Laidlaw, the game's lead designer, considered creating the console versions' interface a challenge, as they had to convert the long and complex quickbar from the PC version to a more streamlined interface that could use the same actions with only few button presses. To that end, the team decided to map six different actions together, and allow players to customize the arrangement.[30] Also, the console version does not allow the top-down view possible in the PC version.[59]

The game was originally set to be released in early 2009 for Microsoft Windows, and later for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The team partnered with Edge of Reality to develop the console versions of the game.[60] However, its release date was pushed to the latter half of that year in order to have a simultaneous launch.[61] BioWare announced that the game would be released on October 20, 2009, but pushed it back again to November 6, 2009, as the team wanted additional time to finalize some last-minute decisions.[62] The PlayStation 3 version was at one point delayed to November 17 but did end up launching alongside the other versions.[63] A Mac version of the game, developed by TransGaming, was released on December 21, 2009.[64]

The Dragon Age Character Creator was released on October 13, 2009, allowing players to create a character in advance and import it into the full game upon release.[65] BioWare also released a "developer-grade" toolset to allow extensive modification and customization of the game's PC version. Players can use these tools to craft new campaigns, quests, cinematics, and lip-syncing.[66] On November 26, 2009, Electronic Arts announced a competition called Dragon Age: Warden's Quest. Contestants formed groups of four people and competed to adventure through the game's world, with the winning group receiving $12,500.[67] The representatives from Hungary won the contest.[68] The December 2009 issue of PC Gamer was bundled with a DVD copy of A Tale of Orzammar, a promotional campaign module for Origins. It explores the actions of a mercenary, the player character of the module, who is contracted by a dwarven nobleman to retrieve a valuable artifact from a ruined thaig within the Deep Roads.[69]

In addition to the standard version, other editions of Origins were made available for purchase. The Collector's Edition came in a SteelBook with different artwork. Like the standard edition, the Collector's Edition included a redemption code to obtain the Stone Prisoner and Blood Dragon Armor downloadable content (DLC) for free, but also featured three additional exclusive in-game items, a bonus disc containing a making-of documentary, concept art, trailers, the game's original soundtrack, and a cloth map of Ferelden.[70] Dragon Age: Origins supports released several DLC packs for the game. The content ranged from single in-game item packs to entirely new plot-related campaigns, which include The Stone Prisoner, Warden's Keep, Return to Ostagar, The Darkspawn Chronicles, Leliana's Song, The Golems of Amgarrak, and Witch Hunt. An expansion, titled Awakening, which is set in a new area called Amaranthine and introduces five new party members, was released on March 16, 2010.[71] The "Ultimate Edition", which includes the base game, the Awakening expansion pack, and all 9 DLC packs, was released on October 26, 2010.[72]

On March 9, 2011, Electronic Arts announced that players who pre-ordered Darkspore would receive a free copy of Origins.[73] In 2012, to celebrate the first anniversary of Electronic Arts' own digital distribution software Origin, the game was made free to download alongside Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and Spore for a limited time.[74] On October 8, 2015, it became free to download again for a limited time as part of Origin's On the House program.[75]



Metacritic(PC) 91/100[76]
(PS3) 87/100[77]
(X360) 86/100[78]
Game Informer9/10[79]
Game RevolutionA-[80]
GamesRadar+     [81]
GameSpy     [82]
Giant Bomb     [83]

Dragon Age: Origins received critical acclaim from major video game critics upon its release. While the game is considered to be virtually identical across all platforms, differences in user interface, graphical performance, and online content delivery have led the PC version to be reviewed more favorably than the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions; Metacritic ranks the PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 versions of the game with scores of 91, 87, and 86, respectively.[76][77][78]

The game's setting was well received by critics. Dave Snider from Giant Bomb thought that the setting felt traditional due to the presence of dwarves and elves, but that the world was beautifully executed. He also appreciated the small touches BioWare added to the world, noting the "French-tinged accent" of the Orlesian Empire humans. He added that the six origin stories and their unique dialogue and referencing throughout the game make the world feel cohesive.[83] Kevin VanOrd from GameSpot made similar comments, stating that the new ideas added to a familiar world make it feel original and new.[7] However, Jeff Haynes from IGN said that the origin stories were inconsistent, with missteps that make the world, while "rich and vivid", feel less believable.[1] Joe Juba from Game Informer wrote that the world was well-realized with a deep history, which makes the game addicting, as players can sense their Warden's importance in the world.[79]

The game's story and characters also received praise. Snider said that the story is driven by the characters and that the choices presented in the game were difficult, making him regret some choices for weeks after completing the game. He added that the game's main quest was well written, and its quality boosted by excellent voice acting; he called the performance of Claudia Black as Morrigan one of the best in the game.[83] VanOrd commended the game's story, saying that it was memorable and crafted with care, successfully making players care about the game's world and characters. He added that the deep character development made every choice "momentous".[7] GamesRadar thought that the story and the Warden's appearance felt generic, but that the story became more and more engrossing as it progressed.[81] Nick Tan from Game Revolution liked the banter between companions as a humorous change of pace within the game.[80] Gerald Villoria from GameSpy praised the exclusion of the moral system for making the characters feel more complex.[82] Juba wrote that the story was good but predictable, not straying far from standard fantasy stories.[79] Wesley Yin-Poole from VideoGamer.com called the story memorable, saying that it "leaves an itch in your mind", and has attracted players to return to the game "like an addict seeking a hit of relief."[84] In commemoration of the 10th anniversary of Origins, Eric Van Allen of USGamer observed that companion relationships are more tense in Origins, and that most of the companions do not follow the Warden out of blind loyalty. Van Allen notes that the underlying tensions resulted in a game that "reveled in the moral grays", encouraging players to make decisions that aligns with their own feelings, unlike in Mass Effect.[85]

As for the game's combat, Snider called it streamlined but said that players who do not want to use the pause mechanic would not be able to appreciate the game, as the combat requires both patience and strategy. He liked the game's third-person view more than the top-down view, saying that being able to view the sky made environments feel more complicated, and praised the high difficulty of boss battles, which task players to manage their stamina carefully. His conclusion was that Origins "feels like a real throwback to the good old days of PC role-playing epics."[83] VanOrd said that the combat system was easily recognizable for players who have played other RPGs developed by BioWare. He added that players can have a lot of fun switching between characters, and agreed that the game had created thrilling boss battles. He praised the choice to have health and stamina replenish immediately after battles, as it sped up combat pace and flow.[7] Tan also commended the combat, finding it a better system than other BioWare RPGs, but disliked the fact that characters can't step into water.[80] Juba praised the amount of space for players to experiment with new skills and abilities, adding that the required focus and attention make combat very satisfying.[79]

The game's graphics received mixed reviews. VanOrd was not impressed, stating that the environments do not look as good viewed from a top-down perspective, but he praised the art style and some of the game's "eye-catching" landmarks.[7] Tan liked that the environments were varied and unique, saying that each level felt "vast" and filled with details.[80] Villoria found its visual quality lacking when compared with that of Mass Effect 2, adding that the facial animation can feel wooden at times. However, he found the combat animation rewarding and satisfying. He further criticized the sex sequences as "off-putting".[82] Yin-Poole said that the game's graphics were boring and generic, and called the sex scenes "anticlimactic" and poorly-executed.[84] Both Villoria and Yin-Poole felt that the six-year development time was too long, considering the game's mediocre graphics.[82][84]

GamesRadar estimated that there are more than 80 hours of content available in the game.[81] Villoria called the world engaging, and its replay value very high, as players can play the story over and over again with a different origin.[82] Juba agreed,[79] as did Yin-Poole, who added that the way companions react to the player's decisions, as well as the six origin stories, significantly expand the game's longevity.[84] John Walker, writing for Eurogamer, notes that the game's most frequent theme is the line between acculturation and enculturation. He praised the level of depth on display in Origins, calling it one of the most extraordinary gaming achievements he had seen up to that point.[86]


Dragon Age: Origins topped Steam's sales chart on November 10, 2009. The Digital Deluxe version of the game was ranked first place, with the standard edition ranked second.[87] The Xbox 360 version of the game was the ninth-best-selling game in the US according to the NPD Group, selling approximately 362,100 copies.[88] According to John Riccitiello, CEO of Electronic Arts, the company is very satisfied with the sales of Origins; more than 1 million DLC packs for the game were sold before the end of 2009.[89] In February 2010, Electronic Arts announced that more than 3.2 million copies of the game had been sold.[90]


Origins gained recognition from several gaming publications for its achievements. At the 13th Annual AIAS Interactive Achievement Awards (now known as the D.I.C.E. Awards), the game was named 2009's "Role-Playing/Massively Multiplayer Game of the Year", as well as being nominated for 2009's "Game of the Year".[91] At the 2009 Spike Video Game Awards, Dragon Age: Origins received the Best PC Game and Best RPG awards.[92] It was chosen as the PC Game of the Year,[93] Best Xbox 360 RPG of the Year,[94] Best Story of the Year,[95] and Best PC Role-Playing Game of the Year by IGN.[96] The game also received Giant Bomb's Best PC Game of 2009 award[97] and Game of the Year 2009 and RPG of the Year awards from U.S. PC Gamer.[98] In 2010, the game was included as one of the titles in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die.[99]


Although the name "Origins" hinted that the game would be a beginning of a new franchise, the team did not expect the game to become successful and had never planned for sequels.[100] Nonetheless, Origins spawned a franchise consisting of video games, comics, and novels. The game's sequel, Dragon Age II, which features a new protagonist and is set in the city of Kirkwall, was released in 2011.[101] Players are able to transfer save data from Origins into the sequel; decisions that the player made during the course of Origins may impact the narrative of Dragon Age II.[102] The third installment of the series, Dragon Age: Inquisition, was released in November 2014.[103] Decisions made in Origins are also referenced in Inquisition; players may revisit the plot points from Origins by selecting their choices on the Tapestry feature on the online application Dragon Age Keep.[104]

According to Eurogamer's Richard Cobbett, Origins marked the point at which western RPGs properly moved into the spotlight. He stated that the success of Origins proved that "a hardcore, older-fashioned game could still find a devoted audience", and that it "established a new baseline for the genre in much the same way as the original Baldur's Gate back in 1998".[105]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Haynes, Jeff. Dragon Age: Origins Review. IGN. 2009-11-03 [2015-09-25]. (原始內容存檔於2017-10-03). 
  2. ^ Crecente, Brian. Dragon Age: Origins Preview: Violence, Lust and Betrayal. Kotaku. 2009-09-12 [2015-09-25]. (原始內容存檔於2016-08-25). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Sterling, Jim. Preview: Dragon Age: Origins. Destructoid. 2015-09-04 [2015-09-25]. (原始內容存檔於2016-08-15). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 BioWare Reveals Six Dragon Age Origin Stories. IGN. 2009-02-12 [2015-09-25]. (原始內容存檔於2017-10-15). 
  5. ^ Welsh, Oli. Dragon Age: Origins review. Eurogamer. 2009-11-23 [2015-09-25]. (原始內容存檔於2017-02-28). 
  6. ^ Breckon, Nick. Dragon Age Origins Preview: Unicorn Dreams. Shacknews. 2009-04-01 [2015-09-25]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-06). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 VanOrd, Kevin. Dragon Age Origins review. GameSpot. 2009-11-03 [2015-09-25]. (原始內容存檔於2015-11-17). 
  8. ^ Porter, Will. Will Porter chases the dragon. Gets a bit tired. Writes about it for a little while.... Computer and Video Games. 2007-04-06 [2007-09-20]. (原始內容存檔於2008-12-01). 
  9. ^ Cowan, Danny. Critical Reception: EA/BioWare's Dragon Age: Origins. Gamasutra. 2009-11-04 [2015-09-25]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  10. ^ Yin-Poole, Wesley. Dragon Age: Inquisition's secret base camp replacement will make you "freak out". Eurogamer. 2015-09-22 [2015-09-25]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  11. ^ Ocampo, Jason. Dragon Age: Origins Human Noble Hands-On. IGN. 2009-08-16 [2015-09-25]. (原始內容存檔於2016-08-20). 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Goldman, Tom. Dragon Age Origins: PC Hands-On Impression. RPGamer. [2015-09-25]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  13. ^ Taylor, Rob. Dragon Age: Origins – hands-on. GamesRadar. 2009-08-28 [2015-09-25]. 
  14. ^ Lopez, Miguel. Consequence in Dragon Age: Origins. GameSpy. 2009-02-09 [2015-09-25]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  15. ^ Simmions, Alex. Dragon Age Origins: Cause and Effect. IGN. 2009-07-09 [2015-09-25]. (原始內容存檔於2017-10-15). 
  16. ^ Dragon Age: Origins Updated Q&A - The Characters of Dragon Age. GameSpot. 2008-12-18 [2015-09-26]. 
  17. ^ Goldman, Tom. Dragon Age: Origins: GamesCom Demo Impression. RPGamer. [2015-09-25]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  18. ^ Yin-Poole, Wesley. Mammoth interview with BioWare's Ray Muzyka!. VideoGamer.com. 2009-09-10 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  19. ^ Newman, Joe. Dragon Age: Origins - romance and recruitment guide. GamesRadar. 2010-01-06 [2015-09-25]. (原始內容存檔於2016-12-21). 
  20. ^ Nicholson, Brad. E3 09: There are dragons and sex in Dragon Age: Origins. Destructoid. 2009-06-03 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-05). 
  21. ^ Fahey, Mike. We'll Show You Our Dragon Age II Character If You Show Us Yours. Kotaku. August 3, 2011 [August 14, 2018]. (原始內容存檔於August 18, 2018). 
  22. ^ Walker, John. Thoughts: What Went Wrong In Dragon Age II. Rock, Paper, Shotgun. March 31, 2011 [August 14, 2018]. (原始內容存檔於August 18, 2018). 
  23. ^ Purchese, Robert. Dragon Age 2 imports DAO world. Eurogamer. October 7, 2010 [August 14, 2018]. (原始內容存檔於August 18, 2018). 
  24. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為IGN Everything的參考文獻提供內容
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 Fahs, Travis. IGN Presents The History of BioWare. IGN. 2010-01-21 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-29). 
  26. ^ Overview: Dragon Age: Origins. Polygon. [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2017-04-06). 
  27. ^ 27.0 27.1 27.2 Blevins, Tal. E3 2004: Dragon Age. IGN. 2004-05-12 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2015-09-24). 
  28. ^ Purchese, Robert. Dragon Age named, trailer dated. Eurogamer. 2008-09-10 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-03). 
  29. ^ Purchese, Robert. Dragon Age franchise has "console future". Eurogamer. 2008-09-05 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  30. ^ 30.0 30.1 Farand, Eric. Interview with Mike Laidlaw, lead designer for Dragon Age: Origins. RPGFan. [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  31. ^ 31.0 31.1 Webster, Andrew. Dragon Age: Origins flying onto consoles. Ars Technica. 2008-08-19 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  32. ^ 32.0 32.1 32.2 Totilo, Stephen. BioWare Tells Us 'Dragon Age' Stuff -- Explains Lack Of Voice, Presence of Origins, Hints At Dragons And Console Versions. MTV Multiplayer. 2008-04-08 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2015-09-12). 
  33. ^ Bankhurst, Adam. Dragon Age: Origins Developer Shares Their Biggest 'What-If" Moments From Its Development. IGN. 2021-08-23 [2021-08-23]. 
  34. ^ Farokhmanesh, Megan. Dragon Age 2 artists were 'disappointed' by visuals, Inquisition to use Frostbite engine. Polygon. 2021-01-22 [2021-08-23]. 
  35. ^ Purchese, Robert. Dragon Age: Origins: Page 2. Eurogamer. 2008-08-20 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  36. ^ Purchese, Robert. The first draft of Dragon Age: Origins didn't even have Grey Wardens. Eurogamer. 2015-06-30 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-12-25). 
  37. ^ 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 Reiner, Andrew. What You Didn't Know About Dragon Age: Origins. Game Informer. 2010-02-25 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2017-10-26). 
  38. ^ Borkowski, Andy. History of Dragon Age with Bioware Lead Writer David Gaider- Dragon Age: Origins "You Won't BELIEVE What We Cut!". 102.1 The Edge. 2015-06-26 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2015-09-22). 
  39. ^ Wallace, Kimberly. Dragon Age: Inquisition's Morrigan – Past and Present. Game Informer. 2013-08-12 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2017-07-30). 
  40. ^ LeBlanc, Lesley. Dragon Age Owes Its Title (And Its Dragons) To a Random Name Generator. IGN. 2021-08-17 [2021-10-09]. 
  41. ^ Takahashi, Dean. BioWare's founders envision Dragon Age: Origins as dark heroic fantasy universe. VentureBeat. 2009-04-07 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-05-18). 
  42. ^ Glasser, AJ. BioWare Tackles Elf Racism In Dragon Age: Origins. Kotaku. 2015-03-27 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2017-07-05). 
  43. ^ Page, Dan. Dragon Age: Origins lead designer interview. Prima Games. 2009-05-10 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-08). 
  44. ^ Yin-Poole, Wesley. Muzyka: Dragon Age and ME 2 will make gamers cry. VideoGamer.com. 2009-09-10 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  45. ^ Yin-Poole, Wesley. Dragon Age: Origins Preview. VideoGamer.com. 2009-07-10 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  46. ^ Tito, Greg. Lack Of Nudity in Dragon Age Was Designer's Call. The Escapist. 2015-11-17 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2011-08-30). 
  47. ^ Remo, Chris. An Age To Come: Ray Muzyka On BioWare's Dragon Age. Gamasutra. [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2011-02-14). 
  48. ^ Totilo, Stephen. BioWare Reveals Dragon Age's "Massively Single-Player" Details. Kotaku. 2009-10-27 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-08-24). 
  49. ^ Dragon Age: Origins soundtrack composed by Inon Zur. Electronic Arts. 2009-09-24 [2009-12-02]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  50. ^ Sound Byte Interview: Dragon Age II Composer Inon Zur (PC, PS3, Xbox 360). YouTube. GameSpot. 2011-03-08 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-10). 
  51. ^ BioWare's Dragon Age: Origins Soundtrack Composed by Award-Winning Inon Zur. IGN. 2009-09-24 [2009-12-02]. (原始內容存檔於2012-02-27). 
  52. ^ BioWare's Dragon Age: Origins Original Orchestral Soundtrack Composed by Award-Winning Inon Zur. Electronic Arts. 2009-09-24 [2010-03-14]. (原始內容存檔於2012-03-02).  無效|url-status=bot: unknown (幫助)
  53. ^ 53.0 53.1 2009 Winners. Hollywood Music in Media Award. [2009-12-02]. (原始內容存檔於2009-12-01). 
  54. ^ Carolipio, Reggie. BioWare's Dragon Age: Origins To Feature the Voices of Tim Curry and Kate Mulgrew. Post E3 2009 Dragon Age: Origins. Worthplaying.com. 2009 [2016-09-12]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  55. ^ Nelson, Randy. Dragon Age: Origins voice-over cast 144-strong. Joystiq. Engadget. 2009-03-02 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2017-10-15). 
  56. ^ Nunneley, Stephany. Dragon Age: Origins cast announced, has Captain Janeway and Tim Curry. VG247. 2009-08-27 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-10-24). 
  57. ^ Goldstein, Hilary. Dragon Age To Consoles. IGN. 2008-10-16 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-01-23). 
  58. ^ Purchese, Robert. Dragon Age franchise has "console future". Eurogamer. 2008-08-05 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  59. ^ Totilo, Stephen. Only PC Dragon Age Has Baldur's Gate Camera. Kotaku. 2009-10-15 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-08-24). 
  60. ^ Edge of Reality prepping Xbox 360, PS3 Sims. GameSpot. 2009-08-06 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2019-12-11). 
  61. ^ McEloy, Justin. Dragon Age: Origins delayed to second half of 2009. Polygon. 2009-03-02 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2017-11-04). 
  62. ^ Reilly, Jim. BioWare Explain Dragon Age Slight Delay. IGN. 2009-08-16 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2014-10-14). 
  63. ^ Garratt, Patrick. PS3 Dragon Age no longer delayed [Update]. VG247. 2009-10-23 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2015-09-24). 
  64. ^ Barber, Taylor. Dragon Age: Origins Coming to Mac. GameSpy. 2009-12-14 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  65. ^ Sinclair, Brendan. Dragon Age character creator now live. GameSpot. 2009-10-13 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-22). 
  66. ^ Welsh, Oli. Tool set released for Dragon Age. 2009-11-09 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-11-18). 
  67. ^ Cullen, Johnny. EA announces Dragon Age: Warden's Quest competition. VG247. 2009-10-26 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  68. ^ Good, Owen. Hungary Prevails in Dragon Age 24-Hour Contest. Kotaku. 2009-09-21 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-08-24). 
  69. ^ Dragon Age: Origins level only on PC Gamer DVD. Gamesradar. 2009-10-27 [2020-04-06]. (原始內容存檔於2020-04-06). 
  70. ^ Reilly, Luke. Dragon Age: Origins Collector's Edition Revealed. IGN. 2009-08-12 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2017-03-12). 
  71. ^ O'Connor, Alice. Dragon Age: Origins Expansion Pack 'Awakening' Announced, 'Return to Ostagar' DLC Delayed. Shacknews. 2010-01-05 [2020-04-08]. (原始內容存檔於2015-01-15). 
  72. ^ Fahey, Mike. Dragon Age DLC Gets All Wrapped Up In The Ultimate Edition. Kotaku. 2010-09-30 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2017-10-27). 
  73. ^ Hillier, Brenna. Darkspore pre-order bonuses include Dragon Age: Origins. VG247. 2011-03-09 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2016-11-04). 
  74. ^ Rougeau, Michael. EA Appears to be Giving Away Free Origin Games. Complex. 2012-06-22 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2017-11-04). 
  75. ^ McWhertor, Michael. EA is giving away Dragon Age: Origins for free right now. Polygon. 2014-10-08 [2015-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2017-08-31). 
  76. ^ 76.0 76.1 Dragon Age: Origins (PC). Metacritic. [2009-11-13]. (原始內容存檔於2017-10-12). 
  77. ^ 77.0 77.1 Dragon Age: Origins (PS3). Metacritic. [2009-11-13]. (原始內容存檔於2017-01-13). 
  78. ^ 78.0 78.1 Dragon Age: Origins (Xbox 360). Metacritic. [2009-11-13]. (原始內容存檔於2017-09-13). 
  79. ^ 79.0 79.1 79.2 79.3 79.4 Juba, Joe. Dragon Age Origins review: BioWare's Return To Classic Form Does Not Disappoint. Game Informer. 2009-10-05 [2015-09-27]. (原始內容存檔於2016-04-02). 
  80. ^ 80.0 80.1 80.2 80.3 Tan, Nick. Dragon Age: Origins Review. Game Revolution. 2009-11-18 [2015-09-27]. (原始內容存檔於2016-08-15). 
  81. ^ 81.0 81.1 81.2 Dragon Age: Origins review. GamesRadar. 2009-11-03 [2015-09-27]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-20). 
  82. ^ 82.0 82.1 82.2 82.3 82.4 Villoria, Gerald. The Consensus: Dragon Age: Origins Review. GameSpy. 2009-11-03 [2015-09-27]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  83. ^ 83.0 83.1 83.2 83.3 Snider, Dave. Dragon Age: Origins Review. Giant Bomb. 2009-11-03 [2015-09-27]. (原始內容存檔於2017-08-22). 
  84. ^ 84.0 84.1 84.2 84.3 84.4 Yin-Poole, Wesley. Dragon Age Review. VideoGamer.com. 2009-11-03 [2015-09-27]. (原始內容存檔於2016-08-06). 
  85. ^ Eric Van Allen. On Its 10th Anniversary, Dragon Age: Origins is Better Than You Remember. US Gamer. 2019-11-04 [2020-03-06]. (原始內容存檔於2019-11-10). 
  86. ^ John Walker. Games of 2009: Dragon Age: Origins. Eurogamer. 2011-12-19 [2020-02-25]. (原始內容存檔於2020-02-24). 
  87. ^ Nunneley, Stephany. Dragon Age: Origins tops Steam sales chart. VG247. 2009-11-19 [2015-09-27]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  88. ^ Kohler, Chris. November NPD: Modern Warfare Shifts 6 Million Copies. Wired.co.uk. 2010-09-12 [2015-09-27]. (原始內容存檔於2017-07-30). 
  89. ^ Garratt, Patrick. Dragon Age sells over 1 million pieces of DLC. VG247. 2009-12-09 [2015-09-27]. (原始內容存檔於2015-09-28). 
  90. ^ Reilly, Jim. Left 4 Dead 2, Dragon Age Sales Hit 3 Million Each. IGN. 2010-02-08 [2015-09-27]. (原始內容存檔於2016-05-07). 
  91. ^ AIAS Annual Awards. Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences. 2010-02-18 [2010-06-08]. (原始內容存檔於2010-07-13). Role-Playing/Massively Multiplayer Game of the Year  無效|url-status=bot: unknown (幫助)
  92. ^ Spike TV Announces 2009 Video Game Award winners. The Independent. 2009-12-14 [2015-09-27]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-06). 
  93. ^ PC Game of the Year 2009 - Dragon Age: Origins. IGN.com. 2009-12-15 [2009-12-15]. (原始內容存檔於2013-07-24). 
  94. ^ Xbox 360 Best Role-Playing Game 2009 - Dragon Age: Origins. IGN.com. 2009-12-15 [2009-12-15]. (原始內容存檔於2012-10-23). 
  95. ^ PC Best Story 2009 - Dragon Age: Origins. IGN.com. 2009-12-15 [2009-12-15]. (原始內容存檔於2013-06-26). 
  96. ^ PC Best Role-Playing Game 2009 - Dragon Age: Origins. IGN.com. 2009-12-15 [2009-12-15]. (原始內容存檔於2013-06-27). 
  97. ^ Giant Bomb's PC Game of the Year, 2009. Giant Bomb. 2010-01-01 [2010-03-14]. (原始內容存檔於2012-04-06). 
  98. ^ Games of the Year. PC Gamer (United States: Future plc). March 2010, (198): 57–59. ISSN 1080-4471. 
  99. ^ Mott, Tony. 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die. London: Quintessence Editions Ltd. 2010: 864. ISBN 978-1-74173-076-0. 
  100. ^ Hillier, Brenna. Dragon Age: Origins team did not expect to make a sequel. VG247. 2015-06-30 [2015-09-27]. (原始內容存檔於2017-08-03). 
  101. ^ Game Informer Presents Dragon Age II. Game Informer. [2015-09-27]. (原始內容存檔於2017-09-01). 
  102. ^ Dragon Age 2 to import savegames. 2010-08-19 [2018-01-26]. 
  103. ^ Dragon Age: Inquisition delayed until November. PC Gamer. 2014-07-22 [2015-09-27]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  104. ^ Lorenzo Veloria. 6 vital Dragon Age choices to revisit in your Keep tapestry. Gamesradar. 2014-11-14 [2020-03-06]. (原始內容存檔於2020-04-11). 
  105. ^ Richard Cobbett. Remembering Dragon Age: Origins. Eurogamer. 2016-01-31 [2020-03-28]. (原始內容存檔於2020-04-08).