
MediaWiki message delivery (留言貢獻)




MediaWiki message delivery (留言貢獻)


就像社群中的其他人一样,您也在使用 Flow。

使用 Flow 或考虑使用 Flow 的社群越来越多。尽管 Flow 本身在2016年并没有安排为主要研发对象,协作小组仍然对提供一个改进的结构化讨论系统有极大兴趣。

您可以通过分享您对于 Flow 的想法帮助我们在今后研发的道路上作出决定——什么应该有,什么不应该有和什么应该做出改进?

请填写这个调查问卷,这个调查问卷是由一个第三方服务商管理的。 调查问卷并不要求您提供邮箱或用户名。 参见我们的隐私政策

感谢您对于 Flow 的意见和想法!

Trizek (WMF)协作小组成员, 2016年9月7日 (三) 14:45 (UTC)

Mbch331 (留言貢獻)

@Trizek (WMF) Don't know why you chose to deliver me a message on the Chinese Wikipedia. It's isn't my most used WMF Project, nor is it the project I use the most with flow enabled. I can't even read Chinese, so I have no idea what the message is about (but with the word Flow in the subject, I think it's related to the post I saw in the Project Chat of Wikidata about the Flow survey)

Trizek (WMF) (留言貢獻)

Hello Mbch331!

There is a lot of people and pages using Flow, so I had to make a choice for my query. I've tried to focus on Flow boards from people who were active. With (a few) contributions on zh.wp, you matched that requirement. Then, I've randomly selected a wiki where you have activated Flow. That was not the most clever idea I had, I should have checked more data. I'm sorry about that.

Here is a translation of my message in English, quite the same on I've posted on Wikidata indeed:


(That message in other languages: العربية • ‎bosanski • ‎català • ‎Deutsch • ‎Esperanto • ‎français • ‎עברית • ‎polski • ‎português • ‎português do Brasil • ‎русский • ‎اردو • ‎中文 – ‎translate that message)

An increasing number of communities now use Flow or are considering it.

Although Flow itself is not scheduled for major development during 2016 fiscal year, the Collaboration Team remains interested in the project and in providing an improved system for structured discussions.You can help us make decisions about the way forward in this area by sharing your thoughts about Flow — what works, doesn't work or should be improved?

Please fill out this survey, which is administered by a third-party service. It will not require an email or your username. See our privacy statement.

Thanks for your ideas and opinions about Flow!


Sorry again for the disturbance!
