人渣宣言(SCUM Manifesto),或意譯為「消滅男性協會宣言」,是瓦萊麗·索拉納斯於1967年發表的基進女權主義宣言。 [1][2] 宣言主張男人敗毀了世界,而該由女人來修正世界。為了實現此目標,宣言主張成立「消滅男性協會」(SCUM),一個致力於推翻社會和消滅男性的組織。 因為模仿弗洛伊德的女性氣質理論,《人渣宣言》常認為是諷刺或戲仿作品。 [3][4]
人渣(SCUM)出現在第一版的封面上,為「消滅男性協會」(Society for Cutting Up Men)的縮寫。 [5][6]
在索拉納斯試圖槍殺安迪·沃荷之前,《人渣宣言》鮮為人知。謀殺事件替索拉納斯與《人渣宣言》帶來極大關注。[7][8] 雖然女性主義者基阿特金森為索拉納斯辯護,認為《宣言》是對父權的合理批評,但傅瑞丹等其他女性主義者認為索拉納斯的觀點過於偏激和極化。
"Life" in this "society" being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of "society" being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and eliminate the male sex.——人渣宣言
宣言始於一項理論假設,即出於Y染色體的基因缺陷,男人是「不完整的女人」。[9] 此基因缺陷造成男性情感能力受限、自我中心、欠缺熱情與人際互動能力。索拉納斯描述男性缺乏同情心,只能憑自己直接的感官經驗行事。[10]
宣言持續論述,男人終生試圖成為一個女人,以克服自己的殘缺。為此,男人「尋找女人、與女人交好,與女人同居,與女人合為一體」(constantly seeking out, fraternizing with and trying to live through and fuse with the female)。索拉納斯拒絕了佛洛伊德的陰莖羨妒理論,反而論證是男性有陰部羨妒。索拉納斯隨後指控男性搞爛了整個世界,羅列了一長串男人的罪行,包含戰爭等。[11]
基於前述種種罪行,消滅男性有道德上之必要。[12] 宣言主張成立一支女性的革命先鋒隊。這支革命先鋒隊就是「消滅男性協會」(SCUM)。宣言強調,「消滅男性協會」(SCUM)必須採取比公民不服從更加激進的破壞行動與暴力,否則不足以摧毀整套社會系統。「消滅男性協會的示威遊行必踩在總統那令人作嘔的蠢臉上;消滅男性協會的襲擊必在黑夜中,用六吋的刀」(If SCUM ever marches, it will be over the President's stupid, sickening face; if SCUM ever strikes, it will be in the dark with a six-inch blade)。
Laura Winkiel認為索拉納斯便是基於宣言刺殺安迪沃荷。[14][15][16][17]
1976年,《人渣宣言》被改編為電影。Carole Roussopoulos和德爾芬·塞里格執導該片。電影中,塞里格讀了宣言法譯本中的幾段內容。[18][19]
1996年的電影《顛覆三度空間》[註 1](I Shot Andy Warhol)中有描述了索拉納斯的作品以及她與安迪·沃荷的關係 。索拉納斯與安迪·沃荷的觀念差異,很大一部分與《人渣宣言》有關,以及作者身份概念上的爭議。 [20]
- ^ 臺灣譯名
- ^ Penner (2011)
- ^ Jansen (2011) and see pp. 6, 129–160 (ch. 6, esp. pp. 131–135, 137–142, 145–148, & 150–160), 208 & 218.
- ^ Castro (1990)
- ^ Woods, Chavisa. Hating Valerie Solanas (And Loving Violent Men). Full Stop. 21 May 2019 [25 February 2020]. (原始內容存檔於2021-11-30) (英語).
- ^ Jansen (2011), pp. 159–160
- ^ Fahs (2014)
- ^ Drake & Kerekes (2004), p. 199
- ^ Bernstein Weiss, Tracey. The Rhetoric of Radical Feminism: A Pentadic Analysis of the Inception of a Rhetorical Movement. Temple University. 1978: 3.
- ^ Solanas (1968), p. 31
- ^ Solanas (1968), pp. 32–33
- ^ Solanas (1968), pp. 34–35
- ^ Solanas (1968), pp. 67–70
- ^ Solanas (1968), pp. 80–84
- ^ Winkiel (1999), p. 73 ("the only act of violence to come as a direct result of the manifesto") and p. 79 (the Manifesto "result[ing] in one failed assassination").
- ^ Hoberman, J. The Magic Hour: Film at Fin de Siècle. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press. 2003: 49. ISBN 1-56639-996-3.
Valerie Solanas really was a nobody until she shot Andy Warhol. But once The SCUM Manifesto was underlined in blood, Solanas hardly had to wait for admirers.... Solanas was claimed as an 'important spokeswoman' by the radical wing of NOW ....
- ^ Siegel, Deborah. Sisterhood, Interrupted: From Radical Women to Grrls Gone Wild. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007: 2. ISBN 978-1-4039-8204-9.
Valerie Solanas, author of the man-hating tract known as the S.C.U.M. (Society for Cutting Up Men) Manifesto, shot Andy Warhol.... [¶] To women of the Baby Boomer generation, th[is and other] ... opening salvos of a revolution are moments of canonical—and personal—feminist history.
- ^ Siegel, Deborah. Sisterhood, Interrupted: From Radical Women to Grrls Gone Wild. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007: 71–72. ISBN 978-1-4039-8204-9.
"Solanas's supporters argued that the shooting of a prominent male avant-garde figure was a bold political statement offered in the name of women's liberation".
- ^ Biet, Christian; Olivier Neveux. Une histoire du spectacle militant: théâtre et cinéma militants 1966-1981. Entretemps. 2007: 294. ISBN 978-2-912877-63-5 (法語).
- ^ Fleckinger, Hélène; Carou, Alain; Faucon, Térésa; Mc Nulty, Callisto; Noteris, Émilie. SCUM Manifesto : film, texts and archives about the 1976 staged reading of extracts from Valerie Solanas's SCUM Manifesto by Carole Roussopoulos and Delphine Seyrig. Paris: Naima Editions. 2018. ISBN 978-2-37440-100-3.
- ^ Staff, Tilt. Greatest Films Directed by Women. Tilt Magazine. 2022-03-08 [2022-03-15]. (原始內容存檔於2023-07-22) (英語).
- Castro, Ginette. American Feminism: A Contemporary History . Translated by Elizabeth Loverde-Bagwell. New York: New York University Press. 1990. ISBN 0-8147-1448-X. (translated from Radioscopie du féminisme américain (Paris, France: Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, 1984)
- Davis, Debra Diane. Breaking up [at] Totality: a Rhetoric of Laughter. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press. 2000. ISBN 0809322285.
- Dexter, Gary. Why not Catch-21?: The Stories behind the Titles. London: Frances Lincoln. 2007. ISBN 978-0-7112-2796-5.
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- Echols, Alice. Daring to Be Bad: Radical Feminism in America 1967–1975 . Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. 1989. ISBN 0-8166-1787-2.
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- Fleckinger, Hélène; Carou, Alain; Faucon, Térésa; Mc Nulty, Callisto; Noteris, Émilie. SCUM Manifesto : film, texts and archives about the 1976 staged reading of extracts from Valerie Solanas's SCUM Manifesto by Carole Roussopoulos and Delphine Seyrig. Paris: Naima Editions. 2018. ISBN 978-2-37440-100-3.
- Greer, Germaine. The Female Eunuch. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. 1971.
- Harding, James Martin. Forget Fame. Valerie Solanas, the Simplest Surrealist Act, and the (Re)Assertion of Avant-Garde Priorities. Cutting Performances: Collage Events, Feminist Artists, and the American Avant-Garde. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 2010. ISBN 978-0-472-11718-5.
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- Hewitt, Nancy A. Solanas, Valerie. Susan Ware; Stacy Lorraine Braukman (編). Notable American Women: A Biographical Dictionary Completing the Twentieth Century. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press. 2004. ISBN 0-674-01488-X.
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- Smith, Donny, "Valerie Solanas: Bibliography",存檔於互聯網檔案館(存檔日期 2005-08-17)
- The SCUM Manifesto