
伯利茲人民陣線(西班牙語:Frente Popular de Belice,縮寫為BPF)是伯利茲的一個奉行進步主義社會民主主義中間偏左政黨。該黨成立於2013年。在2020年伯利茲大選中,該黨獲得820張選票,排名第三。該黨的領袖南希·馬林是伯利茲首位女性政黨領袖[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]。該黨是聖保羅論壇的成員。


  1. ^ In Belize, Corruption and COVID-19 Imperil the Ruling Party's Reelection Hopes. www.worldpoliticsreview.com. 16 October 2020 [2021-02-22] (英語). 
  2. ^ Our Party Leader. The Belize People’s Front. [2020-10-09] (美國英語). 
  3. ^ Belize People's Front preparing for General Elections. Love FM | Belize News and Music Power. 2020-07-28 [2021-02-22]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-29) (美國英語). 
  4. ^ McLeod, Sheri-Kae. Political Parties in Belize Nominate Candidates for November 11 Election. Caribbean News. 2020-10-22 [2021-02-22] (英語). 
  5. ^ Staff, B. B. N. John Saldivar suggests that political parties should debate, Belize People's Front agrees. Belize News and Opinion on www.breakingbelizenews.com. 2020-09-17 [2021-02-22] (美國英語). 
  6. ^ McLeod, Sheri-Kae. Political Leaders in Belize to Hold Debate Ahead of November 11 Poll. Caribbean News. 2020-10-20 [2021-02-22] (英語). 
  7. ^ newsamericas. Another CARICOM Country Will Go To The Poll In The Pandemic. Caribbean and Latin America Daily News. 2020-10-23 [2021-02-22] (美國英語).