
聖庫加特修道院是一座本篤會修道院,位於西班牙加泰羅尼亞聖庫加特-德爾巴列斯,建立於公元9世紀。14世紀時,它成為了巴塞隆拿伯國最重要的修道院。 它的主要特點是是巨大的羅曼式迴廊




修道院的起源可追溯至九世紀,當時決定團結教會,將聖Cucuphas英語Cucuphas(加泰羅尼亞語:Sant Cugat)的遺體安置在附屬防禦工事中。自10世紀起,修道院不斷擴建。985年,它被al-Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir英語al-Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir領導的穆斯林軍隊所損毀,軍隊隨後又將它修復並加建了尖塔。尖塔仍然是大教堂的最高點。

11世紀後期,巴塞隆拿的拉莫·貝倫格爾二世英語Ramon Berenguer II of Barcelona規定修道院將從屬於隆格多克的聖彼得大教堂(加泰羅尼亞語:Saint Pons de Thomières),而在聖庫加特修道院的僧侶中引發了騷亂。聖彼得的居民搬入了加泰羅尼亞的修道院,反對規定的僧人被驅逐出境。然而,巴塞隆拿主教對修道院所宣稱的權限,被歸還給了天主教巴塞隆拿總教區。當時聖庫加特正控制着聖塞西利亞-德蒙特塞拉特修道院(Santa Cecília de Montserrat)、Sant Llorenç del Munt、Sant Pau del Camp、Sant Pere de Clará和Sant Salvador de Breda英語Sant Salvador de Breda

In the mid-12th century, the construction of a new monastery was begun. It was finished in 1337. In 1350, the fortification works started. In this period, however, the monastery started to decline. The nomination of the abbot, previously belonging to the monks, was switched to the diocese. During the 西班牙王位繼承戰爭, it was occupied by troops of 查理六世 (神聖羅馬帝國), causing damage to the structure. Restoration works were completed in 1789.

In 1835, the monastery was abandoned by the monks, remaining empty until 1851, when it was decided its restoration. It was declared a National Monument in 1931.




With a length of more than 30 metres, the cloister was designed by Arnau Cadell英語Arnau Gatell and his disciple Lluís Samaranch. It has a square plan with semicircular arches, supported by pairs of columns. Each of the latter has a finely decorated capital, with various details ranging from animals to biblical scenes.

The church is instead in Gothic style. It has a nave and two aisles. The façade has a large (8.2 diameter) 玫瑰窗, similar to those in the 巴塞隆拿主教座堂 and 塔拉哥納主教座堂. The church houses a Gothic altarpiece, known as the retablo de Todos los Santos, executed in 1375 by Pere Serra英語Pere Serra.



  • Tomàs Bonell, Jordi. Descobrir Catalunya. Barcelona: Premsa Catalana. 1994. 



41°28′25″N 2°5′6″E / 41.47361°N 2.08500°E / 41.47361; 2.08500

Category:Romanesque architecture in Catalonia英語Category:Romanesque architecture in Catalonia Category:Gothic architecture in Catalonia英語Category:Gothic architecture in Catalonia Sant Cugat英語Category:Benedictine monasteries in Catalonia Category:Christian monasteries established in the 9th century英語Category:Christian monasteries established in the 9th century