
斯大林評傳》(原名《斯大林:對此人及其影響的評價》,英語:Stalin: An Appraisal of the Man and His Influence)是由列夫·托洛茨基在1938-1940年寫的兩冊約瑟夫·斯大林傳記書之一。因托洛茨基於1940年8月遇刺,所以第二冊沒有完結。儘管為結束章節編寫的大量手稿倖存下來,使編輯得以完成這部作品。





  • Knei-Paz B. The Social and Political Thought of Leon Trotsky. — 1st. — Oxford University Press, 1978. — 652 p. — ISBN 9780198272335.
  • Service R. Trotsky: A Biography. — Cambridge: Belknap Press / Harvard University Press, 2009. — 648 p. — ISBN 978-0674036154.
  • Beilharz P. «Stalin» // Trotsky, Trotskyism, and the Transition to Socialism. — Barnes & Noble Books, 1987. — 197 p. — ISBN 9780389206989.
  • McNeal R. H. Trotskyist Interpretations of Stalinism // Stalinism: Essays in Historical Interpretation / ed. R. C. Tucker; American Council of Learned Societies, Planning Group on Comparative Communist Studies. — Transaction Publishers, 1977. — 337 p. — ISBN 9781412835022.
  • Howard M. C., King J. E. The Political Economy of Stalin // A History of Marxian Economics. — Princeton University Press, 1992. — Vol. II: 1929—1990. — 420 p. — ISBN 0-333-38813-5.