釙化鈣是一種無機化合物,化學式為CaPo,可由在550 °C反應得到。在常壓下,它以立方岩鹽型結構結晶;[1]高壓(16.7 GPa)時發生相變,轉化為氯化銫型結構。[2]理論計算表明它是一種半導體[3]

Calcium polonide
CAS號 51681-45-9  checkY
化學式 CaPo
摩爾質量 249.08 g·mol−1
外觀 灰色固體
晶體結構 NaCl
空間群 Fm3m (No. 225)
晶格常數 a = 0.6514 nm
若非註明,所有數據均出自標準狀態(25 ℃,100 kPa)下。


  1. ^ Witteman, W. G.; Giorgi, A. L.; Vier, D. T. The Preparation and Identification of Some Intermetallic Compounds of Polonium. The Journal of Physical Chemistry (American Chemical Society (ACS)). 1960, 64 (4): 434–440. ISSN 0022-3654. doi:10.1021/j100833a014. 
  2. ^ Shi, Liwei; Wu, Ling; Duan, Yifeng; Hao, Lanzhong; Hu, Jing; Yang, Xianqing; Tang, Gang. Band structure, phase transition, phonon and elastic instabilities in calcium polonide under pressure: A first-principles study. Solid State Communications (Elsevier BV). 2012, 152 (22): 2058–2062. ISSN 0038-1098. doi:10.1016/j.ssc.2012.08.028. 
  3. ^ Bhardwaj, Purvee; Singh, Sadhna. Phase transition and bulk properties of some polonide compounds: a comparative study. Phase Transitions (Informa UK Limited). 2015-06-09, 88 (9): 859–876. ISSN 0141-1594. doi:10.1080/01411594.2015.1020312.