

量子場論中,高斯自由場(Gaussian Free Field)是最簡單的場論之一。這個也稱為無質量玻色子場論。




 高斯自由場 的概率是





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  • Dubédat, J. (2009), "SLE and the free field: Partition functions and couplings", J. Amer. Math. Soc., 22: 995–1054, arXiv:0712.3018, Bibcode:2009JAMS...22..995D, doi:10.1090/s0894-0347-09-00636-5
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  • Rider, B.; Virág, B. (2007), "The noise in the Circular Law and the Gaussian Free Field", International Mathematics Research Notices: article ID rnm006, 32 pages, MR 2361453
  • Sheffield, S. (2005), "Local sets of the Gaussian Free Field", Talks at the Fields Institute, Toronto, on September 22–24, 2005, as part of the "Percolation, SLE, and related topics" Workshop.
  • Sheffield, S. (2007), "Gaussian free fields for mathematicians", Probability Theory and Related Fields, 139: 521–541, arXiv:math.PR/0312099, doi:10.1007/s00440-006-0050-1, MR 2322706
  • Friedli, S.; Velenik, Y. (2017). Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Systems: a Concrete Mathematical Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107184824.