
Peaceful War: How the Chinese Dream and the American Destiny Create a Pacific New World Order
作者帕特里克·門迪斯英語Patrick Mendis
類型中美關係 美國外交政策英語US foreign policy 中國外交政策 國際關係 太平洋事務英語Pacific affairs
出版機構羅曼和利特爾菲爾德出版集團公司英語Rowman & Littlefield (美國)
媒介打印(精裝)、(平裝英語softcover) (電子圖書
前作Commercial Providence
ISBN978-0-7618-6187-4(精裝), 978-0-7618-6186-7(平裝), 978-0-7618-6188-1(電子圖書)

和平之戰:中國夢與美國的命運如何建立一個太平洋的世界新秩序》(英語:Peaceful War: How the Chinese Dream and the American Destiny Create a Pacific New World Order)是帕特里克·門迪斯英語Patrick Mendis所寫的一本書[1]


It provides an epic analysis of the unfolding drama between the clashing forces of the Chinese dream and the American Dream.[2] The foreword to the book is written by Jack Goldstone, the Virginia and John Hazel Professor of Public Policy at George Mason University.[3]

In 2012, Professor Mendis coined the new word "Pacific Dream" to describe possible outcomes resulting from the interface between the Sino-American policies and initiatives of President Barack Obama and President Xi Jinping that resonate with the American Dream and the Chinese dream.[4] In April 2013, US Secretary of State John Kerry officially unveiled President Obama's vision of "Pacific Dream" to deliver mutual benefits among all stakeholders in the region.[5]

The themes of Mendis' book were seemingly drawn from ideas expressed during his extensive study and lecture tours in 2012 and 2013 at various universities and institutions in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and elsewhere in Asia and America.[6] These include the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences[7] in Beijing and the Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou.[8] His other publications have appeared in the Yale Journal of International Affairs, the Columbia University's Journal of International Affairs,[9] the Minnesota Post,[10] as well as the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong.[11]

Summary and the Contents

The book contains a comparative analysis of the distinctive and different philosophies between the People's Republic of China's millennia-old Confucian civilization and the young republic of the United States of America and its inspiring founding vision. The author explains that "America and China are two republics — the 'Old and Young.' China is an old and evolved civilization while America is new and created by enlightened men" (in 1776); however, "their approaches are different" in domestic governance and international affairs.[12]

Mendis uncovers a number of previously unknown similarities, especially in the esoteric traditions of architectural designs of the Forbidden City surrounded by the Tienanmen Square in the historic center of Beijing and the square-shaped original Federal City that encloses the Federal Triangle in Washington, DC. The author then contrasts the American foreign policy traditions derived from Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton as well as the Chinese adaptation of America's Manifest Destiny in the Indian Ocean and the Monroe Doctrine in the Pacific Ocean, including the South China Sea and the East China Sea. In a book review of the author's previous book, Commercial Providence, America's hidden and esoteric traditions as embedded in the secret architecture of Washington, DC, were revealed.[13]

Similar to way the American experience and the US foreign policy traditions evolved over the Pacific Ocean into Hawaii and the Philippines, Deng Xiaoping’s China has been using 「Hamiltonian means to Jeffersonian ends」 by borrowing the founding idea of the American Dream as a model for China’s peaceful rise. The so-called Chinese dream, as reinvented by President Xi, seems to continue Deng’s Hamiltonian experiment of the economic liberalization into the twenty-first century.[14]

With a possible 「fiscal cliff」 in America and a 「social cliff」 in China, the author revisits the history of Sino-American relations to explore the prospects for a return to the long-forgotten Beijing-Washington love affair launched in the trade-for-peace era before the Opium Wars in the nineteenth century.[15] During his two-month book and lecture tour in late 2013 in China, Dr. Mendis told a Beijing news reporter 傅立鋼 of the China Trade News that "economic and trade cooperation between China and the US" must now be carried out within "a legal framework" as global commerce has become the "mainstream."[16]

The American Vision of "Pacific Dream"

The author envisions that President Obama’s Asia pivot strategy and the new Silk Road plan of President Xi would eventually create a "Pacific Dream" and a New World Order of peace and prosperity for all.[17] The key question raised in the book is: will China ultimately evolve into a democratic nation by rewriting the American Dream in Chinese characters, and how might this transpire?[18] As a strategic partner in the Pacific tasked with accommodating China's peaceful rise, President Obama's Secretary of State Kerry outlined America's vision of "Pacific Dream" for mutual benefit and a more peaceful world as he reiterated former Secretary Hillary Clinton's previous announcement on Asia pivot strategy and the Trans-Pacific Partnership.[19]

According to the author of Peaceful War, the idea of a Pacific Dream can be traced back to the Louisiana Purchase as President Thomas Jefferson wanted to find a short-cut to China through the Pacific Northwest. Jefferson sought to extend his vision of an Empire of Liberty and the American Dream resonating from his national motto 「Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness」 to the rest of the world. The democratic experience that evolved over the two-hundred plus years has its own struggles and weaknesses but the American Dream has always been part of the DNA of the American Republic since its founding, and it was revived later in Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s famous I Have a Dream speech.

In response to the author’s question, his former boss Secretary of State Colin Powell reminded him that the United States has historically had its own challenges with women, African Americans, and Native Americans and echoed that China has similar challenges in achieving the Chinese dream.[20] The author has served as a military professor and an American diplomat in the Clinton and Bush administrations. He is a commissioner of the US National Commission for UNESCO at the State Department — an appointment by the Obama administration.[21]

Praise by Chinese and American Leaders

Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Secretary Colin Powell, writes about the book: "A dazzling analysis, full of history, philosophy, ironic similarities and unusual distinctions, fears and hopes, but mostly dreams—the kind of dreams Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela dreamed. For that reason and more, Peaceful War is worth reading."

United States Senator Thomas Daschle, former senate majority leader, explains that the book 「luminously situated President Obama’s Asia pivot that is often lost in geopolitical writing.」

Former acting CIA Director John E. McLaughlin states that 「No international strategic relationship is more important or more consequential than that between the United States and China—now and as far as we can reasonably see into the future. . . . Anyone seeking a holistic understanding of the Sino-U.S. relationship—and where it might be heading—should read this book.」[22]

China’s leading authority on Sino-American relations Professor Shen Dingli at Fudan University in Shanghai calls the book a 「landmark work」 while Dr. Wei Hongxia at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing describes it as a 「wise, welcome, and timely」 exploration comparing Chinese and American national discourses and the future of their relations.[23]

In a book review, China's Global Times describes: "In this scholarly work, the author offers a much needed and timely antidote to prevailing pessimism over the future of Sino-US relations."[24]

Professor Tang Xiaosong, the president of the Center for American Studies at the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies in Guangzhou, characterizes the author as 「a naturalized US citizen (who) is himself an authentic American message to Asia」 to validate the impartiality of academic inquiry in Peaceful War.[25] Professor Patrick Mendis, who has been teaching at major US and Chinese universities, was born on the island of Sri Lanka but a naturalized American citizen living in the Washington, DC, area.[26]

Harvard Analysis

In a scholarly assessment of Peaceful War, the Harvard International Review concludes:

This unprecedented and meticulously researched study of the evolving Sino-American relations is rich with implications. Mendis』 look at China is timely, levelheaded, and fair above all else. As a scholar who has weaved effectively between education, writing, and diplomacy, Mendis has developed the rare ability to employ in-depth, historically accurate analogies that surprise and engage readers without approaching the faintest shade of exaggeration.[27]

China 100-year in Minnesota

During his book promotion and lecture tour in China, Dr. Mendis, a celebrated alumnus of the University of Minnesota, announced that he will donate the after-tax profits from royalties of sales from the book to the university's Humphrey School of Public Affairs.[28] In 2012, Mendis has established the Edward A. Burdick Legislative Award at the Humphrey School in honor and memory of his late mentor and friend who had a legendary public service record in the Minnesota House of Representatives.[29] The Minnesota-trained American diplomat told the Beijing's distinguished alumni group that this is his way of giving back to the University for what he was given over the years.[30] The book event was part of the University of Minnesota's celebration of its 100-year anniversary of China relations.





  1. ^ McClain, Buzz. New Book Suggests Modern China Models the ‘American Dream’. George Mason University. 2013-10-18 [2013-10-19]. 
  2. ^ Peaceful War: How the Chinese Dream and the American Destiny Create a New Pacific World Order. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2013-10-06 [2013-10-06]. 
  3. ^ McClain, Buzz. GMU Professor Suggests China is Modeling the American Dream. Fairfax News. 2013-10-18 [2013-10-19]. 
  4. ^ Mendis, Patrick. Peaceful War Drives Sino-US Relations. South China Morning Post. 2013-11-01 [2013-11-01]. 
  5. ^ Taylor, Guy. Secretary of State John Kerry outlines vision for ‘Pacific Dream’ Asia. Washington Times. 2013-04-15 [2013-10-06]. 
  6. ^ Professor Patrick Mendis Speaks on the ‘Chinese Dream’ and ‘American Destiny’. Financial Times. 2013-04-20 [2013-10-06]. 
  7. ^ 中国社会科学院亚太与全球战略研究院. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. 2013-03-28 [2013-10-06]. 
  8. ^ 乔治梅森大学Patrick Mendis教授学术讲座. Sun Yat-sen University School of Government. [2013-10-06]. 
  9. ^ China’s Buddhist Diplomacy: Why Do America and India Entangle with Tiny Sri Lanka? | Journal of International Affairs. Columbia University. [2013-10-06]. 
  10. ^ Chinese Renaissance Man is Touched by America’s Heartland. Minnesota Post. [2013-10-17]. 
  11. ^ Patrick Mendis. What does the 'Chinese dream' really mean?. South China Morning Post. 2013-09-26 [2013-10-06]. 
  12. ^ Sri Lanka: American UNESCO Commissioner Professor Patrick Mendis Honored in Sri Lanka. Colombo Page. 2013-08-03 [2013-10-06]. 
  13. ^ Bressman, Jacob. America's Secret Mission Unveiled. Ceylon Daily News. 2010-09-16 [2013-10-13]. 
  14. ^ Mendis, Patrick. Birth of a Pacific Order | Harvard International Review. Harvard International Review. 2013-04-09 [2013-10-06]. 
  15. ^ Liu, Zhun. Sino-American Dreams Stem from Trade. Global Times. 2013-04-21 [2013-10-06]. 
  16. ^ Fu, Ligang. 法律框架下的中美经贸合作成为发展主流. China Trade News. 2013-11-07 [2013-11-13]. 
  17. ^ How Washington’s Asia Pivot and the TPP Can Benefit Sino–American Relations. East Asia Forum. 2013-03-06 [2013-10-06]. 
  18. ^ Peaceful War: How the Chinese Dream and the American Destiny Create a New Pacific World Order: Patrick Mendis: 9780761861867: Amazon.com: Books. Amazon.com. [2013-10-06]. 
  19. ^ Taylor, Guy. Secretary of State John Kerry Outlines Vision for ‘Pacific Dream’ Asia. Washington Times. 2013-04-15 [2013-10-06]. 
  20. ^ Tran, Guy. Colin Powell / Patrick Mendis @ Aspen Institute. YouTube.com date=2013-01-22. [2013-10-14]. 
  21. ^ Kimball, Joe. Patrick Mendis Named to US National Commission for UNESCO. Minnesota Post. 2012-07-19 [2013-10-14]. 
  22. ^ Peaceful War: How the Chinese Dream and the American Destiny Create a New Pacific World Order: Patrick Mendis: 9780761861867: Amazon.com: Books. Amazon.com. [2013-10-06]. 
  23. ^ Peaceful War: How the Chinese Dream and the American Destiny Create a New Pacific World Order. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2013-10-06 [2013-10-06]. 
  24. ^ Chinese Dream Harks Back to Golden Era While Reinventing Hopeful Future. Global Times. 2013-10-24 [2013-10-26]. 
  25. ^ Peaceful War: How the Chinese Dream and the American Destiny Create a New Pacific World Order: Patrick Mendis: 9780761861867: Amazon.com: Books. Amazon.com. [2013-10-06]. 
  26. ^ Sri Lanka: American UNESCO Commissioner Professor Patrick Mendis Honored in Sri Lanka. Colombopage.com. 2013-08-03 [2013-10-06]. 
  27. ^ Barthel, Joshua. China’s Precedents and Patriotism: A Review of Patrick Mendis’ "Peaceful War". Harvard International Review. 2013-10-25 [2013-10-25]. 
  28. ^ Celebrated U Alum Dr. Patrick Mendis Meets with Fellow Alumni in Beijing, Announces Donation of Book Proceeds to U’s Humphrey School. University of Minnesota-Beijing Office. 2013-11-09 [2013-11-23]. 
  29. ^ Religious Faith and Public Life: Reflections on Edward Burdick’s Life. The Minnesota Post. 2012-03-14 [2013-11-23]. 
  30. ^ One-to-one: Honoring Legendary Public Servant Edward Burdick. Humphrey School of Public Affairs. 2012-04-07 [2013-11-23].