鄧月薇(英語:Betty Ann Ong[註 1],1956年2月5日—2001年9月11日),第三代華裔美國人[2][3]美國航空空服員,出生於加利福尼亞州三藩市。她是九一一襲擊事件中第一個通知當局當天發生劫機事件的人[4]。2001年9月11日早上,鄧月薇在美國航空公司第11號班機上值勤,該航班起飛後不久即被恐怖分子劫持。她與美國航空公司地勤人員通話25分鐘,傳遞了劫機事件的重要資訊,導致美國聯邦航空總署關閉領空[5]911事件委員會為此宣稱她是英雄[6][7]

英文名Betty Ong
出生Betty Ann Ong
 美國紐約世界貿易中心北塔英語List of tenants in One World Trade Center


為紀念鄧月薇而興建的鄧月薇華人康樂中心宿霧語Chinese Recreation Center(圖左側建築),圖右是三藩市纜車博物館

鄧月薇出生於三藩市,父親是鄧錦仕(Harry Ong, Sr.)[8][9],為俄亥俄州出生的第二代華裔美國人[3],祖籍廣東開平市,母親鄧余金愛(Yee-gum Ong)也生於開平[10],後移民美國[3]。鄧月薇在家中四個小孩中排名老么,前有大哥鄧達民(Harry Ong Jr.)、大姊鄧月華(Gloria Ong Woo)、二姊鄧月芳(Cathie Ong-Herrera)[11]

鄧月薇於三藩市唐人街長大後,畢業於喬治·華盛頓高級中學英語George Washington High School。她的父母在昃臣街(Jackson Street)開雜貨店。[12]1980年代,她在父母的雜貨店工作,有一天一群幫派成員闖入雜貨店,要她把錢交出來。她要求他們離開,有人掏出槍指着她,她再次告訴他們離開,幫派最後離去。[13] 鄧月薇去世前住在麻省安多佛[12]2001年9月11日,鄧月薇給自己分配了11號班機,這樣她就可以回到洛杉磯並去夏威夷與她的姊姊度假。



以下是鄧月薇、美國航空公司南部訂位辦事處、當值營運專員尼迪婭·岡薩雷斯(Nydia Gonzalez)與美國航空緊急專線之間的8分26秒的對話記錄。[14]這段對話從鄧月薇開始,不過她的聲音只在前四分鐘聽得到[15]


Betty Ong: Um, we're sitting in the back, um, and the cockpit is not answering. Somebody is stabbed in business class-and um, I think there's mace-that we can't breathe-I don't know I think we're getting hijacked. 嗯,我們坐在後方,嗯,駕駛艙沒有回應。商務艙有人被刺傷,嗯,我認為有人用梅斯毒氣,我們無法在商務艙中呼吸——我不知道那是什麼。我認為我們遭到了劫機。

A.A. Oper. Center: Which flight are you on? 你在哪趟航班上?

Betty Ong: Flight 12 12號航班(鄧月薇誤報了自己的航班號,但隨後就自行改正)

A.A. Oper. Center: And what seat are you in? 你坐在哪個座位?

(Brief Silence)--(短暫的沉默)

A.A. Oper. Center: Ma'am, are you there? 女士,你還在嗎?

Betty Ong: Yes. 在的。

A.A. Oper. Center: What, what, what seat are you in? 你坐在哪個座位?

(Brief Silence)--(短暫的沉默)

A.A. Oper. Center: Ma'am, what seat are you in? 女士,你坐在哪個座位?

Betty Ong: Well, we just left Boston, we're up in the air. We're supposed to go to L.A., and the cockpit's not answering their phone. 嗯,我們剛剛離開波士頓,我們現在正在爬升。我們的計劃是去洛杉磯,現在駕駛艙不接電話。

A.A. Oper. Center: What seat are you sitting in? What's the number of your seat? 你坐在哪個座位?你的座位號是什麼?

Betty Ong: Okay, I'm in my jump-seat right now. 我現在在摺疊式座椅。

A.A. Oper. Center: Okay. 好的。

Betty Ong: At 3R. 在3R。

A.A. Oper. Center: Okay, you're the flight attendant? 好,那麼你就是空服員了?

(Brief Silence)--(短暫的沉默)

A.A. Oper. Center: I'm sorry, did you say you're the flight attendant? 對不起,你剛是說你是位空服員嗎?

Betty Ong: Hello? You're gonna have to speak up. I can't hear you. 有人嗎?你必須說大點聲,否則我聽不見你們。

A.A. Oper. Center: Sure, what is your name? 了解,你叫什麼?

Betty Ong: Okay, my name is Betty Ong, I'm #3 on Flight 11. 嗯,我的名字是鄧月薇,我是11號航班上的3號空服員。

A.A. Oper. Center: Okay. 好的。

Betty Ong: And the cockpit is not answering their phone, and there's somebody stabbed in business class, and there's, we can't breathe in business class. Somebody's got mace, or something. 駕駛艙的電話無人接聽,而且有商務客位的人被刺傷。另外,我們在商務客位會感到呼吸困難。似乎是毒氣或是其他東西。

A.A. Oper. Center: Can you describe the person that you said, somebody is what in business class? 你可以描述一下你所說的那個人,在商務客位的人怎麼了?

Betty Ong: I'm, I'm sitting in the back somebody's coming back from business, can you hold on for one second? They're coming back. 我,我現在是坐在後頭, 正好有人從商務客位回來了,你可以等我一下子嗎?正好有人回來。

A.A. Oper. Center: Sure. 知道。

(Ong is heard talking to another flight attendant aboard American 11.)--(聽到月薇正在與另一位美航11班機上的空服員交談)

Betty Ong: They want to know who stabbed who. Do you know? 他們想知道是誰被刺傷了,你知道嗎?

Flight Attendant: I don't know, but Karen and Barbara got stabbed. (Karen and Barbara are the two first/business class flight attendants who got stabbed) (我不知道,但Karen跟Barbara都被刺傷了。)--(Karen跟Barbara分別是頭等客位與商務客位的空服員)

Betty Ong: Okay. 好的。

(Ong returns to conversation with A.A. Operations Center)--(Betty又回來與美國航空控制中心通話)

Betty Ong: Our, our #1 is, got stabbed, uh, our purser is stabbed. Um, nobody knows who stabbed who, and we can't even get up to business class right now because nobody can breathe. Uh, our #1 is, is, is, stabbed right now. And, and our #5 is stabbed. Our first class passengers are, uh, first class galley flight attendant and our purser have been stabbed. And we can't get to the cockpit... the, the door won't open. 我們……我們的一號空服員被刺傷,er,我們座艙長被刺傷了。嗯,沒有人知道到底是誰受了傷,我們現在也沒有辦法上去商務客位因為沒有人可以呼吸。er,我們的一號空服員,現在被刺傷,而且我們的五號空服員也受傷。我們頭等客位的乘客們,er,頭等客位廚房的空服員以及座艙長都被刺傷,而且我們都無法進入駕駛艙,門沒有辦法打開。)

(Brief Silence)--(短暫的沉默)

Betty Ong: Hello? 有人在嗎?

A.A. Oper. Center: Yeah, I'm taking it down, all the information. We're also, um, you know of course, recording, the, um, at this point in time. 嗯,我們在這裏聽着所有的資訊,我們同時也在……,你知道的,在錄音。

Nydia Gonzalez: This is operations, what flight number are we talking about? 這裏是控制中心,我們現在在談論的航班編號是?

A.A. Oper. Center: Flight 12. 12號航班。

Nydia Gonzalez: Flight 12, okay. 好的,12號航班。

Betty Ong: No, we're on Flight 11 right now. This is Flight 11. 不,我們在11號航班上。這裏是11號航班。

A.A. Oper. Center: It's Flight 11. I'm sorry, Nydia. 是11號航班。Nydia,抱歉。

Betty Ong: Boston to Los Angeles. 波士頓到洛杉磯的。

A.A. Oper. Center: Yes. 嗯。

Betty Ong: Our #1 has been stabbed, and our #5 has been stabbed. 1號和5號空服員都被刺傷。

(Ong is heard talking to another flight attendant aboard American 11)--(聽到月薇正在跟其他空服員交談)

Betty: Can anybody get up to the cockpit? Can anybody get up to the cockpit? 有人能進到駕駛艙嗎?有人能進去嗎?

Flight Attendant: No, we can't. 沒人能進去。

(Ong returns to conversation with A.A. Operations Center and Nydia Gonzalez)

Betty Ong: Okay, we can't even get up to the cockpit, we don't know who's up there. 好的,我們進不了駕駛艙,我們也不知道誰在裏面。

A.A. Oper. Canter: Well, if they were shrewd, they would keep the door closed and... 嗯,如果他們有自知之明。那麼他們會關上門並……

(Ong doesn't hear this last comment)--(月薇沒有聽到最後的那段話)

Betty Ong: I'm sorry? 抱歉?

A.A. Oper. Center: Would they not maintain a sterile cockpit? 他們會在駕駛艙中保持沉默。

Betty Ong: I think the guys are up there, they might have gone there or jammed their way up there, or, or something. Nobody can call the cockpit, we can't even get inside. 我想在上面的那些人,他們可能已經進去了或是堵住了那邊或是其他可能。沒有人可以跟駕駛艙取得聯絡,我們根本沒辦法進入到裏頭。

(Brief Silence)--(短暫的沉默)

Betty Ong: Is anybody still there? 有人在嗎?

A.A. Oper. Center: Yes, we're still here. 我們仍然在線。

Betty Ong: Okay, I'm staying on the line as well. 好,我也在線上。

A.A. Oper. Center: Okay. 好。

Nydia Gonzalez: Hi, who is this calling reservations? Is this one of the flight attendants? Who are you, hun? HI,是誰打來的?是其中一位空服員嗎?親愛的,請問你是誰?

A.A. Oper. Center: She gave her name as Betty Ong. 她有給她的名字是Betty Ong

Nydia Gonzalez: Betty? 貝蒂?

Betty Ong: Yeah, I'm #3. I'm #3 on this flight, and we're first... 嗯,我是3號,我是航班上的3號,然後我們……

Nydia Gonzalez: You're the #3 on this flight? 你是航班上的3號?

Betty Ong: Yes, and I have... 嗯,然後我……

Nydia Gonzalez: And this is Flight 11? From where to where? 這是11號航班?從哪裏到哪裏?

Betty Ong: Flight 11. 11號航班。

Nydia Gonzalez: Have you guys called anyone else? 你們給其他人打電話了嗎?

Betty Ong: No. Uh, somebody's calling medical, and we can't get a doctor. 沒有。er,有人在給醫生打電話,我們無法找到醫生。

(American Airlines Emergency Line (identified as A.A. Em. Line) joins the call and talks to Gonzalez)--(美航的緊急專線也加入這個通話並與Gonzalez交談)

A.A. Em. Line: American Airlines Emergency Line, please state your emergency.(美航緊急專線,麻煩請說明你的緊急狀況)

Nydia Gonzalez: Hey, this is Nydia at American Airlines calling. I am monitoring a call in which Flight 11. The flight attendant is advising our reps that the pilot, everyone has been stabbed. 我是美國航空的Nydia,我正在監控美航11班機的電話,空服員正在告知我們代表說明機長及其他人都被刺傷。

A.A. Em. Line: Flight 11? 11號航班?

Nydia Gonzalez: Yeah, they can't get into the cockpit. That's what I'm hearing. 是的,無法進入駕駛艙。這也是我正聽到的消息。

A.A. Em. Line: Okay, who is this I'm talking to? 好的,請問我現在是在跟哪位通話?

Nydia Gonzalez: Excuse me, this is Nydia at American Airlines Raleigh Reservations Center. I'm the operations specialist on duty. 不好意思,我是美國航空羅利控制中心的Nydia。我是控制專家,正在執行職務中。

A.A. Em. Line: Okay, I'm sorry what is your name, again? 抱歉,你的名字是什麼?

Nydia Gonzalez: Nydia Gonzalez, G-O-N-Z-A-L-E-Z.

A.A. Em. Line: Raleigh Reservations. Okay, now when you... 羅利控制中心。好的,現在你是……?

Nydia Gonzalez: I've got the flight attendant on the line, with one of our agents. 我這裏有位空服員在線上,還有我們的地面人員。

A.A. Em. Line: Okay, and she's calling how? 好的,她現在正在通話?

Nydia Gonzalez: Through reservations, I can go on the line and ask her questions. 我透過訂位系統,可以上線並且問她問題。

A.A. Em. Line: Okay, and I'm assuming they've declared an emergency. Let me get ATC on the line, stand by. 好的,我想他們已表明這是緊急事件。讓我把航管也接上線,待命。

Nydia Gonzalez: Have you been contacted by the cockpit yet? No, okay. Okay, I'm still on with security, Betty, okay? Okay. You, you're doing a great job, Betty, just stay calm. We are, absolutely. 你有嘗試聯絡駕駛艙嗎?沒有,好的,好的。我跟安管還在線,Betty,還好嗎?很好,你做得很棒!

A.A. Em. Line: Okay, we're contacting the flight crew now, we're also contacting ATC. 好的,我們正在聯絡空服員,同時也在聯絡航管。

Nydia Gonzalez: Okay, it seems like the passengers in coach might not be aware of what's going on right now. 好的,我想現在經濟客位的乘客們可能還不知道發生什麼事。

A.A. Em. Line: These two passengers, were they from first class? 這裏有兩位乘客,他們是從頭等客位過來的嗎?

Nydia Gonzalez: Uh, okay. Hold on. er,好的,等一下。

Nydia Gonzalez: Hey, Betty, do you know any information as far as the gents, the men that are in the cockpit with the pilots, were they from first class? 嗨,Betty,你目前有關於那些男士的任何消息嗎?跟機長副機長在駕駛艙的那位,他們是頭等客位的乘客嗎?

Betty Ong: They were sitting in 2A and B. 他們分別坐在2A跟2B 。

Nydia Gonzalez: They were sitting in 2A and B. 他們坐在2A跟2B。

A.A. Em. Line: Okay. 好的。

Nydia Gonzalez: They are in the cockpit with the pilots. 他們跟機長副機長們待在駕駛艙裏。

A.A. Em. Line: Who's helping them? Is there a doctor on board? 有人在協助他們嗎?機上有醫生嗎?

Nydia Gonzalez: Is there a doctor on board that's assisting you guys? You don't have any doctors on board. Okay. So, you've gotten all the first class passengers out of first class? 飛機上有醫生可以協助你們嗎?你們沒有任何醫生在機上。好的。所以所有頭等客位乘客都已經離開頭等客位了嗎?

A.A. Em. Line: Have the flight attendants taken everyone out of first class? 空服員有將所有的頭等客位乘客帶離頭等客位嗎?

Nydia Gonzalez: Yeah, she's just saying that they have. They're in coach. What's going on, honey? 是的,她正回說他們有。他們都在經濟客位,發生什麼事了,親愛的?

Betty Ong: Okay, the aircraft is erratic again. Flying very erratically. 好的,飛機又開始不穩定了,飛得非常地怪異。

Nydia Gonzalez: She did say all the first class passengers have been moved back to coach, so first class, the cabin is empty. What's going on on your end? 她確實有說所有頭等客位乘客都被移到經濟客位了,所以頭等客位已經完全淨空,你那邊怎麼樣了?

A.A. Em. Line: Uh, we contacted ATC, they are going to handle this as a confirmed hijacking. So they're moving all the traffic out of this aircraft's way. 嗯,我們聯絡了航管,他們把這當成確認的劫機事件處理,所以要將這飛機的飛行路線上的交通淨空。

A.A. Em. Line: Okay. 好的。

A.A. Em. Line: Uh, he turned his transponder off, so we don't have a definitive altitude for him. We're just going by, they seem to think that they have him on a primary radar. They seem to think he is descending.er,他把應答機關掉了,所以我們沒辦法確定他最後的飛行高度,我們先靜待,他們似乎可以在雷達上看到他,看來他好像正在下降中。

Nydia Gonzalez: Okay. 好。

A.A. Em. Line: Okay, Nydia?

Nydia Gonzalez: Yes, dear, I'm here. 是的,我還在這。

A.A. Em. Line: I have a dispatcher currently taking the amount of fuel on board. 我有個調度員目前正在告訴我機上所剩燃料。

Nydia Gonzalez: Uh, huh.

A.A. Em. Line: And, we're gonna run some profiles, to see exactly what his endurance is. 我們要看一些飛行剖面圖,來看飛機還能撐多久。

Nydia Gonzalez: Okay. 好。

A.A. Em. Line: Did she?

Nydia Gonzalez: She doesn't have any idea who the stabbed passenger might be in first. Apparently, they might have spread something, so they're having a hard time breathing or getting in that area. 她完全不知道哪個頭等客位乘客被刺傷,顯然的,他們應該有散佈什麼東西,所以他們才會在那個區域感到呼吸困難。

(Plane struck World Trade Center) (飛機撞擊世貿中心)

Nydia Gonzalez: What's going on, Betty? Betty, talk to me. Betty, are you there? Betty? What? Do you think we lost her? Okay, so, we'll like keep the line open. We— I think we might have lost her. 怎麼回事,Betty?Betty,跟我說話。Betty,你在那嗎?Betty?什麼?你覺得我們失去她了嗎?好的。我們還是保持連線。我們……我想我們可能失去她了。

A.A. Em. Line: Okay. 好。


在2001年9月21日,大約200名三藩市的華裔社區成員聚集在一個小公園,向鄧月薇致敬。當時三藩市市長 Willie Brown 也在現場,他頒發了一項宣言,向在這場悲劇中失去生命的人們致敬,並將9月21日定為「鄧月薇日」(Betty Ong Day)。[16]



鄧月薇基金會以其名字命名,以紀念她對兒童福祉的關注。該基金會的董事David Huff表示,它提供「有關營養、健康、體育活動、領導技巧、批判性思維、規劃、群體和團隊活動,以及社區意識和凝聚力的培訓和指導」。其活動包括向巴克斯菲爾德警察活動聯盟和三藩市唐人街的鄧月薇華人康樂中心宿霧語Chinese Recreation Center等組織提供援助。[19]

在2013年3月,該基金會公開反對運輸安全局(TSA)自911事件以來首次允許刀片長度達2.36英寸的刀具再次登上飛機的決定[20]。該基金會的主席兼首席執行官,鄧月薇的二姐鄧月芳發表聲明稱:「2001年9月11日上午發生的可怕事件始於美國航空公司11號班機的劫持。恐怖分子使用小刀刺殺了兩名空中乘務員,控制了飛機。我的妹妹乘務員鄧月薇,以及整個機組人員和乘客都被謀殺。沒有言語可以描述我們家庭所經歷的心痛和悲痛,這是其他任何家庭都不應該忍受的。我支持空中乘務員工會聯盟的立場,反對TSA允許刀具和其他危險物品登上飛機,因為這關乎每個人的安全。」 [21]該基金會是反對TSA這一舉措的組織聯盟之一,最終導致TSA放棄了這一計劃[22]


在2006年的美國廣播公司迷你劇集The Path to 9/11英語The Path to 9/11》中,由尹真姬飾演鄧月薇,而在2004年BBC紀錄片《歷史零時差》的第二集中,則由Jane Zhang飾演鄧月薇。

鄧月薇向航空公司總部打來的通話片段在2012年電影《追擊拉登行動》的開頭部分被廣泛使用。該片段在未經授權且未經鄧月薇家人和航空公司同意的情況下被使用。他們要求該電影的美國發行商Sony Pictures Entertainment以她的名義作出慈善捐贈,並在電影的螢幕上給予她演出的名字,同時在該電影的網站和家庭娛樂版本中聲明鄧月薇家人不贊成電影中所描繪的對奧薩馬·本拉登的追捕中使用酷刑的行為,並在第85屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮上承認這些事情。[23]


  1. ^ 鄧姓粵裔美國人中,姓氏拼寫為「Ong」或「Ang」者,為使用僑鄉四邑(台山、開平、恩平、新會)之四邑方言拼音所致[1]


  1. ^ 鄧正誠. 中文姓名英譯複雜 尚難統一. 世界日報. 2016-09-25: A09 [2021-11-04]. (原始內容存檔於2022-02-12). 
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