

蛋黃果 Pouteria sandwicensis
科學分類 編輯
界: 植物界 Plantae
演化支 維管束植物 Tracheophyta
演化支 被子植物 Angiosperms
演化支 真雙子葉植物 Eudicots
演化支 菊類植物 Asterids
目: 杜鵑花目 Ericales
科: 山欖科 Sapotaceae
亞科: 金葉樹亞科 Chrysophylloideae
L., 1753




  • Aubregrinia Heine
  • Beccariella Pierre
  • 長籽山欖屬 Breviea Aubrév. & Pellegr.
  • Chromolucuma Ducke
  • 金葉樹屬 Chrysophyllum L.
  • Delpydora Pierre
  • Diploon Cronquist
  • Ecclinusa Mart.
  • Elaeoluma Baill.
  • 蜜乳欖屬 Englerophytum K.Krause
  • Magodendron Vink
  • 小鱗欖屬 Micropholis (Griseb.) Pierre
  • 紅銹欖屬 Niemeyera F.Muell.
  • 臍果欖屬 Omphalocarpum P.Beauv.
  • Pichonia Pierre
  • 山欖屬 Planchonella Pierre
  • 桃欖屬 Pouteria Aubl.
  • Pradosia Liais
  • 多蕊欖屬 Pycnandra Benth., 1876
    • Pycnandra acuminata (Pierre ex Baill.) Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra amplexicaulis Munzinger & Swenson
    • Pycnandra atrofusca Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra balansae (Baill.) Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra belepensis Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra benthamii Baill.
    • Pycnandra blaffartii Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra blanchonii (Aubrév.) Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra bourailensis Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra bracteolata Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra caeruleilatex Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra canaliculata Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra carinocostata Vink
    • Pycnandra chartacea Vink
    • Pycnandra comptonii (S.Moore) Vink
    • Pycnandra comptonioides Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra confusa Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra controversa (Guillaumin) Vink
    • Pycnandra cylindricarpa Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra decandra (Montrouz.) Vink
    • Pycnandra deplanchei (Baill.) Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra elliptica Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra fastuosa (Baill.) Vink
    • Pycnandra filipes (Benth.) Munzinger & Swenson
    • Pycnandra francii (Guillaumin & Dubard) Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra glabella Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra glaberrima Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra gordoniifolia (S.Moore) Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra goroensis (Aubrév.) Munzinger & Swenson
    • Pycnandra grandifolia (Vink) Munzinger & Swenson
    • Pycnandra griseosepala Vink
    • Pycnandra heteromera (Vink) Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra intermedia (Baill.) Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra kaalaensis Aubrév.
    • Pycnandra kopetoensis Munzinger & Swenson, 2021
    • Pycnandra kouakouensis Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra linearifolia Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra lissophylla (Pierre ex Baill.) Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra litseiflora (Guillaumin) Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra longiflora (Benth.) Munzinger & Swenson[2]
    • Pycnandra longipetiolata Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra margueriteae Munzinger & Swenson, 2021
    • Pycnandra micrantha (Beauvis.) Munzinger & Swenson
    • Pycnandra montana Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra neocaledonica (S.Moore) Vink
    • Pycnandra obscurinerva (Vink) Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra ouaiemensis Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra paniensis Aubrév.
    • Pycnandra paucinervia Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra perplexa Swenson & Gâteblé, 2021
    • Pycnandra petiolata (Vink) Munzinger & Swenson
    • Pycnandra poindimiensis Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra pubiflora Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra sarlinii (Aubrév.) Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra schmidii (Aubrév.) Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra sclerophylla Munzinger & Swenson
    • Pycnandra sessiliflora Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra sessilifolia (Pancher & Sebert) Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra versicolor Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra vieillardii (Baill.) Vink
    • Pycnandra viridiflora Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra viridifolia Swenson & Munzinger
    • Pycnandra wagapensis (Guillaumin) Munzinger & Swenson
  • 洪欖屬 Sarcaulus Radlk.
  • 澳鼠欖屬 Sersalisia R.Br.
  • 神秘果屬 Synsepalum (A.DC.) Daniell
  • 束蕊欖屬 Tridesmostemon Engl.
  • 鳥膠欖屬 Tsebona Capuron
  • Van-royena Aubrév.
  • 刺欖屬 Xantolis Raf.


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Sapotaceae Juss., nom. cons. subfam. Chrysophylloideae. Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. 2009-03-31 [2010-02-27]. (原始內容存檔於2012-09-23). 
  2. ^ Jérôme Munzinger and Ulf Swenson. 2016. Pycnandra longiflora (Sapotaceae) A Species Believed to be Extinct, rediscovered in New Caledonia. Phytotaxa. 278(2); 176–180. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.278.2.9

