
此頁面為 Module:WikidataIB 的說明文件

此模塊是為在{{infobox}}(信息框)或其他模板中使用而設計,並經專門設計而允許條目編者控制是否顯示特定的維基數據值。IB為Info Box之縮寫。


模塊 測試樣例
主要 Module:WikidataIB Module talk:WikidataIB/testing
沙盒 Module:WikidataIB/sandbox (diff) Module talk:WikidataIB/sandbox/testing (diff)
沙盒1 Module:WikidataIB/sandbox1 (diff) Module talk:WikidataIB/sandbox1/testing (diff)



  1. getValue - 主函數,獲取指定屬性的一個或多個值
  2. getQualifierValue - 提供:(1) 一個屬性; (2) 屬性的值; (3) 修飾符(qualifier)的屬性ID。返回匹配的值
  3. getValueByQual獲取具有給定實體值的限定詞的屬性值(此處下劃線用於標示一個相對整體,幫助讀者理解,下同)
  4. getValueByLang獲取修飾符p:P407(作品或名稱語言)的值為給定語言代碼的屬性值
  5. getValueByRefSource gets the value of a property which has a reference "stated in" (P248) whose value has the given entity-ID
  6. getPropOfProp if the value(s) of prop1 are of type "wikibase-item" then it returns the value(s) of prop2 of each of those wikibase-items
  7. getAwardCat if the item has values of P166 (award received), then it examines each of those awards for P2517 (category for recipients of this award) and it returns the corresponding category, with the item's P734 (family name) as sort key, or no sort key if there is no family name
  8. getIntersectCat for each value of the prop1 it fetches the value's main category and then each value of prop2, then it returns all of the categories representing the intersection of those properties
  9. getSumOfParts scans the property 'has part' (P527) for values matching a list, If the matched values have a qualifier 'quantity' (P1114), those quantities are summed and returned (but zero returns nil)
  10. getCoords - gets coordinates and passes them through {{Coord}}
  11. getPreferredValue - Deprecated but retained for backward compatibility. Use the |getValue|rank=best parameters instead.

The obsolete call getSourcedValue has now been removed as it is redundant to getValue which can do the same job using the |onlysourced=true parameter (which is set by default).


  1. getLink if there is a sitelink to an article on the local Wiki, it returns a link to the article with the Wikidata label as the displayed text. If there is no sitelink, it returns the label as plain text. If there is no label in the local language, it returns the entity-ID
  2. getAT (Article Title) If there is a sitelink to an article on the local Wiki, it returns the sitelink as plain text, otherwise nothing
  3. getSiteLink gets the plain text link to an article on a given wiki
  4. getLabel returns the Wikidata label for the local language as plain text. If there is no label in the local language, it returns the entity-ID
  5. getAllLabels fetches the set of labels and formats it for display as wikitext
  6. labelorid returns the label with all wikitext removed, or the entity-ID if no label
  7. getDescription returns the article description for the Wikidata entity if the local parameter is "Wikidata".
  8. getAllDescriptions fetches the set of descriptions and formats it for display as wikitext
  9. getAliases returns the aliases for the entity in the current or given language
  10. getAllAliases fetches the set of aliases and formats it for display as wikitext
  11. pageId returns the connected Wikidata page id (entity-ID, Q-number) of the current page
  12. formatDate takes a datetime of the usual format from mw.wikibase.entity:formatPropertyValues and formats it according to the df (date format) and bc parameters
  13. formatNumber formats a number according to the supplied language code
  14. checkBlacklist returns true if the field is not blacklisted (i.e. allowed)
  15. emptyor returns nil if the parameter is just punctuation, whitespace or html tags, otherwise returns the argument unchanged
  16. getLang returns the MediaWiki language code or the full language name of the current content
  17. getItemLangCode looks for country (P17), then for that country's official language (P37), and returns its language code (P424)
  18. findLanguage returns (1) supplied language if valid; or (2) the user's set language; or (3) the language of the current wiki
  19. getQid returns (1) the entity-ID, if supplied; or (2) the entity ID of the "category's main topic (P301)"; or (3) the entity ID associated with the current page; or (4) nothing
  20. followQid given a list of properties, looks for each property in turn and returns the entity-ID of the first value that matches (optionally, returns all entity-IDs that match)
  21. getGlobe returns the entity-ID of the globe used in P625 (coordinate location), or nil if there isn't one
  22. getCommonsLink returns one of the following in order of preference: the Commons sitelink of the linked Wikidata item; the Commons sitelink of the topic's main category of the linked Wikidata item;
  23. siteID returns the root of the globalSiteID, e.g. "en" for "enwiki", "enwikisource", "en-gb", etc.
  24. projID same as siteID
  25. location scans from the current location upwards along the chain of higher-level locations, returning each one until it reaches a country
  26. examine returns a formatted dump of the given property
  27. url2 takes a parameter that is a proper url and formats it for use in an infobox; it accepts its own output as input
  28. getWebsite fetches the Official website (P856) and formats it for use in an infobox
  29. checkvalue looks through a property for a given entity-ID as its value and returns that entity-ID if found; otherwise nil
  30. checkValidity returns whether the first unnamed parameter represents a valid entity-id
  31. showNoLinks displays the article titles that should not be linked


{{#invoke:WikidataIB |getValue |<PropertyID> |name=<fieldname> |suppressfields=<list of fields which will never display> |fetchwikidata=<list of fields to fetch values from Wikidata> |onlysourced=<yes/no> |noicon=<yes/no> |df=<dmy/mdy/y> |bc=<BC/BCE> |qual=<ALL/DATES/P999> |list=<ubl/hlist/prose> |linked=<yes/no> |<local parameter>}}
{{#invoke:WikidataIB |getCoords |name=<fieldname> |suppressfields=<list of fields which will never display> |fetchwikidata=<list of fields to fetch values from Wikidata> |<local parameter>}}
{{#invoke:WikidataIB |getQualifierValue |<PropertyID> |pval=<ID of target value for the property> |qual=<qualifier ID for that target value> |name=<fieldname> |suppressfields=<list of fields which will never display> |fetchwikidata=<list of fields to fetch values from Wikidata> |onlysourced=<yes/no>}}
{{#invoke:WikidataIB |getValueByQual |<PropertyID> |qualID=<qualifier property ID to match> |qvalue=<QID of target value for the qualifier property> |name=<fieldname> |suppressfields=<list of fields which will never display> |fetchwikidata=<list of fields to fetch values from Wikidata> |onlysourced=<yes/no>}}
{{#invoke:WikidataIB |getValueByLang |<PropertyID> |lang=<language code to match> |name=<fieldname> |suppressfields=<list of fields which will never display> |fetchwikidata=<list of fields to fetch values from Wikidata> |onlysourced=<yes/no>}}



名稱 別名 函數 默認值
(第一個未命名參數) 1 要返回的值的屬性ID。必填。
(第二個未命名參數) 2 本地提供的值,非空則比維基數據的值優先而被顯示。
qid 要查詢其屬性的維基數據項目編號(QID)。如果非空,默認使用當前頁面所關聯的維基數據項目——即mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() 當前頁面的項目ID(QID)
eid 備用QID。Except for eid, all parameters to getValue treat nil and the empty string the same. So, setting |x= gives the same result as omitting the parameter. However, to provide some compatibility with other modules, using |eid= always returns an empty string, while omitting eid allows qid to work as normal. 當前頁面的項目ID(QID)
rank (不區分大小寫)。設為best時,返回首選級的值(如果存在),不然返回普通級的值。設為preferred時,返回返回首選級的值。設為normal時,返回普通級的值。設為deprecated時,返回棄用級的值。參數以"b"開頭均視為"best";以"p"開頭均視為"preferred";以"n"開頭均視為"normal";以"d"開頭均視為deprecated。允許提供多個值,如"p n d"將返回所有評級的值。"Best"將覆蓋其他參數設置。其他參數將忽略,如果沒有要求特定級別的值,將返回首選及普通級的值。 首選及普通級
qual A punctuation-separated list of property-IDs of qualifiers that are to be returned in parentheses after the property. Setting qual=ALL returns all qualifiers. Setting qual=DATES returns 始於 (P580) and 終於 (P582) with a date separator.
qualsonly qo A boolean which enables the display of just the qualifier(s), without the property value or parentheses. Values no, false and 0 are all false; anything else is true. false
fetchwikidata fwd 所需值所在的字段列表。ALL獲取所有字段。NONE或留空或省略則不獲取任何字段。
suppressfields spf 拒絕顯示的字段列表。這能也停止顯示本地提供的字段值。
name 字段名稱。編寫信息框時,這是fetchwikidata和suppressfields用來識別的名稱。已指定fetchwikidata或suppressfields時必填(除非fetchwikidata=ALL)。 nil
onlysourced osd 布爾值,是否過濾掉無來源或者僅基於維基百科的維基數據值。This 2018 RFC要求條目信息框顯示的維基數據必須有據可查。值nofalse0均視作false,其餘視作true。 true
df 日期格式:可能為dmy(日月年)或mdy(月日年)或y(僅有年)。 dmy
qdf 日期格式限定符。省略則默認為df參數,df也被省略則默認為"y"。 df的值,或者"y"
bc Format of the BC/BCE suffix for dates. BCE
plaindate pd String to modify formatting of dates. Setting "true"/"yes"/"1" disables adding "sourcing cirumstances" (P1480) and any links. Setting "adj" does the same but uses the adjectival form of the date. false
linked 布爾值,是否基於維基數據上的站點連結,提供為內部連結形式。值nofalse0均視作false,其餘視作true。 true
displaytext dt 覆蓋內部連結的顯示文本的字符串。原有顯示文本非空時有效。
shortname sn A boolean that enables the use of shortname (P1813) instead of label for a linked item. Values no, false and 0 are all false; anything else is true. false
uselabel uselbl A boolean that forces the display of the label instead of the disambiguated sitelink for a linked item. Labels are much more prone to vandalism that sitelinks. Values no, false and 0 are all false; anything else is true. false
wdlinks wdl A boolean that enables the display of links to Wikidata when no local article exists. Values no, false and 0 are all false; anything else is true. false
unitabbr uabbr A boolean that enables unit abbreviations for common units. Values no, false and 0 are all false; anything else is true. false
convert conv A boolean that enables passing of quantities to Template:Cvt. Values no, false and 0 are all false; anything else is true. false
showunits su 布爾值,是否顯示限定符的單位。值nofalse0均視作false,其餘視作true。 true
scale A string that sets scaling for format of quantities. Values are: "a"=automatic; "0"=no scaling; "3"=thousand; "6"=million; "9"=billion; "12"=trillion. 0
maxvals Sets the maximum number of values to be returned when multiple values are available. Setting it to 1 is useful where the returned string is used within another call, e.g. image. Values 0 and empty return all values. 0 (all)
collapse Sets the maximum number of values to be returned before the content is auto-collapsed. Values 0 and empty allow all content to be displayed uncollapsed. 0 (all)
linkprefix lp A link prefix that is prepended to the linked value when linked. Applies only to items that have articles and to strings (e.g. url). It triggers linking of strings. Any double-quotes " are stripped out, so that spaces may be passed. empty
linkpostfix A link postfix that is appended to the linked value when linked. Applies only to items that have articles and to strings (e.g. url). It triggers linking of strings. Any double-quotes " are stripped out, so that spaces may be passed. empty
prefix A prefix that is prepended to the displayed value of strings (e.g. url). Any double-quotes " are stripped out, so that spaces may be passed. empty
postfix A postfix that is appended to the displayed value of strings (e.g. url). Any double-quotes " are stripped out, so that spaces may be passed. empty
qlinkprefix qlp Qualifier link prefix (see linkprefix). empty
qlinkpostfix Qualifier link postfix (see linkpostfix). empty
qprefix Qualifier prefix (see prefix). empty
qpostfix Qualifier postfix (see postfix). empty
sorted 布爾值,是否排序返回的值。值nofalse0均視作false,其餘視作true。 false
qsorted 布爾值,是否根據返回的每個值的限定符排序。值nofalse0均視作false,其餘視作true。 false
noicon A boolean which will suppress the trailing "edit at Wikidata" pen-icon. Useful for when the returned value is to be further processed. Values no, false and 0 are all false (i.e. shows the icon); anything else is true (i.e. suppresses the icon). false
list The name of a template that the list of multiple values is then passed through. Examples include "cslist", "hlist", "ubl", "blist", "olist", "p-1". A special value, prose, produces "1, 2, 3 and 4". none
sep 自定義返回多個值時的分隔符字符串。將去除全部英文雙引號",以便能傳入空格。如果未傳入任何內容或者留空,將使用默認的列表分隔符(英文中默認為", ")。 ", "
qsep 自定義返回的多個有限定符的值的分隔符字符串。將去除全部英文雙引號",以便能傳入空格。如果未傳入任何內容或者留空,將使用默認的列表分隔符(英文中默認為", ")。 ", "
format 決定是否將全球坐標呈現為度/分/秒,或者十進制值。任何"dec"(不區分大小寫)開頭的值視作要求十進制值,否則呈現度分秒。 dms(度分秒)
show Determines how global coordinates should be returned. The value "longlat" will return longitude, latitude. Any other value beginning "lon" (case insensitive) will return just longitude. Any value beginning "lat" (case insensitive) will return just latitude. When used with |noicon=true, all of these will be pure numbers in decimal degrees (signed: N and E as positive), which are intended for use in mapping templates, etc. Anything other value (or nothing) will render the usual coordinate values as DMS or decimal with "NSEW" qualifiers, etc. empty
lang Allows an unlinked value to be returned in the chosen language. Takes a standard ISO language code recognised by MediaWiki. If not supplied or blank, the local language (or set language for multi-lingual wikis) is used as normal. 本地語言
parameterset ps Convenience parameter to allow commonly used sets of parameters to be specified with a single parameter: ps=1 gets a simple linked value wherever possible; ps=2 represents a plain text value. See Parameter sets
linkredir Boolean to switch on or off the check for a redirect with the same name as the label when there is no sitelink on Wikidata for the value. 值nofalse0均視作false,其餘視作true。 false


  • getValue can also take a named parameter |qid= which is the Wikidata ID for an article. This will not normally be used as omitting it defaults to the current article.
  • The property whose value is to be returned is passed in the first unnamed property and is required.
  • The second unnamed parameter, if supplied, will become the returned value and no call to Wikidata will be made.


  • The name of the field that this function is called from is passed in the named parameter |name=, which is first checked against a blacklist of fields that are never to be displayed, (i.e. the call must return nil in all circumstances). If the field is not on the blacklist, it is then checked against a whitelist. If the name of the field matches, the call will return any locally supplied value if it is supplied as the second unnamed parameter, or the Wikidata value otherwise.
  • Specifying |fetchwikidata=ALL is a shortcut to return all fields that are not blacklisted.
  • The name is compulsory when the blacklist or whitelist is used, so the module returns nil if it is not supplied, other than when |fetchwikidata=ALL.
  • The blacklist is passed in the named parameter |suppressfields=
  • The whitelist is passed in the named parameter |fetchwikidata=


The getValue function will accept a boolean parameter onlysourced which will suppress return of Wikidata values that are unsourced or only sourced to a Wikimedia project. The absence of the parameter, an empty parameter (|onlysourced=) and the empty string ("") all default to true (i.e. only referenced values are returned). The values no, false and 0 are treated as false (i.e. all values are returned); any other value is true (although |onlysourced=yes/no is recommended for readability).


The getValue function will accept a boolean parameter noicon which will suppress the trailing "edit at Wikidata" icon and link for cases when the returned value is to be further processed by the infobox (e.g. a url). The absence of the parameter or an empty parameter (|noicon=) default to false (i.e. the icon is added). The empty string ("") and the values no, false and 0 are treated as false; any other value is true (although |noicon=true is recommended for readability).

Following a discussion at Module talk:WikidataIB #Visibility of pen icon, the pen icon is hidden from users who are not autoconfirmed. This means that most readers don't see the pen icon, and represents a balance between aesthetics and vandalism at Wikidata on the one hand, and the desire to encourage editing Wikidata on the other.


In order to handle the requirement for dates in mdy, dmy or just year formats, getValue accepts a named parameter |df= that may take the values "dmy", "mdy", or "y" - default is "dmy".

As an article may require either of suffixes BC and BCE, getValue accepts a named parameter |bc= that may take the values "BC", or "BCE" - default is "BCE". Some test cases are shown at Module talk:WikidataIB/testing #Calls to getValue for dates.


The |rank= parameter, when set to preferred, returns only preferred values; when set to normal, returns only normal values; when set to deprecated, returns only deprecated values. If the parameter is set to best, it returns preferred values if present, otherwise normal values. Any parameter value beginning with "p" is "preferred"; any parameter value beginning with "n" is "normal"; any parameter value beginning with "d" is "deprecated"; any parameter value beginning with "b" is "best". Combinations of values are allowed, e.g. |rank=p n returns all the preferred and normal values (which is the default), although "best" overrides any other parameters.


The module has specific handlers for the following data types:

  1. Items that correspond to an article in some Wikipedia, called "wikibase-items". These will be linked to the corresponding (and disambiguated) article on English Wikipedia where possible.
  2. Items that represent dates. These may be centuries, years, years and months, or years, months and days.
  3. Items that represent Commons media, urls, external ids, or other sorts of plain text.
  4. Items that represent quantities. All of these may have an associated unit, or be dimensionless, and may have a range.
  5. Items that represent global coordinates. These will be in degrees of latitude and longitude and will have an associated precision.

Items that represent other types of data are not handled at present.

The third class of data types may be used with the parameters:

  • |prefix=, |postfix=, |linkprefix=, |linkpostfix=

If you don't supply at least one of |linkprefix= or |linkpostfix=, then just |prefix= and |postfix= are used. For example, when getting the 小行星中心觀測代碼 (P717) in 維也納天文台 (Q532127):

  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB/sandbox|getValue|P717|fetchwikidata=ALL|onlysourced=no |prefix="before " |postfix=" after" |qid=Q532127}} → before 045 after  

Use double-quotes to enclose the parameter value if it has leading or trailing spaces (otherwise they are stripped out). If you supply |linkprefix= or |linkpostfix=, then all four parameters are used and a link is made for each value like this:

  • [[ linkprefix WikidataValue1 linkpostfix | prefix WikidataValue1 postfix]], [[ linkprefix WikidataValue2 linkpostfix | prefix WikidataValue2 postfix]], etc.

That allows multiple links to be made to different sections of a list article, such as List of observatory codes. For example, when getting the 小行星中心觀測代碼 (P717) in 維也納天文台 (Q532127) we can make the links:

  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB/sandbox|getValue|P717|fetchwikidata=ALL|onlysourced=no |prefix= |postfix= |linkprefix="List of observatory codes#" |linkpostfix= |qid=Q532127}} → [List of observatory codes#045 045]  

The parameters |prefix=, |postfix=, |linkprefix=, |linkpostfix= are also applied to wikibase-items if they are linked.


  • |sorted=<yes|no> is a boolean passed to enable sorting of the values returned. No parameter, or an empty string, or "false", or "no", or "0" disables sorting. It's only a very dumb alphabetical sort and sorts linked values as "[[ ..."
  • |sep=<separator characters> allows the separator between multiple returned values to be defined. The default is ", " (comma plus normal space). If the separator has leading or trailing spaces, enclose it in double quotes (e.g. |sep=" - "). Any double quotes are stripped from the separator. The pipe character (|) must be escaped as {{!}}. For reasons of accessibility (see MOS:PLIST), do not use |sep=<br> for vertical unbulleted lists; use |list=ubl instead.
  • |list=<prose|cslist|hlist|ubl|blist|olist> allows multiple returned values to be displayed as a sentence with last two values separated by "and" (|list=prose), a horizontal comma-separated list (|list=cslist, not to be used in prose), a horizontal list (|list=hlist), a vertical unbulleted list (|list=ubl), a vertical bulleted list (|list=blist), or a vertical ordered list (|list=olist). These override the separator and do not display the 'pen icon' linked to "Edit at Wikidata".
  • |list=p-1 displays the last value. Combine with |maxvals=n to display the nth value.


Sometimes a property is expected to have a single value, such as 圖像 (P18), but may have multiple values on Wikidata. Setting |maxvals=1 will limit the number of values returned to 1. Any other value is possible and functions as expected, but zero is treated as "no limit".


A returned value that represents an article on the local wiki will be linked by default. This includes redirects, but not dab pages. Sometimes there is a need not to link that returned values and this may be accomplished by setting |linked=no.


When the returned value is a quantity, the name of the units in which it is expressed is appended. Infoboxes may wish to use abbreviations instead for common units. This can be done by setting |unitabbr=true.


A parameter |qual= may be supplied, which will return qualifiers of the required property, if they exist. If the value is set to a punctuation-separated list of property-IDs (e.g. P123, P456), then only the values of qualifiers with that property will be returned. If the value is set to |qual=ALL, then all of the qualifier values are returned. If the value is set to |qual=DATES then the 始於 (P580) and the 終於 (P582) of the property are returned with a date separator. In each case, any qualifier values returned follow the property value, and are enclosed in parentheses. If multiple qualifier values are returned, they will be separated by commas by default, although the separator can be changed by specifying |qsep= (which may be enclosed in double-quotes, which are stripped out, so that spaces can be included). Setting the parameter |qsorted=yes will sort the returned qualifier values alphanumerically.


Some of the longer parameters may be abbreviated to make infobox designs more compact:

  • fwd → fetchwikidata
  • osd → onlysourced
  • spf → suppressfields
  • wdl → wdlinks


Generally, getValue has a set of defaults for its parameters that represent consensus decisions by editors. For example, |onlysourced= defaults to true so only Wikidata values that are sourced to something better than "Wikipedia" will be returned, and |fetchwikidata= defaults to none so nothing is returned until it is enabled by setting some field names or "ALL". This represents the fail-safe condition and allows infoboxes to be made Wikidata-capable without changing any article until enabled for that article.

To simplify the use of getValue in other circumstances, common combinations of parameters can be specified with |parameterset= or its alias |ps= for convenience. Two combinations are implemented at present and these are:

a common set of overrides to get a simple value, linked where possible:
|rank         ="best"
|onlysourced  ="no"
|noicon       ="true"
a sort of raw value in plain text:
|rank          = "best"
|fetchwikidata = "ALL"
|onlysourced   = "no"
|noicon        = "true"
|linked        = "no"
|plaindate     = "true"

Other sets could be created if there is a demand.


The template {{wdib}} can be used as a convenient wrapper for {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getValue}}.



The getPreferredValue function works exactly like getValue, taking the same parameters, but if any values for a property have the preferred rank set, it will only return those values. This is now deprecated in favour of getValue|rank=best.


  • getCoords can also take a named parameter |qid= which is the Wikidata ID for an article. This will not normally be used as omitting it defaults to the current article.
  • The first unnamed parameter, if supplied, will become the returned value and no call to Wikidata will be made.
  • The coordinates from Wikidata are parsed and passed to Template:Coord which returns the display as if it were called manually.
  • The blacklist of fields that are never to be displayed, and the whitelist are implemented in the same way as for getValue using |suppressfields= and |fetchwikidata=
  • The format parameter sets the display format to decimal or dms. Any value beginning with "dec" sets decimal; anything else sets dms.
  • The display parameter sets the display position to "inline", "title" or "inline, title". Default is nothing (so uses default for {{Coord}}, currently "inline").


The getQualifierValue function is for use when we want to fetch the value of a qualifier. We need to know the property and the value of the property that the qualifier relates to. The parameters are:

  • The property ID passed in the unnamed parameter (or |1=)
  • The target value for that property in |pval=
  • The qualifier ID for that target value in |qual=
  • The same parameters to implement whitelisting and blacklisting of the property as in getValue
  • Optional boolean to specify whether only sourced values of the property are returned (defaults to "no") in |onlysourced=
  • Optional item ID for arbitrary access in |qid=
  • The same parameters to format output as in getValue


In 南極望遠鏡 (Q1513315) there is a property 重大事件 (P793), which has a value 建築施工 (Q385378). That has two qualifiers, 始於 (P580) and 終於 (P582). To get the start date:

  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getQualifierValue |qid=Q1513315 |P793 |pval=Q385378 |qual=P580 |name=xyz |fetchwikidata=ALL }}

In South Pole Telescope it returns:

  • 2006年11月  


The getValueByQual function returns the value of a property which has a qualifier with a given entity value. The parameters are:

  • The property ID passed in the unnamed parameter (or |1=)
  • The property ID for a qualifier (or "ALL" or "DATES") in |qualID=
  • The Wikibase-entity ID of a value for that qualifier in |qvalue=
  • The same parameters to implement whitelisting and blacklisting of the property as in getValue
  • Optional boolean to specify whether only sourced values of the property are returned (defaults to "no") in |onlysourced=
  • Optional item ID for arbitrary access in |qid=
  • The same parameters to format output as in getValue


In 肉類食物 (Q10990) there is a property 讀音 (音頻文件) (P443) that has multiple values, each of which has a qualifier 作品或名稱使用語言 (P407). We can return the property value whose qualifier has the value 英國英語 (Q7979)

  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getValueByQual |qid=Q10990 |P443 |qualID=P407 |qvalue=Q7979 |fwd=ALL |osd=no |noicon=true}}


The getValueByLang function returns the value of a property which has a qualifier 作品或名稱使用語言 (P407) whose value has the given language code. The parameters are:

  • The property ID passed in the unnamed parameter (or |1=)
  • The 維基媒體語言代碼 (P424) to match the language whose code is given by |lang=xx[-yy]. If no code is supplied, it uses the default language.
  • The same parameters to implement whitelisting and blacklisting of the property as in getValue
  • Optional boolean to specify whether only sourced values of the property are returned (defaults to "no") in |onlysourced=
  • Optional item ID for arbitrary access in |qid=
  • The same parameters to format output as in getValue


In 開源開發網絡 (Q7565108) there is a property 官方網站 (P856) that has multiple values, each of which has a qualifier 作品或名稱使用語言 (P407). We can return the property value whose 作品或名稱使用語言 (P407) qualifier value (a WD item) itself has the 維基媒體語言代碼 (P424) property that is "ja", i.e, 日語 (Q5287)

  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getValueByLang |qid=Q7565108 |P856 |lang=ja |fwd=ALL |osd=no |noicon=true}}https://ja.osdn.net/

If |lang= is unspecified, we can obtain the same value with the default language (here that is the 英語 (Q1860) and its 維基媒體語言代碼 (P424) is "en")

  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getValueByLang |qid=Q7565108 |P856 |fwd=ALL |osd=no |noicon=true}}


getLink has the qid of a Wikidata entity passed as the first unnamed parameter or as |qid=

If there is a sitelink to an article on the local Wiki, it returns a link to the article with the Wikidata label as the displayed text. If there is no sitelink, it returns the label as plain text. If there is no label in the local language, it displays the qid instead.

Wikidata: Corisca and the Satyr (Q29016906) and 考古學家 (Q3621491)
  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getLink |Q29016906}} → Corisca and the Satyr
  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getLink |Q3621491}} → 考古學家


getLabel has the qid of a Wikidata entity passed as the first unnamed parameter or as |qid=

It returns the Wikidata label in the local language for an item by the given qid. If there is no label in the local language, it returns the qid instead. Note that this is the label given to the Wikidata entry in the same language as the current Wiki, if the label exists.

Wikidata: Corisca and the Satyr (Q29016906) and 考古學家 (Q3621491)
  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getLabel |Q29016906}} → Corisca and the Satyr
  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getLabel |Q3621491}} → 考古學家
  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getLabel |Q19805408}} → Module:Biblio/Ouvrage


label has the qid of a Wikidata entity passed as the first unnamed parameter or as |qid=

It returns the Wikidata label in the local language for an item by the given qid or linked to the current page. If there is no label in the local language, it returns an empty string. Note that this is the label given to the Wikidata entry in the same language as the current Wiki, if the label exists.

Wikidata: Corisca and the Satyr (Q29016906) and 考古學家 (Q3621491)
  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |label |Q29016906}} → Corisca and the Satyr
  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |label |Q3621491}} → 考古學家
  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |label |Q19805408}} → Module:Biblio/Ouvrage


getAT has the qid of a Wikidata entity passed as the first unnamed parameter or as |qid=

If there is a sitelink to an article on the local Wiki, it returns the sitelink as plain text, i.e. the article title. If there is no sitelink, it returns nothing. Note that this is the title of the article in the current Wikipedia, if the interlanguage link exists in the Wikidata entry.

Wikidata: Corisca and the Satyr (Q29016906) and 考古學家 (Q3621491)
  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getAT |Q29016906}}
  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getAT |Q3621491}}


getDescription has the qid of a Wikidata entity passed as |qid= (it defaults to the associated qid of the current article if omitted). It has a local parameter passed as the first unnamed parameter. Any local parameter passed (other than "Wikidata" or "none") becomes the return value. It returns the article description for the Wikidata entity in plain text if the local parameter is "Wikidata". Nothing is returned if the description doesn't exist or "none" is passed as the local parameter.

Wikidata: Corisca and the Satyr (Q29016906) and 考古學家 (Q3621491)
  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getDescription |qid=Q29016906 |wikidata}} → painting by Artemisia Gentileschi
  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getDescription |qid=Q29016906 |A painting}} → A painting
  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getDescription |qid=Q29016906 |none}}
  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getDescription |qid=Q3621491 |wikidata}} → 研究過去人類活動的人
  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getDescription |qid=Q3621491 |A profession}} → A profession
  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getDescription |qid=Q3621491 |none}}


formatDate accepts a datetime of the usual format from mw.wikibase.entity:formatPropertyValues, like "1 August 30 BCE" as parameter 1 and formats it according to the df (date format) and bc parameters.

  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |formatDate | 1 August 30 BCE |bc=BCE |df=dmy}} → 1 August 30 公元前
  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |formatDate | 1 August 30 BCE |bc=BC |df=mdy}} → August 1, 30 公元前
  • df = "dmy" / "mdy" / "y" - default is "dmy"
  • bc = "BC" / "BCE" - default is "BCE"


checkBlacklist allows a test to check whether a named field is allowed. It returns true if the field is not blacklisted (i.e. allowed) It returns false if the field is blacklisted (i.e. disallowed)


  • {{#if:{{#invoke:WikidataIB |checkBlacklist |name=nationality |suppressfields=residence; nationality; citizenship}} | not blacklisted | blacklisted}} → not blacklisted
  • {{#if:{{#invoke:WikidataIB |checkBlacklist |name=birth_place |suppressfields=residence; nationality; citizenship}} | not blacklisted | blacklisted}} → not blacklisted


emptyor returns nil if its first unnamed argument is just punctuation, whitespace or html tags otherwise it returns the argument unchanged (including leading/trailing space).

If the argument could contain "=", then it must be called explicitly:

  • | 1 = whatever-the-argument-is

In that case, leading and trailing spaces are trimmed.

It finds use in infoboxes where it can replace tests like:

  • {{#if: {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getvalue |P99 |fwd=ALL}} | <span class="xxx">{{#invoke:WikidataIB |getvalue |P99 |fwd=ALL}}</span> | }}

with a form that uses just a single call to Wikidata:

  • {{#invoke |WikidataIB |emptyor |1= <span class="xxx">{{#invoke:WikidataIB |getvalue |P99 |fwd=ALL}}</span> }}


labelorid is a public function to expose the output of labelOrId().

The Q-number (entity ID) is passed as |qid= or as an unnamed parameter.

It returns the Wikidata label for that entity or the qid if no label exists.


  • getQid works with the current page and its associated Wikidata entry.
  • It returns qid, if supplied as the first unnamed parameter or as |qid=;
  • failing that, the Wikidata entity ID of the "category's main topic (P301)", if it exists;
  • failing that, the Wikidata entity ID associated with the current page, if it exists;
  • otherwise, nothing


examine provides a dump of the entire property given in the first unnamed parameter (or in |pid= as a named alias) from the item given by the parameter 'qid', or from the item corresponding to the current page if qid is not supplied. Both parameters may be unnamed and given in any order.

It works in a similar manner to the Dump function, but only loads a single claim, rather than the whole Wikidata entry.

  • Example: {{#invoke:WikidataIB |examine |qid=Q1396889 |P50}}

There is a Template:Examine which acts as a wrapper for the call.

  • Example: {{examine |Q4048254 |P31}}



url2 takes a parameter url= that is a proper url and formats it for use in an infobox.


  1. {{#invoke:WikidataIB |url2 |url= http://www.example.com/ }}www.example.com/ 
    <span class="url">[http://www.example.com/ www<wbr/>.example<wbr/>.com/]</span>&nbsp;
  2. {{#invoke:WikidataIB |url2 |url= http://www.example.com/path/ }}www.example.com/path/ 
    <span class="url">[http://www.example.com/path/ www<wbr/>.example<wbr/>.com/path/]</span>&nbsp;
  3. {{#invoke:WikidataIB |url2 |url= {{wdib |P856 |qid=Q23317 |fwd=ALL |osd=no}} }}www.audi.com、https://www.audi.co.za/、https://www.audi.de/、https://www.audi.fr/  
    <span class="url">[https://www.audi.com、https://www.audi.co.za/、https://www.audi.de/、https://www.audi.fr/ www<wbr/>.audi<wbr/>.com、https://www<wbr/>.audi<wbr/>.co<wbr/>.za/、https://www<wbr/>.audi<wbr/>.de/、https://www<wbr/>.audi<wbr/>.fr/]</span>&nbsp;[[File:OOjs UI icon edit-ltr-progressive.svg |frameless |text-top |10px |alt=编辑维基数据|link=https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q23317?uselang=zh-mo#P856|编辑维基数据]]
    {{wdib |P856 |qid=Q23317 |fwd=ALL |osd=no}}https://www.audi.com、https://www.audi.co.za/、https://www.audi.de/、https://www.audi.fr/  
    https://www.audi.com、https://www.audi.co.za/、https://www.audi.de/、https://www.audi.fr/&nbsp;[[File:OOjs UI icon edit-ltr-progressive.svg |frameless |text-top |10px |alt=编辑维基数据|link=https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q23317?uselang=zh-mo#P856|编辑维基数据]]
  4. {{#invoke:WikidataIB |url2 |url= {{url|http://www.example.com/}} }}www.example.com www.example.com/ www.example.com]] 
    <span class="url">[http://www.example.com/ www<wbr/>.example<wbr/>.com]</span> www<wbr/>.example<wbr/>.com/ www<wbr/><wbr/>.example<wbr/><wbr/>.com]</span>]</span>&nbsp;

Comparison with output of {{URL}}:

  1. {{URL | http://www.example.com/ }}www.example.com
    <span class="url">[http://www.example.com/ www<wbr/>.example<wbr/>.com]</span>
  2. {{URL | http://www.example.com/path/ }}www.example.com/path/
    <span class="url">[http://www.example.com/path/ www<wbr/>.example<wbr/>.com<wbr/>/path<wbr/>/]</span>
  3. {{URL | {{wikidata|property|Q23317|P856}} }}www.audi.com
    <span class="url">[https://www.audi.com www<wbr/>.audi<wbr/>.com]</span>



Typically, the getValue call will be invoked in an infobox definition, using appropriate template parameters. One simple implementation is given as an example in Template:Infobox book/Wikidata/Sandbox. As an illustration, the 'author' field in the infobox is coded like this:

| label2  = Author{{#if:{{{authors|}}}|s}}
|  data2  = {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getValue |P50 |name=author |fetchwikidata={{{fetchwikidata|}}} |suppressfields={{{suppressfields|}}} |{{{authors|{{{author|}}}}}} }}

The property to be fetched is the first unnamed parameter. In this case it is 作者 (P50).

The name of the field is passed in |name= and that name is checked against the blacklist and the whitelist. To always suppress the author field in a particular article, an editor will set |suppressfields=author in the infobox. The author field will then never be displayed.

If the field is not blacklisted, then the infobox can be set to display a locally supplied value for author simply by setting |author=George Orwell, for example, in the infobox. It also accepts |authors=. If the name of the field is on the whitelist, e.g. |fetchwikidata=author; genre; pub_date; pages; dewey; congress, and the local value is not supplied, then the infobox will display the value retrieved from Wikidata. Any separators can be used, except | and {}.

As a shorthand, |fetchwikidata=ALL will fetch all of the fields that are not blacklisted, as long as no local value is already provided in the article for a given field.

Since Wikidata labels are normally lower case, the ucfirst function from Module:String2 can be used to capitalise the first letter of the returned text, e.g.

  • {{#invoke:String2 | ucfirst | {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getValue |P136 |name=genre |fetchwikidata=ALL |onlysourced=false}} }} in 動物莊園 (Q1396889) produces:
  • 影射小說、satirical fiction、寓言、反烏托邦作品  


Basic use of getValue:

  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getValue |P000 |name=fieldname |qid={{{qid|}}} |fetchwikidata={{{fetchwikidata|}}} |onlysourced={{{onlysourced|}}} |{{{localparameter|}}} }}

Full collection of parameters:

  • {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getValue |P000 |name=fieldname |qid={{{qid|}}} |suppressfields={{{suppressfields|}}} |fetchwikidata={{{fetchwikidata|}}} |onlysourced={{{onlysourced|}}} |noicon={{{noicon|}}} |wdl={{{wikidatalink|}}} |df={{dateformat|}} |bc={{{bc|}}} |prefix= |postfix= |linkprefix= |linkpostfix= |sorted={{{sorted|}}} |sep={{{separator|}}} |list={{listtype|}}} |{{{localparameter|}}} }}

Any of the parameters can, of course, be fixed for a given field in an infobox, rather than taking the parameter supplied to the infobox, which will affect all fields. For example, one field may set |list=hlist where a series of short words is expected; whereas another field could use |list=ubl where an unbulleted vertical list of several words on each line is required.


The getCoords call will display the output of Template:Coord when supplied with the coordinates returned from Wikidata. It can be coded like this:

|label20 = Coordinates
| data20 = {{#invoke:WikidataIB |getCoords |name=coordinates |suppressfields={{{suppressfields|}}} |fetchwikidata={{{fetchwikidata|}}} |{{{coordinates|}}} }}

An example is Template:Infobox biosphere reserve

{{Infobox biosphere reserve
| fetchwikidata = ALL

Displays coordinates in the usual positions when used in an article where Wikidata has coordinates.


Since the parameter |fetchwikidata= is needed for any Wikidata functionality, an existing infobox may be replaced by an infobox incorporating these calls without any change whatsoever to any article. Each article using the new infobox can later be enabled by supplying |fetchwikidata=ALL, or a list of required fields for that article. At that point, the onus is on the editor enabling the functionality to check that no unwanted fields are now being displayed. If so, they can be added to a blacklist for the article by setting |suppressfields= to the list of unwanted fields.


Where it will always be essential for a particular field to only contain values that are referenced, use getValue, making sure that |onlysourced= is not set to 'false', '0' or 'no'. By default it will exclude values that are unsourced or only sourced to a Wikipedia, thus making the job of checking easier at the article level. If unsourced data is acceptable (!), set |onlysourced=no. As it is beyond my wit to produce an automated mechanism that knows whether an existing source is reliable or not in a given context, that job must still be performed at the article level by an editor familiar with the subject. It should always be done when first enabling Wikidata for that article.


Template:If then show
tests whether the first unnamed parameter is not an empty string and returns it if it isn't. Otherwise it returns the second unnamed parameter. Optional third and fourth unnamed parameters provide a prefix and a suffix for the first parameter when returned. Useful when the first parameter is a call to Wikidata.
Template:Ifnoteq then show
tests whether the first unnamed parameter is equal to the second unnamed parameter and returns the third unnamed parameter if it does. Otherwise it returns the first unnamed parameter. This is useful when the first parameter is a {{#invoke: of a Lua module that returns a value for which a specific exception is required.
Template:If then wikilink
tests whether the first unnamed parameter is not an empty string and if it isn't, it returns the parameter formatted as piped wiki-link using an optional namespace prefix.
Template:Formatter link
takes an external identifier code as |code= and uses a formatter url as |url= to construct a link to the external resource, which uses the code as display.
tests a piece of text to ascertain whether it's effectively empty or contains some text. If the unnamed parameter consists only of html tags, punctuation (e.g. wiki markup) and whitespace, then Emptyor returns nothing; otherwise it returns the parameter unchanged. Wrapper for p.emptyor function.

Infobox book示例

此章節摘自英文維基百科的Template:Infobox book/Wikidata/Sandbox/doc


{{Infobox book/Wikidata/Sandbox
| suppressfields =
| fetchwikidata  =
| name           = Animal Farm
| title_orig     = Animal Farm: A Fairy Story
| image          = Animal Farm - 1st edition.jpg
| image_size     = 200px
| caption        = First edition cover
| author         = [[George Orwell]]
| country        = United Kingdom
| language       = English
| genre          = Political satire

Works as a non-aware infobox: only locally supplied parameters are displayed.

{{Infobox book/Wikidata/Sandbox
| name           = Animal Farm
| title_orig     = Animal Farm: A Fairy Story
| image          = Animal Farm - 1st edition.jpg
| image_size     = 200px
| caption        = First edition cover
| author         = [[George Orwell]]
| country        = United Kingdom
| language       = English
| genre          = Political satire

The blacklist and whitelist can be omitted if unused


{{Infobox book/Wikidata/Sandbox
| fetchwikidata  = author; genre; pub_date; pages; dewey; congress

Fetches the author, publication date, number of pages, Dewey index, and Library of Congress catalogue number values from Wikidata.

{{Infobox book/Wikidata/Sandbox
| fetchwikidata  = ALL

As shorthand, the |fetchwikidata= parameter can be set to ALL to fetch all available fields. Any field can be suppressed by naming it in |suppressfields=, or overridden by supplying a local value.


{{Infobox book/Wikidata/Sandbox
| suppressfields = genre
| fetchwikidata  = author; genre; pub_date; pages; dewey; congress

The genre field will always be suppressed, even if a local value is supplied.

{{Infobox book/Wikidata/Sandbox
| suppressfields = genre
| fetchwikidata  = author; genre; pub_date; pages; dewey; congress
| genre          = Political satire


{{Infobox book/Wikidata/Sandbox
| fetchwikidata  = author; genre; pub_date; pages; dewey; congress
| genre          = Political satire

The genre field is set to display "Political satire", no matter what is stored in Wikidata.

{{Infobox book/Wikidata/Sandbox
| fetchwikidata  = ALL
| genre          = Novel

The genre field is set to display "Novel", no matter what is stored in Wikidata.


{{Infobox book/Wikidata/Sandbox
| suppressfields = 
| fetchwikidata  = author; pub_date; pages; dewey; congress

The genre field will not be fetched from Wikidata. Only the author, publication date, number of pages, Dewey index, and Library of Congress catalogue number are imported. A local value for genre will display.


WikidataIB has been developed to run on any language wiki (or Wikimedia project) with a minimum of modification. An optional sub-module Module:WikidataIB/i18n may be created to replace the values for error messages, ordinal suffixes etc. as shown in the local i18n definitions in the module. Although the same result can be arrived at by directly editing those values in WikidataIB, using the sub-module will allow an updated version of WikidataIB to directly replace the older module without having to re-edit the i18n definitions.


If the target Wiki has a convention that certain items are not normally linked (see en:Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Linking #What generally should not be linked for an example), then a sub-module Module:WikidataIB/nolinks can be created to list items that should not be linked, using the English Wikipedia sub-module as an exemplar.


If the target Wiki has a convention that certain works should be italicised or quoted (see en:Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Text formatting #Names and titles for an example), then a sub-module Module:WikidataIB/titleformats can be created to list items that should be italicised or quoted, using the English Wikipedia sub-module as an exemplar.


Most of the output from the module will use the local language (or any user-specified one on multi-lingual wikis) where the sitelink or label exists on Wikidata. However, dates are more complicated and not handled perfectly in all languages. To solve this, WikidataIB uses Module:Complex date – developed on Commons by Jarekt – which allows expansion to support a wider variety of languages. As a result, it is necessary to install Complex date and its dependencies alongside WikidataIB when installing on another Wikimedia project.


Module:Complex_date relies on the following modules:

Unless otherwise noted, the authoritative version of each module can be found on Commons although the versions on English Wikipedia are usually kept in sync.

