
Maryanne Trump Barry
美國聯邦第三巡迴上訴法院年長法官英語Senior status
前任H·李·薩羅金英語H. Lee Sarokin
繼任帕蒂·施瓦茲英語Patty Shwartz
前任亨利·柯蒂斯·梅諾爾英語Henry Curtis Meanor
繼任喬爾·A·皮薩諾英語Joel A. Pisano
出生瑪麗安·特朗普(英語:Maryanne Trump
(1937-04-05) 1937年4月5日87歲)
配偶大衛·德斯蒙德(David Desmond)

約翰·巴里(John Barry)
兒女大衛·威廉·德斯蒙德(David William Desmond)
親屬特朗普家族英語Trump family

瑪麗安·特朗普·巴里(英語:Maryanne Trump Barry,1937年4月5日 –)是一位美國律師,且是一位已退休的美國聯邦法官。她於1974年成為了一名美國助理檢察官英語Assistant United States Attorney,又於1983年被總統朗奴·列根任命為美國新澤西聯邦地區法院的法官。1999年,總統比爾·克林頓任命她為美國聯邦第三巡迴上訴法院的法官。

2006年,瑪麗安向美國參議院司法委員會作證,支持將她同事塞繆爾·阿利托提名為美國最高法院法官。她於2011年6月半退休英語Senior status,於2019年2月正式從聯邦法院退休。她是美國前任總統當勞·特朗普的長姐。


瑪麗安本名叫「瑪麗安·特朗普」(英語:Maryanne Trump),於1937年4月5日出生於紐約市皇后區,父母是地產商弗雷德·特朗普瑪麗·安妮·麥克勞德·特朗普[1]她是第四十五屆美國總統當勞·特朗普的長姐。[2][3] She attended Kew-Forest School.[4]:243 她於1958年從曼荷蓮學院畢業,獲文學士學位。[5][6][4]:2441962年,她由哥倫比亞大學獲得了文學碩士學位,主修公共法律與政府。[5][7]她後來又讀了法學院,於1974年從霍夫斯特拉大學法學院獲得法學博士學位。[5]


U.S. Attorney's Office

After being a homemaker for thirteen years, in 1974 Barry became an Assistant United States Attorney, one of only two women out of sixty-two lawyers in the office of the United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey.[8] She was in the civil division from 1974 to 1975 and in the appeals division from 1976 to 1982, serving as deputy chief of that division from 1976 to 1977 and chief of the division from 1977 to 1982. She served as Executive Assistant United States Attorney from 1981 to 1982. She was First Assistant United States Attorney from 1981 to 1983.[5]


1983年9月14日,總統朗奴·列根提名瑪麗安為美國新澤西聯邦地區法院的法官,以接替亨利·柯蒂斯·梅諾爾英語Henry Curtis Meanor美國參議院於1983年10月6日通過了她的提名,她於次日接到正式任命。[1]


紐約時報》的傑森·霍洛維茲認為,瑪麗安以嚴格知名,對她的法庭管控有力。[1]1989年,她在新澤西州紐瓦克當地區法院法官時,否決了一份認罪協商:有兩名縣屬警探涉嫌保護一名毒販,而這份認罪協商將會將會釋放他們。兩名警探後來被定罪處刑。她還主持了對熱那亞犯罪家族英語Genovese crime family成員路易斯·曼納英語Louis Manna的審判;曼納被指控刺殺了約翰·高蒂[1]



雖然瑪麗安是一名共和黨人,但民主黨總統比爾·克林頓於1999年6月17日提名她進入美國聯邦第三巡迴上訴法院[10][1] She was nominated to fill the vacancy created when H. Lee Sarokin retired in 1996.[11] (雖然克林頓在1998年提名了羅伯特·雷馬爾擔任此職,但美國參議院司法委員會沒有召開聽證會,因此對雷馬爾的提名在該年年底失效。[12]

參議院於1999年9月13日一致通過瑪麗安的提名。[13]之後,瑪麗安於1999年9月22日收到委任狀。[11]「我對獲得提名表示非常榮幸和感謝,」瑪麗安當時對《新澤西法律周刊》說,「我很驚訝我能獲得提名,我想我作為地區法官的記錄足夠好,我也很高興在地區法院這裏,政治並不是一件要務。「[注 1][14]


In a 2006 ruling, Abou Cham v. Attorney General, Barry was harshly critical of the conduct of a U.S. Immigration Court judge in a case involving a refugee from The Gambia. The refugee petitioner was the nephew of former Gambian president Dawda Jawara, who had been deposed in a coup in 1994; the new regime had imprisoned or killed several of Cham's relatives, and outlawed their political party. Barry ruled in favor of Abou Cham; criticized Judge Donald Ferlise's questioning over a two-day hearing as bullying, belligerent, and abusive toward "an increasingly distraught petitioner"; and concluding that Cham had been "ground to bits" emotionally.[16][17][18][19] Barry wrote that there was "not a modicum of courtesy, of respect or of any pretense of fairness" in Ferlise's treatment of Cham, which led Ferliste to conclude that Cham's testimony was not credible, and concluded that the Immigration Court's ruling was a "severe wound" on the American justice system.[16][17][18][19] Ferlise was relieved of his duties shortly after Barry's decision.[17]

On June 30, 2011, Barry assumed senior status.[5] She took inactive senior status in the first week of February 2017, about two weeks after her brother's inauguration as president.[20][21]

Barry retired on February 11, 2019. Her retirement brought an end to an investigation of whether she had engaged in fraudulent tax schemes with her siblings that violated judicial conduct rules. The investigation closed without reaching a conclusion about the allegations.[22][23]


2018年10月,《紐約時報》公佈了一份調查報告,認為瑪麗安同其父親和兄弟姐妹參與了詐騙等非法活動,以減免弗雷德·特朗普地產企業相關的地產稅贈與稅[24] Investigative journalist Susanne Craig discovered a filing Barry had made to the Senate as part of her federal judiciary confirmation in 1983, in which she had reported a $1 million contribution from All County Building Supply & Maintenance.[25] The Times reported that All County Building Supply & Maintenance was a "sham company" formed in 1992[25] and owned by Barry, Donald Trump, their siblings, and a cousin.

All County Building Supply & Maintenance reportedly paid for work performed at Fred Trump's apartment buildings; those apartment buildings then reimbursed the company, but fraudulently added extra money to those reimbursements. Tax experts reportedly indicated that because All County "performed no real work, the transfer of money through the corporation was essentially a gift that evaded the 55 percent tax in place at the time".[26] Its address was the Manhasset, New York, residence of John Walter, Fred Trump's nephew.[25][注 2] In a follow-up article, The New York Times reported that the money illicitly earned by All County was split by the Trump siblings.[26]

In October 2018, as a result of the publication of this investigation, the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance began a review of the fraud allegations against Barry and her siblings.[24][27][22]



瑪麗安在她弟弟當勞·特朗普總統任期內很少公開談論他。[8]2020年8月,瑪麗安的侄女瑪麗·特朗普曝光說,她私自將她和瑪麗安於2018和2019年15個小時的談話錄音下來。在這些被錄音的談話中,瑪麗安尖銳地批評了特朗普總統。[8]瑪麗·特朗普公佈了一些談話的文字記錄和音頻片段,而有些信息並沒有出現在她2020年7月的著作《太多且永遠不夠英語Too Much and Never Enough》中。[8]


「他唯一想要的就是討好他的基礎選民,他沒有原則。沒有。沒有……他該死的推特和他的謊言,我的天。我說話太自由了,但你懂的。他變換故事,毫無準備,信口雌黃。見鬼。」[8][注 3]


「這就是他一切的虛偽,虛偽和殘忍。唐納德是殘忍的。」[8][注 4]

在這些錄音中,瑪麗安還批評了特朗普政府的家庭分離政策英語Trump administration family separation policy特朗普企業的破產經歷,說:「你不能信任他。」("You can’t trust him.")[8][28][29]



「我對婦女們說,要記得像奧康納大法官這樣的婦女,開啟事業亦是多麼艱難……即便她以優異成績畢業,她也只能得到法務秘書的工作。我們要銘記我們走了多遠。」[注 5]


瑪麗安的第一任丈夫是大衛·德斯蒙德(David Desmond),兩人於1980年離婚。[30]1982年,瑪麗安與一名新澤西律師約翰·約瑟夫·巴里(John Joseph Barry)結婚。[1][7]兩人結婚18年,直至約翰於2000年4月9日過世。[31]瑪麗安在第一次婚姻中育有一子大衛·威廉·德斯蒙德(David William Desmond),他是一名紐約的心理學家[30][32]

2016年。瑪麗安向一所天主教學校費爾菲爾德大學捐贈了四百萬美元,用以資助獎學金、贊助該大學的伊格納修神學英語Ignatian Spirituality中心。[33][34]


  1. ^ "I am deeply honored and very grateful for the nomination," Barry told the New Jersey Law Journal in 1999. "I am surprised I was approached on it. I assume that my record is good enough as a district court judge to be reached out to, and I'm glad that politics weren't a priority here."
  2. ^ According to the investigation by The Times, John Walter (1934–2018) 互聯網檔案館存檔,存檔日期2020-01-28. managed Fred Trump's business records. Said records filled the basement of Walter's Manhasset residence. The investigation by The Times included thousands of documents such as "bank statements, financial audits, accounting ledgers, cash disbursement reports, invoices and canceled checks" and over 200 of Fred Trump's tax returns.
  3. ^ 原文:"All he wants to do is appeal to his base. He has no principles. None. None. ... His goddamned tweeting and lying, oh my God. I'm talking too freely, but you know. The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy shit."
  4. ^ 原文:"It's the phoniness of it all. It's the phoniness and this cruelty. Donald is cruel."
  5. ^ 原文:"I say to the women out there, remember how difficult it was for women like Justice O'Connor starting out," adding, "Even though she graduated with top grades, she had to take a job as a legal secretary. Remember how far we have come."


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Horowitz, Jason. Familiar Talk on Women, From an Unfamiliar Trump. The New York Times (New York City: New York Times Company). August 18, 2015 [November 2, 2017]. (原始內容存檔於November 10, 2015). 
  2. ^ Johnson, Jenna. Donald Trump Says His Older Sister Isn't Interested in Becoming a Supreme Court Judge. The Washington Post (Washington, D.C.: Nash Holdings). October 11, 2015 [November 4, 2017]. (原始內容存檔於October 12, 2015). 
  3. ^ Candlish, Jane. Councillor Welcomes Trump Donation to Western Isles Care Home. The Press and Journal (Aberdeen, Scotland: D. C. Thomson & Co. Ltd.). May 16, 2015 [January 25, 2016]. (原始內容存檔於November 4, 2017). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Blair, Gwenda. The Trumps: Three Generations of Builders and a President. New York City: Simon & Schuster. December 4, 2001: 592 [2000]. ISBN 9780743210799. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Barry, Maryanne Trump. Federal Judicial Center. [November 4, 2017]. (原始內容存檔於November 4, 2017). 
  6. ^ Margolick, David. At the Bar. The New York Times (New York City: The New York Times Company). December 4, 1992 [November 4, 2017]. (原始內容存檔於November 11, 2016). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Maryanne Desmond Weds John Barry. The New York Times (New York City: New York Times Company). December 27, 1982 [November 4, 2017]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始內容存檔於November 11, 2016). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Kranish, Michael. In secretly recorded audio, President Trump's sister says he has 'no principles' and 'you can't trust him'. Washington Post. August 22, 2020. 
  9. ^ Johnston, David Cay. The Drug Trafficker Donald Trump Risked His Casino Empire to Protect. thedailybeast.com. 19 October 2016 [13 March 2019]. (原始內容存檔於25 May 2017). 
  10. ^ Kamen, Al. When President Clinton Did a Very Nice Thing for Donald Trump. Washington Post. Washington, D.C.: Nash Holdings. 2015 [November 4, 2017]. (原始內容存檔於December 13, 2016). Barry, a Republican and Reagan-appointed federal trial judge at the time, reportedly was herself surprised she was picked. 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Barry, Maryanne Trump. Federal Judicial Center. [2020-08-24]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-16). 
  12. ^ Margolick, David. Yale Alumni Take Lead Again, Even If Not in Law. New York Times (New York City: New York Times Company). March 20, 1992 [August 4, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於August 5, 2019). 
  13. ^ When President Clinton did a very nice thing for Donald Trump. Washington Post. July 30, 2015 [February 16, 2016]. (原始內容存檔於December 13, 2016). 
  14. ^ Ackermann, Matt. Conservative-with-a-Heart Barry Nominated for Third Circuit Seat. New Jersey Law Journal (Camden, New Jersey: Rutgers University). June 21, 1999, 156: 1105. (原始內容存檔於September 18, 2008) –透過Is That Legal? (blog). 
  15. ^ Brodesser-Akner, Claude. Cruz again attacks Trump's sister, a N.J. judge. nj.com. February 21, 2016 [July 16, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於July 16, 2019). 
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 Taylor, Marisa. Immigration judges face increased scrutiny. McClatchyDC. June 28, 2006 [August 23, 2020]. 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 17.2 Tebo, Margaret Graham. Asylum Ordeals. ABA Journal. November 24, 2006 [August 23, 2020]. 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Barry, Maryanne Trump. Abou CHAM, Petitioner v. ATTORNEY GENERAL OF the UNITED STATES, Respondent. FindLaw. April 28, 2006 [August 23, 2020]. 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 Simmons, William Paul. Human Rights Law and the Marginalized Other. Cambridge University Press. 26 September 2011: 173–176. ISBN 9781139503266. 
  20. ^ Mannion, Cara. 3rd Circ. Judge, Trump's Sister, Stops Hearing Cases. Law360. February 3, 2017 [November 4, 2017]. (原始內容存檔於November 4, 2017). 
  21. ^ Hartfield, Elizabeth; Orden, Erica. A financial disclosure from Donald Trump's sister led to The New York Times report on his taxes. CNN. October 3, 2018. (原始內容存檔於October 4, 2018). In 2017, she became an inactive judge. 
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 22.2 Buettner, Russ; Craig, Susanne. Retiring as a Judge, Trump's Sister Ends Court Inquiry Into Her Role in Tax Dodges. The New York Times (New York City: New York Times Company). April 10, 2019 [April 11, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於April 11, 2019). 
  23. ^ Gambardello, Joseph A. Trump's sister retires as federal judge in Philadelphia amid reported probe of family finances. philly.com. April 13, 2019 [April 13, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於April 13, 2019) (美國英語). 
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 Barstow, David; Craig, Susanne; Buettner, Russ. Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father. The New York Times. October 2, 2018 [October 5, 2018]. (原始內容存檔於May 26, 2019). 
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 25.2 Smith, Allan. New York Times reveals that its bombshell story on Trump's wealth was made possible by a document his sister submitted to the Senate years ago. Business Insider. October 3, 2018 [October 5, 2018]. (原始內容存檔於October 5, 2018). 
  26. ^ 26.0 26.1 Buettner, Russ; Craig, Susanne. As the Trumps Dodged Taxes, Their Tenants Paid a Price. The New York Times. December 15, 2018 [December 15, 2018]. (原始內容存檔於May 24, 2019). 
  27. ^ Borak, Donna; Tatum, Sophie. New York Times investigation: Trump helped his parents evade taxes, 'including instances of outright fraud'. CNN. October 3, 2018 [December 15, 2018]. (原始內容存檔於May 10, 2019). 
  28. ^ Kelly Mena; Jeremy Diamond; Kevin Bohn. Trump's sister bitterly criticizes him in conversations secretly recorded by her niece Mary Trump. CNN. Aug 23, 2020. 
  29. ^ Donald Trump's Sister Maryanne Trump Barry Leaked Audio Transcript. Rev Transcript Library. 
  30. ^ 30.0 30.1 Foster, Alice. Judge Maryanne Trump Barry in Pictures: Donald Trump's Sister Celebrates 80th Birthday. Daily Express (London, England: Express Newspapers). April 5, 2017 [November 4, 2017]. (原始內容存檔於November 4, 2017). 
  31. ^ John Barry, 60, Trial and Appellate Lawyer. The New York Times (New York City: New York Times Company). April 18, 2000 [November 4, 2017]. (原始內容存檔於November 11, 2016). 
  32. ^ Engagements: Lisa Aitken, David Desmond. New York Times (New York City: New York Times Company). May 31, 1992 [November 4, 2017]. (原始內容存檔於November 11, 2016). 
  33. ^ Roy, Eleanor. Donald Trump's Sister Gives $4 Million to Fairfield University. Palm Beach Daily News (Palm Beach, Florida: Cox Enterprises). October 9, 2016 [12 September 2017]. (原始內容存檔於November 4, 2017). 
  34. ^ Cipollaro, Susan. Honorable Maryanne Trump Barry Donates $4M in Honor of Rev. Jeffrey P. von Arx, S.J., President of Fairfield University (新聞稿). Fairfield, Connecticut: Fairfield University. September 14, 2016 [November 4, 2017]. (原始內容存檔於August 20, 2017). 


Henry Curtis Meanor
Judge of the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey
Joel A. Pisano
H. Lee Sarokin
Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
Patty Shwartz